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Questions 36-40

Read the passage about penguins carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Penguins are unique birds because they cannot fly. They also spend most of their lives
in the water although they can hold their breath for only a couple of minutes. Their
wings are shaped like paddles and their feet are webbed. These make them excellent
swimmers and allow them to fly underwater.

Penguins feathers are shiny and waterproof. Their black and white colouring
protects them against enemies such as sharks, leopard seals and killer whales. Each
year, penguins drop their old feathers and grow new ones.

Penguins eat seafood such as fish, squid and krill. They catch food with their
beaks and swallow it whole while swimming. They have a spiny tongue and powerful
jaws to grip their prey.

Penguin mothers lay one or two eggs in a nest. The penguin mother and father
take turns taking care of the eggs.

36. Which of the following helps 39. What would happen if

penguins to be good swimmers?
A Their powerful jaws
B Their shiny feathers
C Their paddle-like wings
D Their black and white colouring
37. Which of the following is not true?
A Penguins can fly.
B Penguins feathers are waterproof.
C Penguins swallow their food whole.
D Penguin mothers lay one or two

38. From the passage, we know that

penguins (analysis)
A do not take care of their eggs
B change their feathers every year
C catch food with their spiny tongue
D can breathe underwater for a long

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