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Step outline for film opening of Case 39

Genre: Horror
Description of Timings Mise-en- Sound Camerawo Editing Typography
action scene rk
The black screen 00:00:00 Paramount A wind like Fades down from Script
fades downwards to 00:00:19 Pictures ident sound begins to black screen
show the Paramount play.
Pictures ident. Non-diegetic
sound of crickets
starts to play
towards the end
of the clip.
The ident fades to 00:00:20 House, road Sound bridge, Long shot of Straight cut
black and then it is a 00:00:28 and trees. sound also the house.
straight cut to a long steadily Zooms in on
shot of a house. increases. the house.
Towards the end of the
clip, the lights seen
from the window turn
Straight cut to two 00:00:29 Stairs and Sounds of Close up Straight cut
pair of shoes walking 00:00:33 shoes. footsteps on shot.
up the stairs creaking stairs
Straight cut to black 00:00:34 Darkness. Sinister music Once the Straight cut
door. The door opens, 00:00:37 plays in the door opens
which slowly lets in a background. it is a close
ray of light. Diegetic sound up of a face
A face is revealed of a door
outside of the room. opening.
Straight cut to inside 00:00:38 Bed, light, Sound bridge of High angle Straight cut
the room where as the 00:00:40 pillow, duvet sinister music. shot
door opens to reveal a and teddy.
young girl in bed. The Bear.
light causes her to Key lighting is
wake up used to
suggest the
vulnerability of
the girl.

Straight cut to a close 00:00:41 Bed and Sound bridge of Close up of Straight cut
up of the girl waking 00:00:44 duvet. Low sinister music the girls
up and speaking to key lighting and dialogue face.
the people who
opened the door
Straight cut to a mid- 00:00:45 Darkness and Sound bridge of Mid shot Straight cut
shot of the two people 00:00:48 door sinister music
quickly shutting the plays in the
door. background
Diegetic sound
of door
Straight cut to a close 00:00:49 Blinds and Dialogue and Close up, Straight cut.
up of the back of 00:00:53 boxes ambiance sound panning and
someones neck. It a deep pull
then pans to the
Straight cut to a close 00:00:54 Pen and the Diegetic sound Close up Straight cut
up of a hand picking 00:00:55 wheel of a of pen being
up a pen chair picked up
Straight cut to her 00:00:56 Blinds, lamps Dialogue and Mid shots Match on action
getting back up from 00:01:01 and extras ambiance sound. and shot reverse
picking up the pen. A walking pass The sound of a shot
shot reverse shot is phone ringing
then seen when it and people
shows the women chatting can be
speaking to the heard in the
person in front of her background.
and then cuts to him
Straight cut to a long 00:01:08 Table, chairs, Sound bridge of Long shot Straight cut
shot of people sitting 00:01:13 book, pen and dialogue and
at a table blinds ambiance
Shot reverse shot of 00:01:14 Blinds, lamps Dialogue and Close ups Shot reverse shot
the women and man 00:01:25 and door ambiance
speaking and then to sounds.
the kid sitting silently.
All of the shots were
close ups
Straight cut, which 00:01:26 Lamp and Dialogue and Close up Straight cut and
starts of at the mother 00:01:28 table ambiance panning
and then pans to the sounds.
little boy next to her.
Close up of both the
mother and son
Shot reverse shot of 00:01:29 Lamp, door Dialogue and Close up Short reverse
the conversation with 00:01:43 and blinds ambiance shot
the man and woman, sounds continue
which starts with the throughout these
women and then to three shots
man and goes back to
the women again.
Straight cut to three 00:01:44 Files, Dialogue of the Extreme Straight cut
separate shots of 00:01:48 photographs women on the close up
three different files and paperclip phone and the
being opened slamming and
opening of the
Straight cut to women 00:01:49 Phone and Sound bridge of Extreme Straight cut and
speaking on the 00:01:51 files on a shelf dialogue. close up narrow depth of
phone Diegetic sound field on the
of the person women
replying on the
other end of the
phone can be
Straight cut to a mid- 00:01:52 Phone, Sound bridge of Mid shot Straight cut
shot of the women 00:01:54 photographs, dialogue and
speaking on the chair, calendar background
phone from a different and jacket office noise
Straight cut to a high 00:01:55- Desk, Sound bridge of High angle Straight cut of a
angle shot of women 00:01:56 computer, dialogue shot high angle shot
getting out of her chair and lots continues of women getting
chair of office out of her chair
equipment taken from
behind her.
Straight cut to a close 00:01:57 Files Sound bridge of Close up Straight cut
up of a hand going 00:01:59 dialogue
through files continues

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