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The following sentences come from Section 2: Specific area of research of

the Dissertation Proposal form. They offer details on the proposed methods.

The proposal should be written in an academic, detached style. What

corrections would you suggest?

I have chosen to conduct primary research in order to answer my research question.


After a consultation with GlaxoSmithKline I hope to carry out a series of interviews on

learning and development with the employees in the organisation. I plan to visit once
and carry out the rest of the interviews over Skype. I have chosen interviewing in an
attempt to get the most truthful and well thought-out answers. The interviews will be
semi-structured, and I will transcribe them and add them to my appendix.




TASK 2: The following sentences address the issue of ethics in the

Dissertation Proposal.

What corrections would you suggest?

My research will follow the Universitys Ethical Policies by ensuring that correct
consent forms are signed and approved before I begin collecting any data.



I do not have the consent to interview the employees of XXX company yet, but I have
already contacted the manager and it seems there should be no problem about it.


I will store the data securely and I will anonymise it.


TASK 3: Extract from Section 2: Specific area of research of the Dissertation


Explain why it is important to look at this topic in todays business world i.e.
justify the importance of your topic.

What would you correct below?

I believe my topic is really important because privatisation is getting more and more common
in the present economic climate. In the past decade we have seen that there has been a quick
increase in the number of state-owned companies failing to make profits. Clearly, this must
have a big effect on how companies plan to get by in the economic crisis.

In this research I will talk about the importance of managing big change in a Nigerian context.
I will try to find out how political and legal constraints in Nigeria differ from those in the West.
This research will let you know how change is managed in this context.







TASK 4: Highlight the language used by student B which replaces the personal pronoun
I and other underlined language expressions used by student A.

So, according to Hofstede (2001) and his dimensions of cultural influence the US got a low
score on the measure of Power Distance, which I think means that American culture hates
uneven distribution of power and wants all men as equal (which is kind of similar to the
American Declaration of Independence). The US also got a low score on Time Orientation,
which must mean that the people there like change and quickly jump on new ideas rather
than sticking to old ways. But the US got a big score on Masculinity vs Femininity, which, I
know for a fact, is linked to the traditional American respect for competition and ambition.
What doesnt surprise me at all though is that the US got a big score in the measure of
Individualism vs Collectivism which is definitely linked to what people there believe in so
much which is individual freedoms and independence which is a really important part
of American culture since the war of independence.


With regards to dimensions of cultural influence (Hofstede, 2001), the United States obtains a
low score on the measure of Power Distance, which may suggest that American culture is
generally intolerant of uneven distributions of power and prefers to see all men as equal (as is
laid out in the American Declaration of Independence). It also scores low on Time Orientation,
which seems to be consistent with the US societys ability to embrace change and adapt to
new ideas rather than follow more traditional approaches. However, it scores quite highly on
Masculinity vs Femininity, which is perhaps a reflection of the traditional American respect for
competition and ambition. Unsurprisingly, it scores very highly in the measure of
Individualism vs Collectivism, a reflection of the deeply held belief in individual freedoms and
independence which has been a mainstay of American culture since the war of independence.

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