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IN EXCELSIS GLORIA. Allegretto, Weush AR, ~~ 1. Not in halls of reg-al splendor, Not to princes of the earth, Did the her 2. Not by world-ly wealth or wisdom, Not by power of law or sword, But by ser- 3. Bid the new-born Monarch welcome; Pay him homage, ev - ry heart! Hal -le~ lu- an-gels ren-der ‘Tid-ings of His birth, Not to statesman, priest, or — sage, to win freedom, Ser-vice of the Lord, Born to pov-er - ty and pain, let His kingdom Come and never de - Jus- tice hath on Mer - cy smiled, “o. - im 4 the poor man’s heritage! In excel - sis glo - men from death’s domain, In excel -sis glo - ri - a! Emmanuel, wondrous Child. Inexcel -sis glo - si - af we i ‘They proclaimed the golden age ’Tw. Born to die and thus to reign, Fret God and men are recon - ciled ‘Thro’ o For on shepherds low - ly In ex-cel - sis Lo! from earth as Heaven Praise shall aye be giv-en: In ex-cel Blend we then our voices, Earth with Heaven rejoic - es, In ex-cel - sis, | ~ e War and blood-shed cease,

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