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Tutor: Francisco Jose Lemus Flores (18104)

Tutees name: Luz De Fatima Diaz Flores (18132)

Juan Pablo Arcesio Ramirez Aviles (17230)
Meeting place: Smith Falk
Both were on time
Date: 19/2/17
Time: 5:00pm
Objective: Spelling and Vocabulary

On our reunion this week, Juan, Luz and I were going to discuss again,
about what the teacher told them about their last essay. Nevertheless,
the teacher did not gave them back their essay. So I decides two other
activities, which I found very important for them to improve their English.

I told them to try to remember some words that they have written on their
essays that were difficult for them to write or if it was difficult for them to
knew, where they go when they write their essay. After they remember
some of these words, Luz remembered 8 words and Juan remembered 9
words. We look for their tenses if they were verbs; we looked for
examples of how to use them if they were adjectives, adverbs, pronouns.
I explained them in how they should use some verb tenses, because
they were not clear-cut on how to use them. Then with those same words
I made them a little quiz, to see if they could write those words correctly
and they did. I even ask them some tenses that I taught them on Sunday
and they spelled them correctly, too. So they got a 100 on my quiz.

It was a fun, we laugh and learned new things. And they were really
interested on learning vocabulary and spelling and they also theach me
knew things in every meeting.

I will be doing them pop quizzes about grammar or examples on how to

use some words. So that in the future when they had to write a knew
essay they do not found it complicated.

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