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Gallardo 1

Jose Gallardo

Ms. Murray

U.S History-Period 4

5 October 2016

Democratic Ideals in Action

The purpose of the project was to find ideals that are being presently shown in our world.

The ideals would define a current event as well as an illustration to show the event. I thought the

project would be really easy, but there was a lot of confusion. My thought toward the due date of

the project I wont finish the project in time, but I did with group effort. A goal for the project

was to decide on what events to use in the project. Another goal was to fit the events with the

most correspondence to the event.

I decided to work on the project a little at home after in class time was no longer given.

First, my group decided to find current events. Second, we titled the PowerPoint with the ideals.

Then we added a picture of the event with information. Lastly, we made the PowerPoint creative.

From the topic I learned that the ideals are still shown today. I learned that I can see the

ideals being used everywhere. My group and I exceled in creativity and neatness. My group and I

need more improvement in time management. Next time I would work on the project earlier so

the project can be improved further. The fact that the project was completed under time

constraints, but was produced excellently made me proud of myself. Completing the project

before the due date made me disappointed in myself.

Gallardo 2

I recognized and weighed perspectives as I researched current Opportunity ideals. I know

that refugees being given the opportunity to find refuge in the U.S. matters in todays society

because people in need should not be shunned, but helped. I communicated ideas in different

ways, I recognize some reasons as to why people would vote for Donald Trump or Hillary

Clinton. Also, I recognize why Colin Kaepernick would kneel for the National Anthem which is

to raise an awareness of the treatment of African Americans.

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