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Przypity przez twrc Sargon of Akkad

Joey Lines1 dzie temu

00:55 - Indoctrination of your kids 19:01 - Encouraging authors to self-censor 2
2:55 - Prison abolitionist having second thoughts 27:10 - The press is delusiona
l 37:46 - Michael Moore is at it again 44:41 - "The Dalai Lama is oppressing me!
!!" - Students at the University of California 51:39 - Merkel wants more refugee
s 57:55 - It's the trucks who are the terrorists, not Islam 1:01:39 - Block Brex
it at any cost 1:03:29 - Block Brexit at any cost pt2 1:04:57 - Jeremy Corbyn is
a traitor for not blocking Brexit at any cost 1:07:03 - Emma Watson = out of to
uch cunt 1:11:55 - It's time to give up on facts 1:24:25 - Writer with integrity
... maybe?

Miki Plimenenth1 godzin temu

+ Fucktard Fagtroll. Jonathan Haidt and colleagues have already put in the hard
graft to devise a metric for American colleges. It's based on a 'Truth vs Justic
e' concept, with each college getting a score based on the courses they offer. S
o prospective students can make informed decisions about whether they will learn
about the Truth or Subjective Bullshit. Then the market can dictate. Furthermor
e, future employers will be able to check too.?

Ian Rogers1 godzin temu

You're doing God's work, son.?

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