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sin embargo: however, nevertheless

aunque: although, though
a pesar de: despite, in spite of
aun asi: still, yet, even so
al contrario: on the contrary, in contrast
al contrario que: in contrast to, contrary to
por un lado... por otro...: on the one hand... on the other hand...
mientras que: whereas, while
puesto que: as, since
a causa de: because of, on account of
debido a: due to, owing to
debido a que: due to the fact that, owing to the fact that
por esta/esa razn: for this/that reason, thats why
para: in order to, so as to
de modo que: in order that, so that
por lo tanto: so, therefore (+ formal)
en consecuencia: consequently, as a consequence, as a result
adems: as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, on top of that,
whats more
por ejemplo: e.g. (exempli gratia), for example, for instance
(tal) como (por ejemplo): such as
excepto: apart from, except for
para empezar: first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin with, to start with
en segundo lugar: second, secondly, in the second place, then
en tercer lugar: third, thirdly, after that
a continuacin: the next stage
finalmente: finally, in conclusion, lastly, last but not least
a primera vista: at first sight
antes que nada: first of all
en un momento dado: eventually
a pesar de todo: all the same
en definitiva, en trminos generales: all in all
en realidad: actually, really
de hecho: as a matter of fact, in fact
por lo que a m respecta: as far as I am concerned
desde mi punto de vista: from my point of view
en mi opinin: in my (honest) opinion, IMHO (Internet slang)
segn lo veo: in my view
para ser sincero: to be honest
a decir verdad: to tell (you) the truth
es decir: i.e. (id est), namely, that is (to say)
en otras palabras: in other words
en resumen: in short
sobre todo: above all, mainly
al menos: at least
bsicamente: basically
claramente, seguramente: definitely
especialmente: Especially (mucho ms comn) vs Specially (indica
esencialmente: essentially
en particular: in particular, Specially
ms o menos: give or take (informal), more or less
en general: all in all, altogether, at large, on the whole
hasta cierto punto: to some extent, to a certain extent, up to a point
etctera: et cetera, and so on
despus de todo: after all
de repente: all of a sudden, suddenly
al final: at the end (de un suceso), in the end (indicando resultado)
mientras tanto: in the meantime, meanwhile
then: entonces, despus

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