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Self Esteem 2/7/17

1. Grade: 4th and 5th grade

Time: 20 minutes

Number of Students: 7-8

2. Materials Needed:

a. Whiteboard

b. Lined paper

c. White paper

d. Markers/ crayons

3. Goals/Rationale:

Goals: For students to understand how to accept themselves and have

positive thoughts in regards to their strengths and weaknesses

4. Objective:

After completing this lesson, students will understand what self-esteem

is and their own self worth

5. Standards:

a. SE1.4. Self-Acceptance

i. Though students are committed to continuous self-

improvement, they are sufficiently comfortable being

themselves to resist peer or other external pressure to

change into someone they are not and dont want to be

6. Developmental Prerequisites:

a. Students will know positive adjectives

7. Presentation
a. Discuss what self-confidence/ self-esteem are

b. Have students come up with their strengths and weaknesses as a


c. Each child will then come up with their own strengths and


d. Play Self-esteem video

e. Have students draw a self-portrait and list their strengths,

interests, and positive thoughts about themselves around it

f. Play Kid President pep talk video

8. Differentiation:

a. Derrick, Bryce, Tucker, Elanzo, and Luis: write 20 stengths

b. Gavin: Write 7 strengths

c. Blake: Write 5 strengths

9. Assessment:

a. Informal assessment:

i. Observation throughout class

10. Closing Statement:

a. What are we good at?

b. What are our struggles?

c. How can we improve our struggles?

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