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Harvie 1

John Harvie

Professor Name

ILS Class 6

31 January 2015

Writing for Credit

Strunk and White offer the following: Each sentence is a combination of two statements

which might have been made independently (Strunk 11).

Similar in principle to the enclosing of parenthetic expressions between commas is

the setting off by commas of phrases or dependent clauses preceding or following

the main clause of a sentence. The sentences quoted in this section and under

Rules 4, 5, 6, 7,16, and 18 should afford sufficient guidance.

If a parenthetic expression is preceded by a conjunction, place the first comma

before the conjunction, not after it. (Strunk 12)

The first item of preparing a MLA formatted document is to set the margins. They should

be 1 inch left right and bottom with inch for the top margin to facilitate the numerical

identifier. The second item is to double-space the document throughout (Harvie).

Work Cited

Harvie, John. How to use MLA. Winnipeg: International College of Manitoba. 21 January, 2015.


Strunk Jr., William, and E B. White. The Elements of Style. Fourth ed. Needham Heights:

Allyn & Bacon, 2000. 1-95. Print.

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