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Nr Spam DU Ae SPECIAL: KNIFE: LAST YEARS OF Thelitalianmsehaahat GUICHIN FUNAKOSHI (Combatiwithibladed OL ANNIVERSARY CEP CTE z OTS PIP SEM SCHILT: Ther Kale King FOF ED PARKER'S KE ard “HUK” Pla THE LINEAG Fick ED PARKER'S KENPO Richard “Huk”" Planas REF: + DVD/PLANA1 Pee ne als Deuisen PRICE: $39,95 PLUS S&H The Great Master Richard Planas “Huk”, -Belt Black 10" grade and one of the world wide top exponents of Kenpo Karate- starts with this first volume, a series of videotapes, full of teachings and key aspects to evolve in this system. As Ed Parker used to say: "The one who knows how, he will always be a student; but the one who knows why, he will transform himself into an instructor”. For Planas, Kenpo it is a set of rules and principles of movements that, you should study and understand with this premise in mind. The Great Master will analyze the most common mistakes and problems that practitioners come up against to, when attempting to understand or to carry out certain techniques. A magnificent videotape from this authentic and living Kenpo legend! Orders to: e-mail: www. PPICIAL WINGISUN Beze de: Wa 23° and 24t" of June - WT Course with: Gran Master 5 Ait ped Sifu Victor Guiafee ¢ Instructor's training in Paris, France For more information: contact Alain at phone number: (0034) 676 66 80 78 Sa AANA FLO) cory www.WT COMBANBGeN | THE HIDDEN AND ERIGHT REVERSE OF IVARTIAL ARTS "Some day at any where, in any pace, untaiingly you wil find yours ‘and that hour, only that one, may be the happrestor the moat Bitter of your hour” © cause pain on othe people {he visible goal of Martial Practices, Novmatter Now you put, we, martial srt learn row to hur others to manage violence, and to dominate others by using Strength: Ao them are sls that proce aig amount of feet and dstst among the ly poop. Therefore ve dont have to be surprised by some attkudes and ideologies ou soles, which are trmly Oppose t the Mortal As. thas away Deen Ie that among warrors as wanted during wibutavons #3 hated and feared thing peace Nevertheless, Martial Ats possess ts ccureepnt nS Cr (everse, on Tey we Krom the very begining of times he Bigger the face, the bigger the reverse" thats the way the Unversal Law States ithe baht reverse of pain fs the Healing, and tis one comes in Martial ts in two ays: First towards onesell and Inter on towards te others ‘The own nature ofthe AMS of Wars is based in stengthening ts practNioners, lines 5 “intrmias” 0 (oy, 4 ace fame, and the dscipinaty As have 3s art outcome for those vino practice thom: fms sola and consistency, they are all synonyms ofthe same thing Beaces, once one has sured te etects Of ones pain, one empathize much mere with someone else's pain, and that Tor Sure, tis aways Ue fest essai step to dea wh “The frst warriors were shamans individuals special gtd fr observation, wath strong will and 2 high level seit onl These wires normally develop from the. original "wound ol the practioner, the same wound that urges Fim to search help tor tamsel. Given tot noone. volunteers tor the path of fooiedge, every sngle one ol us made consciously or unoomscously, touched by 2 elicieney @ Jeep pain, an boundless need, which we found one way or the ater’ and tanks to these practices, the necessary thing to start walking In the Gecton of cur healing. in our tradon the archetypal example or ths prince fs found reece inthe Cemaue Quon myth. Since childhood Quiron sles the election of his Mother find of his father Cronos (Satur). Halt beast, half human, he represents as nobody else, the struggle between the Inslinct and the conscious mind. In act, he found his way through Apolo's hand, pure lagas", who not only adopted him, but inated him in the sciences of knowledge, Thus Quiron became the renowned educator of warriors and healers, by instructing the in music, at, hunting, and healing. He was @ tutor for Hercules tutor ‘and (oF heroes such as Aquiles, ASClpio. Teseo, Jason, Arste0 oF Acteon, Hurt By a poisoned arrow, but not being able to ale {Sue tos immoral nature, Quiron became ‘an export healer. In the atiempt of heating himsell, he learned more than anybody about ihe arts of healing. He finally ‘manages to end his pain by granting Nie Immoralty to Prometeo. And he made it bby going down to the Hades on his behal. I this way he turned himselt into the Quintessence of the healer and in some ‘way into 2 “savior” a precedent of Chast: Sage giving up on is Me not only he teed hhimseit of his pain, he also did it for Prometeo, chenging te destiny of both. 'AS | alfeady wrote years ago, the Mortal ‘Aits are very much prometeo like, The ‘Marial road fs on way to knowledge, and {hs 15 analogous to the light, Every day wo {rain we steal some fire (rom gods to illuminate our road and to make It more {tee and independent to the divine whims, Prometeo and Quiron are two examples ff the same strength; they both share the ‘unequivocal desire to protect life and conscience, but they know from thelr owt experience that this @ way that includes ‘pain and ft goes through pain. We, Martial ‘Ariss struggle wit our nseries waning in formulas that afore causing pain to other, ‘causes pain to ourselves. ‘The frst price we pay with pain is the siifiness, but taining brings around many ;ainful Stvations: several types of injuries, Shocks, and diverse twists, and varied pains of the soul fear, anger, shame, et. {hat must be overcome. However, taining liberates us trom internal stains and let us clean our body, emotion and mind. The body sweats is bad moods: ematons are liberated trough sereaming and moving of ‘body blacked areas: knats that anguish the Spit are broken, while mind i simply healed by being emptied ofall imterterence, when being centered here and now. ‘PABLO NERUDA ‘Something opposite to other physical practices, in Martial ts is determined by hecessity. In martial traning, as | have ‘een in some gyms, is not possible to be Funing an a treadmill while watching television. Martial Arts are integrating practices that require all our energy and fatiention (whieh infact, they are the samme thing). among many other reasons ‘because once you get disiracted they G0 ‘and give you a slap. There ts nat bewer and effective formula to persuade the ‘always elusive mind Paradoxically inthe first part of tearing, at the same time we learn to damage ‘thors, wre start healing ourselves. in ceal a symbolic way, through this process of growth, the two” opposed and Complementary spirals (damaging other ‘and healing oneself should meet ata Certain point: in my opinion, this point fs symbolized by the lack Belt. When Conquering a “piece of darkness” we are able to partially preserve ourselves from ‘hem. Starting from this point. both forces are even more intertwined Dut and eventually one starts teaching otters Now {o heal themselves, There are not few Teachers who have gone further to specialize de facto in healing Ans. My Osteopath, and however end Francisco ‘Suarez, Karateka and Thal Chi student is @ living example of, but Tam sure, you all know similar many cases, vibe the Martial aftst ends up transformed into healer. This month, Evan Pantazi has filmed an Ieresting piece, focused on the points of pleasure, instead of those of pain. In all Eases, the great founders of Martial Systems cary in thelr own biography, the print of a deep pain and even illness Syereome throughout their lives that Inspired tee oem path. Some, tke is my cate, if we teach disciplinary Arts, we always make it mote focused on this aspect ofthe path than in any other one: an foflentation that has gone more and more feating up the land of our restlessness, In ‘my opinion: damaging is apparentiy as 2a5y 35 healing isso dificult. We return his ‘way on our steps. to shaman’s traition, Where the image of a "wounded healer” ‘and the one of a "healing wari”, were the ‘very sare thing, ita wide sense, healing certainly requites 9 hotstic focus. As the complex Alfredo Tucci, Managing Director of BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. ‘e-mail: Unit that we all are, the particular o° technical visions of all healing process have to go above the elimination of ‘syimptoms that arse as indication of an existing imbalance, Health is an active, assertive, and positive state of the conscience of being and of the atmosphere where t exists. In Japanese, health is written with "kanjs” that formerly meant "man and earth, not two" From this pint of view health includes the concept of integration with the ‘almosphere as well a with the fluency of the forces of me and the whole interacting in harmony In this context, iC 1S to understand Ueshiba when he says: "Harmonious Ki Ties in the agreement with the nature prineipies; the frst principle Is to take the things inside through the Ki of the a5 counterpart of war. his twin sister ‘2 guide to go further on, in anding the gfeat universal paradox and since everything is seen in its opposed one, iis hardly surprising ssibly the only way to enter tue infront of Eros, fool ate dual ferile attempt of imposing desin 3 ideologies within the game cof universal forces. in words of O'Sense “Aikido is the Supreme path and a call to join our body and spirit ws oF Universe, ior road in Martial Ats ends up, sooner or late, ‘going by its bright counterpart or definitively Taling as a nce in these times, where the external and visible ly a way to intemal growth, and that behind the us bumps, there Is certain a inner way, a Way of oto the ‘Scrutinzing Ia detail the whole picture of Martial paths, you will ind in the practitioners, ike in the myth of our lay patron Quikcn saint, the deep prints of an open wound Even for those hostile to give meaning to this aspect of Martial Acts they admit in private the Tel the absence. the deep pain, the indelible mark of their les that guide them to stait this way. Those abrupt fighters, those from whom ‘you would never expect such a conession, they also hide it To only look at the disciplinary Arts as a influence space Of Eris is as stupid as doing the apposite, {AC the end, all Martial paths, especially as much evolved ‘a8 it 5, i wil include in ther educational baggage: the ‘understanding of one’s healing techniques as well as the ‘other peoples ones. itis the time for ts, Martial Artists to do it this way. And so far, if it has been a mainly “automate process, let us put it in “manual” to begin to be able to Impact in a conscious way in this natural direction o growth, The Tuture of Martial Arts goes through thi transformation; the one who doesn't want to see a. he will walk against the forces and that, my fends; tis always the ‘worst of the strategies, | Good tealth to all! ok Planes' ie! pleads ha i) eiaeconil td carane {elo the fom faba By Pr tus jing the tee ete enfassung AS nantes MITT re SuMArlO. Een ree ced See ee ee ee ceed Rear aie Erevan beret net tai oe ace Re pac Feed Tee en cee Rm inner nr aye nt Ee ener CGrazano Garant trless investigator ot tne past back wn his group of "rnd Gentiemon” ofthe "fvolsoteriag ws he ‘aml knowlege sn ha tps ch ay ou, To hasan radon of Sitzeut ve geatrons cst, wen tho Soldiers use the Arts of combat 10 the Batverelds worldwide. Tne effective and Surprising states, trapped in se Rava OY tro paras Eutopsan classe Yadton. 30 1 loston of cur mrt stor. an 2 $ amo te the ue sl. Setense ny 2 fimo ‘ton rs ere way od ah ‘newessaty 10 W104. to he, A Noa forte ‘drs pat of a wasn p14 on nvr toi Memb to) (ital Shon onde pata ced er Saat Pace oe Manicoltre m8 son) votars =| tinatd Cctogon be Beate te See he ten) wage cra BY Secon ian AD | vecoming 2 racort man mY nicer or tos ithe tory or Mb EE ie enisered Ipesrtane ihr she PEO" Yorsicg inp toga oper ai 1307, oye ee nie ea a ct tei ames ot by } L ‘ or es oes tian te sera Hota aes ei es eats Kerth sat ( yD | Remit re Jute. 3 henpotat ina faonoment of the et Siar hoc! | grave of. ie Finakiany Kone Tipe rcs x Lins i tee an aero 2 kt gh 97 ot pro ba nvegatoncoil Soeberstr Sout ‘ens kn fo fe te cere pce Gichn funahosh 1 Snows 10 Ee Belk Measraediin, in boetsne ean > Sumario. ‘Sommeario Ce ee Te ee een em eo ae ee ee Cae eee ne eater nc wrong Caer ese er en meee er cen ence ne Ae re aria ene et rare Cee ee ea eer ee ee ae tee nT as Reena cee aN te a cS NO eae ae mana eee or ee a ea eee emcee et ee ee ae ten ea ne ere aes ECan a ed Cows tame td Ce era eee ecm ~ ED PARKER'S Text Taser Dp a | ae FIGhialret It is the first time that this Great Master and living “| was améund Ed legend of Kenpo visits the studies of Budo International ‘and he even films a video for you Parker and! was Huk Planas is a kind and nice person with a calm inc Mee Lee but sarcasm, itis pleasure to talk with him. Generous in _ <' his chatting, he granted us with an interview in never saw them which he deals with interesting details of Kenpo e OF: cast ‘story and about the Ed P 4 -ogethei delight of Kenpo fans. A mi Ma ab ‘who with all merit occupies not ta ing about A man and a Master who will be Kenpo” SS, with all merits in the front page this month and who also leaves us a magnificent video tape full teaching and keys . something ‘one shouldn't miss! ~~ ot Great Fighters 7* Budo International: How did you start ‘martial arts and how did you get into Kenpo? Richard “Hue Planas: Back in the sities | was working as a musician but one day my fiend and | wore driving around (Fresno, California, where | come from) and we [passed by 2 karate school ware they taught Kengo. My fend decked to try i out But | refused to because I dint want to mess up mmy hands, After some time my ‘end asked mma to go down to the school because he ‘was going to have a graduation. | didn't know where we were heading to, | knew very litle about kareta schools. He took ma {0.8 Kengo school where | sai some friends of mine, who were also musicians, vaining and “There are Budo Inter: What qualities do you think ‘are Important to be a good Kenpo instructor? R.Px: Understanding what Kenpo is, its rules, power principles and mation making ure you use them. I's not magic, it takes a lot of effort to stop somebody in a ight that started inthe fst place, that’s wy it's called soll-defense. You have to finish what you have You have to be a good student before you become a good instructor. llthe people that teach say the same thing: "Your best students are the ones Who wil become th next taachars and the ones that carry the system on" many liars out there that claim to have trained with Mr. Parker. People have seen me with the old man working with him ‘convinced me that my hands were not going to suffer any damage from Kengo. So they leaked me into tan that's how I tare Budo inter: Who were the instructors in this eehool atthe time? Ri main intructors at the time, Budo Inter: When did you frst meet Ed Parker? LP: Every year, Tom and Steve would ‘xganize @ tournament and. would inte Mr Parker, £0 Parker used to hand out "Tom Kelly who was a first degree black belt ane Steve Labaunty who was a ‘Second degree black belt They were the and writing down the system” certicates in promotional dinners and I fest ‘mat him in ong ofthese dinners. Budo Inter: What's Kenpo in a few words? R always say Kenpo is a set of rules and principles of motion. You have to study them and you have to understand why we move tis way oF the other. We, as teachers, vant questions even ifn some school they don't alow questions. Budo Inter: Can you recall any anecdote/episode with Ed Parker or one (of his quotes that you like in particular? R.P: What's useless and what's useful ‘only comes with time, experience and logi Ittakes time fo come toa conclusion on yout ‘own, Wat | tell people is that you're going to change your mind many times: pemaps {you think something ls good and logical but ‘wih tne you may realize you were wrong. Budo Inter: Did Bruce Lee have any Influence on Ed Parker and therefore on Kenpo? Pz | can only presume, and | thik so. ‘Tne old man talked with Bruce and | see that www. Dor ga “The main problems in Kenpo, | think, are qualified instructors. There are many people teaching or that were forced into it or that have been put in that situation and really they don’t know enough about Kenpo and they just teach what they are told to. It happens worldwide” 10 i some of the things Bruce did, we do too. | Was around Ed Parker and | was around Bruce Lae but naver saw them together, at least not taking about Kenpo, Budo Inter: What's the main problem today in Kenpo and what do you think about its future? RIP: The main problems in Kenpo, | think are qualified instructors, There are many people teaching or that were forced into it or that have bean putin. that situation and really AD they IMUM. Kenpo. se 1 a Great Fighters ‘who fs my Kol even tacay an | grew up seeing bhi fighting. When 1 got to Abu Diab sal with ‘he brown bet, I face! Tao Orta. Jel Monson, ‘2d Kan Barkvaov. Allo! them were champions ‘resting and I was the “padi ofthe ever. fe was an unforgenae day er recenng the hand opr from Sheik Tahsoon. Uiboro qave sethe back bet Budo Inter.: ,What changed, once you ‘became an ADCE champion? RA! Fvovyihing charged! From that iomont ‘onwards, stopped being "el paulo” Spanish for "stud. The very same day I reccived two ‘mutations to Nigh Vele-Tudo in Japan. I chose RINGS Because atthe time |'didn have any ‘experience In the rules of Vate-Tudo ana the Tules of RINGS were better ft was forbidden to hit your adversary an the floor). Only after padlefpating in st Vights in his organization, | ‘wen to Pra, Budo Inter: After winning two combats you faced to Fedor, the heaviest current fighter, ‘and you lost in controversial way,. What hhapponod? TRA! The UA, Ici not even kn who I De facing urd Larrved In Japan. Tee cays Delore ‘he cam. receed some movies of Fer Ina {hose moves he knocked down af fis opponents ‘nies than one minute, He was ® mone and ‘uch heave than me! But cuing te combat | ‘amaged to defeat hin by placing him under ‘around eight mes, mounting a couple of tes ‘and catching the back. Summing up throughout the uote fig. he reached me once on the nose twit aright pic nthe rasa bx pat hem uncer {nd | passed the watch, The only way | can Understand the reason of hang ost that Combat |s because whenever he aitepted 9 double fg. hr atacked wih a quilt, but without danget (Cher understoe that acl not ey Wot ce 8 gullosne. That combat winner would hae to face FBuyashi Kohsaka, Immediately afterwards, lsoutig a pace inthe touramnt of King of the Rings. and the Japanese producers wanted 3 Japanese fra for that tourrament. | came out of ihe ight without singe contusion but fe oe wh ‘3 broken nose and a deep cut in the eyeDro. Nobedy had ever made anything similar to him Before: When he came af t0 te ring to face Konsake, but twelve seconds later the referee ‘Stopped the fombat us to te booing woud caused him. (ost Deters the juages, but deep Freie mo, am sur won tat igh Budo Inter. What do yo think about the North Americans fram the UFC buying the Pride? RAR: Il be good fer th ater; thare wi be res that vt Benet all agvetes and a even Dotto entralenent. Deter way prizos. 1k Js postive thou taking nso acer tat, om row on fans rom al over the world wil be Ble 1 kwon wo realy fs the Destin each category. ‘Asin the Boxing. thee wil be unfieation of els teach category Budo Inter: A lot of people are afraid of the North American athletes’ monopoly .. what do you ‘tink? R.A.: | don't have any ‘experience in tghting Vale ‘odo inthe United States. i there is reaty sometning we {ear is that North American monopoly. Their way #0 Understand fight is very ‘erent om the lapses ‘They use it very much as Independensty of wnat cous Inappen. The Japanese love the fish and they respt Culturally Ameticans are tise to make everyting Tor their own benelit For the sport's sake, 1 nope that won't happen, but we Wal have to wat to see Budo Inter: what impression did you think ‘Wanderie's defect against Dan Henderson, alter six years being the owner of the Pride belt? RA: I scenes to me that Dan Henderson had 2 goat patental to vin, but not i that way. hough wouls boa tougher and mero oven Aight. But what I rtnessea (State of Rode Janeiro). fend was a combat dominated from she fist minute tl the end by Dan Henderson. iis 2 ompleely deserved vic’. Hendeson fought 8 letmore he was mete efiegive and he wen Hom fd te dr od fave Fish wth he ges eclsion I wourg have been a 3 10 0 Score. Considering Dan Hondorson wats fighting in is Frome chy, | believe thar he got 8 ery strong snorgy fom the stands. Bosides Wandee as ‘pte the tsk, because Wander’ game is the ost wol-known game of he wer. Such a game ‘doesnt change a al hence, everybody already knows how so ht wt he Budo Inter: You have had a personal probiom with Wandorii in the Pride dressing Fooms. Today, once you have met him twice in combat, Do you thing such a problem is, ‘iready solved?” RA! The ony thing that & solves for mo, is tat rput ny ands an im dogo hi ant ot Interested in boing 5 friend 1 ogs. about hy charactor anc my honor and | don't believe fhe hos that, ne fakes fhe hast but he doesn’ have it. Boing a fighter fs much more than ‘rioting thore and itd the other fighrs. You have to espect other people inside and outske the rng. to respoct Lamy to respect every the person tort of you has aso suffered tobe there and Wandarel makes fun ot Ke attacks ‘verbal Ne makes volt marketing. Tome Ne has 2 bad character; he doosn't deserve bodys respect. My respect. he wi never have Fant dont caren a Wetime he ever greets rm agai, Budo Inter: Regarding tho belt that Henderson holds nowadays, World you rather facing him in combat now or facing Shogun Betore? RAZ I would Hike to have the opportunity to fight for the bok atthe ond of yoar as k always, happens. | have already rough against Dan Henderson once, | wanted to fight against in ‘again ta win him thet be. want to pave that ‘pperunty at the ond of year. It seems to me ‘at Wane remained protected fora lang timo in Japan, Because the tuth is he was net puting tis Bele at stake with athletes roally eapable of waning. | alvays s9id soto him and the day he ran up against me. he lost. He femained lot of me beating Japanese wo ‘ould not beat fam and fe cit ts marketing fn these poor combats. Whionaver he has faced Someone tough, he fs beaten up. | bebeve he ‘was vory much protected bocause re was 3 wall row media person for the event was ar Inpotare person To th Budo Inter: What about Shogun, When Wir you ike to fight wth hin? RA Ion kaw Shogun has the GP pet ‘and by fang hen. I wort wn that be. unless wail be in the next medium weight GP compotion in 2008. This means that Shogun becomes an aleatary combat. just another combat that coud take place an ime, The one ‘a has te el fs Henderson and he may pak Bat stake at the end of the year. At this time Shogur is ust anothos fightr but and ean ight ‘th rim a any tm. Cotobrating the victory on Sakuraba with his team partners, Minotauro; Sperry and Minotouro in the Pride dressing rooms. Showing us his Paradiso; Arona tives a few meters from ltacoatiara beach, in Niterol “DIFESA DA COLTELLO” © knife Defense Nova Scrl Wid ° aaa contra Cuchillo © verteidigung mit dem Messer Graziano Galvani © Defense au Coutean In this DVD focused on all distances NEGRO occ NEGRe crema nod combat, Master Evilazio Feitoza “DIFESA DA COLTSEF EM teaches you the “Winning Path” one in Nova Scrimia which you set the rules: dominating distance, attack forms and the vos ee # vn use of fists, legs, knees and oszuL0 grabs to counterattack. Scr iia We will study stances - for the standing watch, how to maintain | distance, the head and body fencing, standing hip elopement kicking, punching and knee pushing techniques, the “Sproll” and its defense, the defensive entries and falls, the ending techniques and much more! An impeccable technical work that teaches to prepare the physical part, technically and mentally, providing both fighters % and walking citizens a better self control, confidence, and self-esteem. mo Galvani REF.: * DVD/NOVA4 PRICE: $39.95 PLUS S&H Orders to: e-mail: www. ot WWW. ISiUSa. Us, KAPAP: PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVE POSITIONING 1 the last KAPAP article we described the principle of Relative Positioning as ‘a combat necessity (We have at times also refered to as “Gyto") To know your Relative Position. now to you Tecate yoursell relative to your enemy's position and status during combat, Is an essential KAPAP principle to masier. It ‘plies whether you are fighting alone oF as @ team, KAPAP Academy has the good fortune of ‘working with Professor John Machado an Fis contepis of postioning, Whan you study the art of 8) with the Machaco brothers, they fist teach you "postions" belore they teach you how to end a fight. Its very Important to learn this way. f you don't fst {go into a good position i's very ha to ens the fight. From 3 good position you move in the mast efficnt snc! effective wy Irom one technique to anther As you adjust postion felative to the enemy you feel for the ‘appropriate end iit isnt a choke, t's an arm bar or something as effective, Relative Positioning is unique to KAPAP ‘and John Machado 6) Academies. We've been involved with John for several years Joli and the Machado family have been part ‘of a program to enhance defensive tactics training for law enforcement in the USA. ‘We've collaborated to bring together new ideas based on our mutual expertise and experience. Using the principle of Relative Positioning, we've improved arrest ana contol tactics. Wwe demonstrate them in our hnew DVD set, with an example here as follows, AS two police offices approach a suspect. ‘one officer isthe ‘contact mar ‘He reports to the station, talks with and instructs the suspect's movements, takes ‘dentication, handealls and Searches, reads his rights and so forth “The other officer is the "cover man’. His (ONLY jab is to cover the "contact man He ensures the "contact man’ is sale and cannot be attacked by anyone outside te fst cle of defense or the suspect, The "cover man" covers the suspect with his gun if ‘eeded. an! he stands a sae distance away. Using his Relative Position to provide cover for the "contact man’, he can neutralize the situation if something gets out of hand freeing the “contact maf te perform his uy vith improved safety The "cover man” consistently adjusts his Relative Postion so that he has a clear shot athe suspact and wil not shoot the “contact [AS you can Seo, KAPAP uses Rolative Positioning in all areas, including what knowin 2s “colensivataclies” tactics Used by law enforcemant Du to ability and legal Issues, lav enforcement must follow rules {governing the amount of force usad, so it's Important to tain to use the correct eval of Wien by Avi Nardia, Albert Timen Uri Katte, Scot Kopop Academy staff wn lapapscadenyeom and Dana Stamos "xi ted com «« KAPAP KRAYV Panim El Panim force. Miltary or civilian COB is NOT the ‘same as lai enforcement in that different ‘les apply. Relative Positioning helps in all ‘cases to est choose the "Tish that is mast ‘appropriate for your sition and thus apply ‘he appropriate force. [Caution: we've seen military people market a8 “official mstructors” for law ‘enforcement "defensive tacties® training ‘without understanding the basics of what “defensive tactics” means to law enforcement} COB. i's common to apply one method for technique and find it doesh't work. AS {Your KAPAP studies advance, youl begin to ‘ee how the opponent can counter you and hhow you can counter his courter In KAPAP, swe use the big game of the “Moon anc tho Sun’ where you are the “Earth” detecting and adjusting to the movements of the bodies around you. Relative Positioning ‘exercises help you learn how to apply the appropriate systems: to think faster and counter Detter. AS you Become more ‘experienced you preciet what can happen before it happens, and you adapt. Your reflexes improve. Relative Positioning, the ‘Moon andthe Sun practice, heips you tear to move with your opponent and apply the next appropriate technique or finish. You seek automatic responsiveness... without tMought..because in COB you don't nave time to think only time to use your reflexes, 'As you advance with KAPAP Relative Positioning training. you can add mare complexity by increasing the number of ‘ppenenis you tace You can study how to approach them, changing your position relative to their positon. "Youu can aso study the use of sill. by using one of them as your shel i that i what makes the most sense.” You can study the use of covers, and so forth. The most itficutt stations are when you are one-on ‘one. or when you face multiple attackers By Yyoursel We demonstrate these and other Relative Positioning concepts in our new DvD set ‘Once your KAPAP Relative Positioning is {900d your fighting wil become sue that you can dominate the enemy ai ofthe time! Positioning, we've improved arrest and control tactics. We demonstrate them in our new DVD set, 2 ; “Using the principle of Relative with an example here as follows” Major Avi Nareia ® Tim Tackett NOTES FROM THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT GROUP BROKEN RYHTHM ne of the things that we stress in our Wednesday Night classes is broken mythm. Bruce Lee made sure that all of his students train ‘with broken rhythm rather than taining ina steady beat. Training in ‘steady type of beat seems to be the natural way we all train. Go into almost any martial art school and you will see the students there hitting and kicking in a steady beat, It usually goes something like this, 1,2, 3 punch and 1, 2, 3 punch, in our classes we have to constantly remind our ‘students to break thelr rhythm, Bruce Lee didn’ lke to See his students hit with a steady beat as the punches become too predictable ‘Wo can detine miythm as “patternized boat”, In combat you can either go with your opponent's rhythm oF impose your rhythm on him by going siow-fast or fast-siow. We try to make Sure that all Our taining isin broken rhythm, When hiting the focus gloves, or example, we always try tohave a different beat between the punches. ‘We also spend a fot of time on breaking our opponent's attacking thythm, We call this “hitting on the half beat”. When an opponent strikes he creates an opening and a closing line. The focai point (ull beat) Is between the opening and closing lines. It occurs when the punch either hits, misses or is. dolected. A 1/2 beat occurs before the focal point of an attack. Al & 1/ 2 beat ‘occurs as the attacking line clases. You can break your opponent's rhythm before he his strike reaches full extension or after as he retracts the sinking mb, What this means Is you can counter atack effectively by breaking his rythm by striking on the opering or ‘closing ine ofthe attacking srk, ‘Example: Your opponent hits with a combination of jab to crass to hook. If you counter after the hook, i's on the 3 & 1/2 beat. If you counter alter the cross ison 2 & 172 beat. If you counter after the jab and before the cross can land, it's on the & 1/2 beat. Before the focal point ofthe jab, vs on the 1/2 beat We ty when ever possible to intercept our opponent's attack by counter attacking him on the 1/2 beat. If done with the right timing there fs no counter to it, and it stops the attack cold. What we stive fori to be able to hit our opponent before he has a chance Complete his attack. This is not easy as we have to be able to "read" our opponent's ‘attack and beat him to the punch with enough power to finish the fight. Bice also taught his students to use broken riythm when attacking their opponents. It you strike ina steady tytn itis very easy for your apponert to pick up on it and thus be able to counter it easly. An example of steady rhythm in three punches vould be hit = hit = hit at he same speed. You can break the rythm of your attack by pausing sightly between hits. One example would be hit ~ pause ~ hit ~ hit or hit ~hit- pause — hit. Another way to break the rhythm of your attack is by the speed of your hits. Hitting with a steady rym with regard to speed would be fast ~ fast ~ fast. You can break the rythm by hitting Siow ~ fast = fast, oF fast ~ slow ~ fast for example Rhythm of an attack can also be broken with the use of feints. For example you can by ‘ether hitting with feint - it - hit, or hit = feint- hit. or even fee ~ fein - ht. However you use, it the principle of broken thythm can be applied to any martial art. Bruce Lee made sure that all of his students train with broken rhythm rather than training in a steady beat’ “ ‘Evilario Feitora Brazilian Thal-Baxing . > =)" a AF phe(\i350) po ie ‘Alt: <)p)e) 350): ape! Bie aC ais PRICE: $39.95 ; piusseH = St REF: * DVD/FEITO1 In this DVD focused on all distances combat, Master Evilazio Feitoza teaches you the “Winning Path” one in which you set the rules: dominating distance, attack forms and the use of fists, legs, knees and grabs to counterattack. We will study stances for the standing watch, how to maintain distance, the head and body fencing, standing hip elopement kicking, punching and knee pushing techniques, the “Sproll” and its defense, the defensive entries and falls, the ending techniques and much more! An impeccable technical work that teaches to prepare the physical part, technically and mentally, providing both fighters and walking citizens a better self control, confidence, and self-esteem. Orders to: e-mail: www. ED PARKER'S KENPO Richard “Huk”" Planas REF: + DVD/PLANA1 Pee ne als Deuisen PRICE: $39,95 PLUS S&H The Great Master Richard Planas “Huk”, -Belt Black 10" grade and one of the world wide top exponents of Kenpo Karate- starts with this first volume, a series of videotapes, full of teachings and key aspects to evolve in this system. As Ed Parker used to say: "The one who knows how, he will always be a student; but the one who knows why, he will transform himself into an instructor”. For Planas, Kenpo it is a set of rules and principles of movements that, you should study and understand with this premise in mind. The Great Master will analyze the most common mistakes and problems that practitioners come up against to, when attempting to understand or to carry out certain techniques. A magnificent videotape from this authentic and living Kenpo legend! Orders to: e-mail: www. New Martial Arts DVD’s REF: © DVD/WT13 zg z G @ 6 > a . ie wg c aout betraying the WT pnp, but ecconinroringe en, Sf eer stereos 7 techn ti provi te pop ith uli reac panera on te caret ater of ‘Eppes fetta Fk sia ™ Ia 9 et kt PRICE: Se PLUS S&H é E Q 4 5 a qi 4 ORDERS TO: e-mail: Marco de Gesaris is back: setting differences by wining the Gold Medal in Thailand, during the first forms competition taking place this yer Next to him, the Italian team and their Spar partners (pupils of Master Lek}, who made clear that in matters regarding Muay Thai, Europe is a bit more important each day. De Cesaris, a regular contributor in these pages, not only he has made Muay Boran known in Western world but he has become a reference in this matters, + and it is fair to work, of this ; from the magazine, our most sincere congratulations. The Italian IMBA team: second world country in Muay Boran Inthe course of Muay Boran World Championship, held in ‘Bangkok undar the protection of he newly born World Muay Boren Federation (WME), the alan IMBA team conquered the second position behind Thailand, dominating the categories raging from 15, 1020 years. In the Absolute ones “over 20 years of age", the Italian lasiications speak fer themselves: ' Marco De Cesaris Rome) - Gold Medal in the iniidual fos Look Mia ' Giorgio Comacchia (Rome) - Siver Medal Mee Mal '8 Dino Tuco (avant) - rors Medal Mae Ma BLulg! Quatralo and Mateo Clin’ (Pesaro) ~ Bronze Medal in ‘couples in Mao Ma In Muay Thal WMF, the IMBA instructor Magpie Vallone ‘conquered the Silver Medal in the 60kg catogory, having been {eteated in the final -after a much challenged verdict- by the Russian representative ‘The other IMBA athlete, Giacomo Ghecar, already talian Muay ard Chiok champion, after having won two combats by KO chanoionshio (against Philopines and Japan), was defeate for a narrow margin {three votes against two) by tne Byelorussian World Champion, ‘The winning athletes and the othor courageous participants (Massimo Antonel, Brzio Gregorio, Sergio Donato, and Antonio Scognamigho) deserve al congratulations from the whole team of the Academy. 2 alway, the true soul ofthe demonstration was Grand Master ‘woody, Master Woody inspiring In frst person, ofthe whole word Muay Boran movement, togother with his devoted student's hap Marco De Cesar. Master Woody, Honorary IMBA President, was elected unanimously President of tne Wer Feceration (WMBF) and in tum he chose Vice Afjarn De Cesars as his Vice presigent, with Celegation for coordination of activities in Europe. Also GM Phaosaseath was elected Vice Presidant with delegation for activities in Thalland As Secretary, the English Master Kevin Loyd. As Technical Director, Great Master Sane was elacted. Master Sane ia the finder of ancient martial form, We wil fel you about those in our next aticles. atbictls Sten Jinn Wagner * Sistema Métrico de golpes y bloqueas con los brazos * Das metrische Arm Sthlag- & Block System ‘ Sistema Metrico di colpi e blocchi con le braccia Systéme métrique de coups et blocages avec les bras English Itafiano - Espanol Francais Deutsch PRICE: $39,95 PLUS S&H REF: + DVD/SARG10 With this new work divided in ee deliveries, Jim Wagner supported by a 2 decades experience in the military and police fields, he will help patel reer aer eens lor arate eee ote tes realy work in a combat. tn is fi aan you will discover that there are only 10 primary directions to attack an opponent with the hands, and only 10 possible rections in which your adversery Could attack you with his fists or elbows. These are the primary angles on which the world wide military and police systems are based, because once the time comes, the techniques must be simple and effective. Orders to: e-mail: www. Metric Leg Stri kes & Blocks System ‘© Sistema Métrico de golpes y bloqueos con las piernas Wagner © Sistema Mettico di colpi ¢ blocchi can le gambe © Systéme métrique de coups et blocages avec les jambes H i c Metric Le: re TEL Cay & Blocks System English Italiano Espanol Francais Deutsch If you have ever participated in a real combat, you will know that a certain times, the great performances are not looked for and at the most one is able to kick a couple of times before reaching the fists and knock-out distances. In this second delivery of Jim Wagner's “metric system" we will focus on blows and blockades with legs. As with arms, we will See that there are only 10 primary directions to attack with kicks and pokes and we will know three techniques to block them. Street reality does not require dominating hundred techniques but simple formulae to help us survive. This it the way Jim Wagner's system is, based on the reality, Get to the Point! Advanced Concepts ‘or the past 4 years we have explored the science of Kyusho and many various uses, aspects and targets. But what has not yet been explored is the way in which to open the hnervous system per say, to our intended attacks on the nerve system, These al take place with variance in pressures and pplication of physical contact. In this ‘Segment we willwork with tricking the body into a more vulnerable state so that we Increase the potency as well as the possibltes. The human body has the tendency and natural instinct for self-protection. And nas ‘eveloped several reflexive actions such as ‘wthdrawal, cross body extensor or paralysis foflex. i are these instinctive reflexes that will attempt to cistance the body from the {damaging factor, or tighten and condense for protection aganst heavy force or contac. ‘Withdrawal Refiex for example would be ‘seen when you touch a hot abject, the arm ‘wthoraws uit instant response to pull away {rom the hot object 9 save the body part from severe damage. This reflex is also responsible for the amount of strength and ‘combative contact n a grabbing o* grappling {ype action. When an opponent grabs you. your entire body restricts and attempts to ‘withdraw from the force applied and vil last 2 long as the tack or ut extrome fatigue than relaxes the muscles. ‘Another response wil be what is calles the “cross Extensor Retex™. This fs when the ‘withdrawal reflex on a point is initiated the Body will also automatically extend the ‘opposite body part to help with the ‘wtharawal and Balance the body and further ain avoidance. ‘So by introducing pain into 22 Kyusho point on one fag it wil cause the ‘Same side arm to extend involuntarily to ‘assist inthe pan avoidance by also pushing away fom the soures of the pain ‘Consequently the opposite limbs will act ‘exactly nthe opposite manner. This wil give ‘Us insghis as {0 what will occur and how to ‘eaptalze on this mvotuntay function “Another reflexive occurrence will be Paralyzing the muscles in the area of that nerve and down from that point. This will ‘occur if you effectively stop the neuriogical ‘message prior to gatling to the muscle for contraction, this action will paralyze that ‘muscle distal from the source and it's associated actions. So by striking into a Kyusho point you effectively stop the nerves ‘signal to the muscles not only paralyzing them but also weakening their ability to Contract and tighten to sustain the body ‘weight or from further action Now we have seen these in action throughout the Kyusho articles and videos, but what we have not yet worked with is Incapactating these reflexes so the body remains vanarable to further stack. This wil override the protective systems by adding ‘ror neurological stimulus to the body. We Will work with the actions of touen, press, ‘ub, tapping and striking, ‘Now as an experience Martial Artist you fare well aware that when you strike Someone in the stomach, their abdominal muscles will instantly withdraw by Contracting and bracing against the Intended blow. Its at ths point whore the brain evaluated the risk factor and has sent neurological messages to these muscles, (the more intense the threat, the more muscles are contracted), to contract. By Touching or using light pressure the brain is more ina monitoring mode assimilating the information thus accepting neurological messages rather than sending them to Constict the muscles. When the body and euron system are in this receWving mode, the body defenses are down and the strike will not be opposed by rellexive action. This is also what was meant by the term “Death ‘ouch? bandied about in the Martial Aas, It Is not that when a “Master” touched someone they would oie. It was the act of Setting up the body not to resist the heavy ‘low that would or cous kil the opponent Wie have discussed many of these targets lover the years, But for our newer readers lots. Take an example of the point called kKicney 27, laying just under clavicle which in turn lays right over the aortic arch. If someone were to srk with a strong punch the receiving body would reflexvely tighten {and the power absorbed by the shell of the body 2s tals wthdraw to avokd ful impact. However if just before the blow landed, the Kyushe practitioner merely touched the ‘opponent (stimulating a single point), the ‘opponents body would be in process of receiving neurological message and the blow \would land unopposed or protected against. ‘This in turn could break or dislodge the clavicle down into the vascular tissue Causing severe damage. This may also be accomplished with a tap before tne heavy strike. The tap if light enough will accomplish the same thing wih the added affect of sending additional vibration into the body cavity stimulating ‘more organs and structures lightly enough to Send more input to the brain via the central Nervous system. ‘This would inhibit the bran from sending the necessary rafiexive impulses for the constriction of muscles and structure as well as withdrawal associates with it. Depending on the area ofthe attack this could lead t0 even more damage to the ‘body, in the case of K-27, this would affect the cieulatory and respiratory systems. ‘Now even more disruptive than the touch (oF tap would be a ight but quick rubbing action, flowed by the heavy strike. This is Because now instead of a single point or ‘tea sending neurological information to the ‘bran, you have several staggered messages that wil Keep the brain occupied longer and from many mare sources. This will possibly sat tne paralysis retlex n action temporatly {and thus weakening the body that much ‘more for aheavy Dow. Now if an opponent was to grab and attempt to restrain thelr body Is ateady tse Ina tightened and defensive mode. As an example we take a two handed grab Scenario to the shirt of the defender Where the opponent tightens and contracts to add muscle stenat to the action. If we sirike the arms or body the resistance is at its maximum, but f we quickly rub the arms ‘away from the torso it causes temporary (a Second or two) weakening and. limd paralysis. Now in this weakened state the ‘Opponent may be attacked with greater affect. Even stronger than this would be a synergistic affect of multiple inputs or touching, rubbing and then a strike. Or even mote interesting and admittedly dificult Is forcing a convergence of divergance from the intended target. Realizing that the human body can either be Accepting or repelling at any given moment can open ‘many possibiies for us to take advantage Of. We can enhance this even more by Understanding also that the left side of the ‘bai moniters and controls the right side of the body as the right side of the brain ‘monitors and controls the lett side of the ‘boay.. If we work ths synorgiste affect on fone side of our opponent we are only ‘affecting one side of the brain and limited by this, itis stil very good affect, but not the ‘best. This can be better realized by using ‘one metnad on one side and the Blow on the other side. As we saw with the brain ‘monitoring one thing iti accepting it cannot repol atthe same time. ‘This fs information again has been called the death fouch, of the Golden Fit (Kin Ken) method. It has only resurfaced as an integral part of Kyusho in recent times. The deeper {you research the at the deeper you get into FRuman physiology. And as always we must ‘say the more you know the human body and ite “Vital Points” and Concapts, the higher your level of potential in any style of Martial ‘endeavor /) ce Bie al x vl Ugno qlisu © Bladed Weapons * Ataques de cuchillo © Messerattacke * Attacchi con coltello © Attaques de cauteau Fanaa tell ir * DVD/KYUSHOS In this 9° edition, Master Pantazi focuses on using Kyusho points against knife attacks through two main methods of defense that we can train: 1. Arm destruction, indicated for those who prefer working from a more defensive approach, where the main objectives are the nerves of the arm to cause dysfunction. 2. Attacks towards the source of aggression, avoiding the arm and the weapon. In this’ method we show ourselves totally offensive, and we instantly attack head points to get an immediate physical dysfunction. A simple, efficient, and devastating approach to self-defense, whatever martial style you practice. \ DY i QO NEW BOOK!!! eke Sreeley fists Mae ee) (he: Bube PMNs] dan EN 0 De Cosris frien nar Ys oy Marcas JUTE frien Woreo De Cesaris \ prinn Marco De Cesaris In this second book, | have decided to face advanced topics regarding the traditional technical study, which up to now I haven't been able to explain in a systematical way in my previous texts or videos. | recommend you those to learn the principles and basic techniques. Some topics addressed here are exhibited for the first time and | am sure that they will turn out to be very interesting for Muay Boran instructors and fans. Marco De Cesaris One of the greatest experts and 2007 World Muay Boran Championship Arjan Marco De Cesaris He brings you the secrets of combat and Thai tradition drinking directly from their sources Don’t miss his second book, a unique treasure in Europe! ORDERS TO: eral: HIS LAST YEARS AND HIS LOST GRAVE: THE MISTERY... IS IT REVEALED? Guichin Eunakosh Most Karate practitioners have always thought that Master Gichin Funakoshi's grave was located in the temple Engakuji, in Kamakura. Very little people know that in Kamakura, there is just memorial monument of the Master not grave. So: Where is the real grave of Gi Funakoshi? How is it? Who knows it? At the time of the SOth anniversary of his death, (Master > Funakoshi died on April 26, 1957) and after a * long investigation, our collaborator Salvador Herraiz has found the real place, the eternal rest» place of Gichin Funakoshi. He shows it to the Black Belt Magazine readers, in an exclusive interview. Also as a tribute to this anniversary, he tells us in detail, all the events that surrounded the last years of O'Sensei. A unique article for a unique Master. - Text and Photos by: Salvador Herraiz. Karate ichin Funakoshi had a very intense ite, especially trom his arrival to Toayo in 1922 bul i turned out t@ be a very unhappy one in his last days. Lot's time travel ntl the time in \which fortune turn his back on Gichin, Funakoshi. The Second World: War ‘explosion would mean a powerul blow for Japanese population. Both Karate and Funakost lost many friends and students. ‘But in Funakoshi’ case misfortunes hed just state ‘Gichin Funakoshi lived the happiness of his dream, of his Shotokan dojo largely buit wath economic donations Collected by his friend Kichinosuke Saigo, grandson of the legendary ‘Takamoni = (someone who should be already femiiar to ou" readers, trom ‘another article published by Black Belt Magazine)..On July 29th 1938, the dojo Shotokan. was. finally Inaugurated. The good friends, and: excellent karate specialist, Wado Uemura and. Yoshiaki Hayashi together with Gigo Funakoshi became the main instructor Instructors at Snatockan. Hayashi was very good and i large height was. not ‘ting but trning fis great ‘kilo something spectacular. The dojo “vas basically made of wood and Thre tas 3 Small courtyard at the entrance. From that paint, whore there were a few makivarasinsalod, ‘was possible to gain access both to the dojo and to the house that was in front of it. But, happiness was THE FAMILY GRAVE IN SHURE: Funakosh’s Family Grave in Shuri, Okinawa, 1941. From left to right: Woman not identified (it might be Tsuru, Gichin's oldest di Great Masters ster, oF ‘Katsu, the first wife of Gichiv’s son Yoshio), Uto (Gichin’s socond daughter), Goze (Gichin'’s wile). and on tho other side Gichin Funakoshi, Yoshio (Giehin’s second son), Gj! (Glehin's Uncle). Gishin (Gichin's cousin), Shitzuku (Yoshie's oldest daughter) in front of her we have Yoshiniko (Gichin’s nephew) and tothe right end, Hatsuko (Uncle Gishin's oldest daughter. fending. On March 10th 1948 many people Think was Ape 29), a great attack to TokyO. 100k’ place. Starting from midnight the 280, 829 bomber that took off rem Guam anived to Tokyo dropping more than 1.600 tons of bombs that almost caused the complete devastation ofthe oy and more than 100.000 ‘dead people. The Shotokan Dojo and the adjacent house of Funakoshi ware completly destroyed as well. The tire did not leave ‘anything sianding. The only thing that survives ‘was the ~" hanging entrance sign "Shotokan, Because it was made out of metal The dojo was in the Zoshigaya neighborhood in northern Tokyo. Nowadays i is impossibe to guess the exact place where the Shotokan doyo was located, Serving the cause, Ihave attempted it salt Alter along ‘investigation and including the help oa whale Police Group assigned to the neighborhood police station, it has been impossible to ‘only th exact pace. The onty acwevernent ‘was 12 mack of the area in large way. IIs ‘bout some narrow back strets, very dark at fight, and next to the Meio artery and cose to the Kishibgjn pavilon. But nobody knows the exact place today Besides i would delintely be very much changed after 60 Years, Not even the oldest people in the area emomber the place anymore ‘tr the catastrophe, the Karate Master ltt te lve wath his son Yoshtaka. He left a note ‘nthe remaining pan ofthe door, such @ note had his address on (ater on he wal 90 to Ive with his oldest son Yoshihide). Then he twaveled 10 Oita, in Kyusho where his wife waited him ever since she was evacuated from Oknawa,betore the famous ad bloody battle in which thousands of people from (Okinawa perished. Among those dead, there were some important karate specialist. ‘Aiter the destruction. lessons for the few karate practitioners left who kept practicing Karate in Shotokan atthe time, started to be (yen atthe primary school Takada Dai Macht that was closed when its students had been ‘evacuated to rural areas. act. the classes ever had more than 4 students Funakosh's hope as far as Karate was concerned: it was placed on Yoshitaka (Gigo ‘trough he pertecuy knows his son could ot live tao long. GIGO was born 4.1908 and lwhen he was 7 years old medical doctors Giagnosed him wibercutosis that according 10 them it would not allow him to live more than 20 years, and he already was 39! Cigo was iis father's frst assistant from the premature doath of Takoshi Shimoda, in 1934. Gigo worked as an X rays technician for the Healy Ministry at the Imperial University. although photography had always beon his hobby. Thanks to hs hobby, today he have many’ of Fis pictures with Egams and Hirorishy, pictures that were mostly taken by hin. Thanks to those pictures we can watch excellent stances 95 for example: mary uke. This final blockage from the kala Pinan Godan was very fistinetve and H was known wit) ts nam, ‘mary: uke. “blockage in swastika’, because fhad'@ very similar ook tothe famous eros, igo, welbknown in te dojo as Waka Sense {hs fathor was Ro Senso) had a hoight of 15cm and a weight of 55kg. He was very {good technica fighter, however he was not excessively interested in tree combat, as Several of Fis contemporaries have deciared. ‘Nat Chu So, a Gogen Yamaguchi’ student i te Goju School won him in a very much talked dafeat an exchange between dojos. in 1948, the same year of devastation, Yoshitaka Funakoshi (Gigo) began to succumb to the illness that had been harassing him for some time then. it not very clear if it was due to tuberculosis or leukemia, but iis cortan that Yoshitaka was already hospitalized when his lungs Nardly ‘worked. Yoshtaka wanted to de at home and 0 it ves, It happened in November 1845 in the tokiota neighborhood of Yodobasti, (Garely three months after the end of 51 ot 82 texrible war) specifically in ‘Ochiai n'a wellknown place called Green Court Hironshy, Yoshiaki Hayashi and Wado. Uemura, the first 4 Dans, granted by Funakoshi ‘attended the Tuneral next to the closest relatives, since ‘thers could not move trom ‘Okinawa, in that moment they. were his highest ‘catagory people since other pioneers as Hronod! Ohtsuka ‘were akeady in another ine. But yet another strike will shake Gichin's soul. Gozel his wite was a good. saver land hard-working woman {that never complained about the untied dreams of Funakoshi. When she was, exhausted due to hard working, Goze! used 10 0 ‘ut to the street and practice ‘2 kata, whieh recovered het Gichin married Goze in "Ye88. In August of 1947 at Oita, arrasthma attack would ‘cause Gozei to die. There. a fespecttul funeral was held Something it. was not ‘commen for people outside town. In fact. W must have been the fest time that Such ‘an exception was made and it'was due to the affection people from that area hed for Giehin’s wie. But soon after Gichin would pick up her ashes. and take them to Tokyo On fact. they would not never ative to Tokyo, since they were deposited in the lost grave, we wil talk about nea). On his way in the wan Funakoshi who. cartied Goze!s ashes received the condolences from students ‘and fiends that came closer to the stations he wos passing through. Something Very touching as he once recognized. ‘Aller Goze'’s death, the Master lived with his oldest son Yoshihide "again Yoshihide had his house in Hayashicho, in Ue Koishikawa neighborhood (where IMeisejuku was, where Gichin had sarod to teach Keaton Tokyo). Yoshnide managod a ‘dy leaner during along tie, ‘and he always accompanied fis father Gichin in the TOKYO tle adventure. Over there he ‘would fom his famay and he would have a son Tehiro (later an Army General) and two ‘daughters, Sanae and Kuniko. On the other hhand, Nis brother Yoshio remained in Okinawa ed twice (th ‘and he kept Ii thee. Ho m Katsu and with Eshi and he had noting Fess than four deugruors and toe sons icin Furakosi also had, as we know: Yoshitaka (Gigo) wno maried Fujko and Uhey 4 had a boy called Yukio, Gchin completed his family with two daughters: Tsuru and Uto. ‘Mer so many setbacks in his if, Gichin Funakoshi ad few incentives, he was lacking interest in ite, he became absentminded and he looked ted, sad, ‘When today’s Mastor Harada from Shotoka! requested Funakoshi (with Mironishi fecommendation) instruction in Karate, the Master agreed to it and he started to teach him in his son's Reuse Gie. During the lessons, Gichin spent most ofthe ume Sitting down in seiza. Funakoshi arises from is ovm ashes, he racovered part of his happiness and he was again trendy ‘and fond of Joking again Ike ho alvays Used to be. Little by litte he started Participating in Karate activities and ‘Monument in memory of Gichin Funakoshi in Engaku, Kamakura. In front and to the Je. there's an engraved stone in which Nobunide Onama mentions ail the merits of Funakoshi. ‘Salvador Herraiz pointing at the Master's poem, atthe monument in memorty to Funakoshi in Engakus, Komakura, caring about Karate topics again. iis very Interesting, the meeting held in Osaka around 1950, with Master Kerwva Mabury (vito was accompanied by his important students, Ryusho Sakagarmi and Ken Saklo, current Emeritus shito Kal President and sth Dan KF). Apparently, the reason behind the ‘meeting had to do with Funakoshi's desire that his b (Isao Obata and “Masatoshi Nakayama) stucied the Goustino ‘nd Nishino Katas with Meburn. According To Ohisuka, "Funakoshi was a reat person. ‘2dtion to that. he oid not dink alcohol, Ne {id not smoke and he was not disrespect vith women, He was the type of person who Toner Gur air nomen: Grog Te es Dees {good organizer. He lacked the leader's kills Sd in some things he needed 38 much help asa kd, It has always beon known that Gichin Funakoshi regularly traveled by train up to Kamakura, The less known reason was that he was studying Zen in the Engokul temple, his other passion in addition to Karate, Funakoshi was temporarily isolated from teaching Karate (untl some pupils rescued him trom this break) and he took shorter in Zen, Engakul means “the compete lighting temple", which name comes from the fact from thet 9 round miror burdened in stone ‘was found dung Ws bung, On the back, an Inscription was engraved in Chinese Ne ig AOAC grams what in Japanese is pronounced as Engakty meaning “pertect achievement. It happened in year 1262 and the person in charge of his construction was the Chinese Master Wa Hsueh Tsu Yuan, known in Japanese as Magaku Soguen, The foundation ‘took place under the shogun Hojo Tokimune’s ppavonage: to commemorate the defeat of the Mongatan invasion wich happened a pa of years earl, Engaku)!, the biggest out of five Great Temples isan important Zazen center rom the Me age, and it would be later known for boing the Zen teaching center of tha known Master Tisen T. Suzuki ‘Kamakura is one of the more worshipped cities in Japan. It is said that iis the Zen Capital and ts numerous temples sprinkle 2 beautiful landscape. those temples are located among the several ils surrounding the ely, During a certury and 2 hall, between the years 1192 and 1328, Kamakura was the capital of the fst Shogun governing period. since Minamoto no Yorttomo decided Wt this ‘That poltical capital feature along with 3 Mural capital feature and magnificent of Zen influence were bul. In fact eof 19 Shintosts sanctuare and noting less than 68 Buddhist temples, fo mention a few. | will with the foawing temples: Hase dera, Myohon ji Sugimoto dera ftw oldest one in Kamakura Great Masters founded in the year 734), Koncho j, Hoch Jomo j,Jufuk al of great importance 1 ihe Zen Buds), the Sanctuary Hachiman 94, Great Buddha, stately stawe of more than 4 meters high. But. of course, the temple that has our biggest interest is the Engakt ji pe, located (othe north of the cy. Ws they aivays said that the Master Gichin Funakoshi grave was “The Zen Buddhism had been troduced in Japan (as we know rom Chin} ac the end of ine Xi century. Is smpicty was remarkable find the Samual Warriors from Kamakura wore interested in the trend as well as the common people. The Kanto earthal $923, the Some one that destroyed th lor Funakosh’s Book, destroyed part of this tema, although it was not able to mak iUdisappear, since Engaku jt still has inside ts enclosure, 17 out of more than 40 secondary temples. Funakoshi was very influenced by the Zen doctrine and for ts essence, the hugyo, and in aspects so twa five, for instance, represented in st aspects of his maria ara the maintenance Of tho five Pinnan of tosu. the five levels of Dan he used, etc. it came from importance ofthis number in the Zen. infact. there are fie in the teaching of Buda The fwe levels of maturity that eastern religions dilerentate, and more specially, lve levels of \ s 4 Great Masters v~ mse ‘knowledge that Zen - (Buddhism in general) ‘and Shinto have, they are all obvious factors that influenced Funakoshi in some of his decisions. Realy, Zen Grove Buddhism has five level ranges of lighting. estabished by the Chinese Master Tung Shan Liang Chien (fozan Ryokai in Japanese). The Shingon Sect, very known by is practics with fo and water (walking on hot coals and meditating Under the cold waterfall, tis 8 Buddhist sect ‘uth fwo initiations. Even inthe Inakan oxgin Yoga. there ar five degeee loves ‘iteady when he was living in Okinawa, Funakoshi was attracted by the Zen. in the ‘Okunoyama's Park, very close to the ‘nowadays Okinawan Budokan, ane finds the fonly buleing of the area and it is a Zen ‘Temple. Gictun Funakoshi used to walk along that place. The influence of Zen in Funakos ‘also came from Yamaoks Tessi (1825-1886). ‘who aready used the expression “the wind i the pine ees" when fe was in charge of teaching atthe ito Ryu schoo! ("a swe") For fam the expression symbolized "wo evade te Kio the adversary. In Okinawa there is another Engakuj Its the main temple of the Budahist Rizal sect was bul by Sho Shin King (he Second ‘Sho Dynasty) to honor his ancestors and especially his father, the previous Sho En King, whose mortal remains rest over there. This other homonym temple was build Datweon 1492 and 1496, In 1933 the place was designated as a National Weasure. Then, ‘during the Second World War, inthe bate of ‘Okinawa, a big part of the temple was. ‘estrayed. In 1968 the necessary parts were feconstacted and in 1972 the temple was, ‘designated Historical National Place by the ‘Japanese Government and it was also ‘designated as a Cultural Good by the ‘Okinawa Prefecture. Funakoshy also used to it A 1 - Gighin Funakoshi faved by his son Giei and bis arandsn leno (ets son rng notin Kenko DO, Sn dovembors0, 1235 2-Gichin Funakoshi with one of is daughters and the fay cfunsone. ‘sitt very often, Funakosh had been visting the Engakus since many years ago (happier times) but his visits increased in trequency alter the disappearance of ‘Shotokan and We deaths of Gigo and Goze It is even said that t woud have ‘been here in Engakaj. where Funakoshi decided to change kanji Tode for Karate. He loved chatting wih the temple's abbot, Furukawa Gyodo. In Engakj. Funakoshi thought over, very much about Karate do and Budo in general, finding many answrers through Zen, FunakosIy managed to pacity hs mind the Engakup Zen. inthe mes of big sadness, Funakoshi found quiewtess in {is place that excited him, starting then to inérease the frequency of Mis ips there, which they actualy became dally trips. Funakoshi kept fis Zen practices in Engaku, almost 2s a secret. This facet of Senses was not much known while he was alive. Iwas practically discovered when a monk who was studying in ihe temple, reveated that Master Funakoshi usually went {hate every day, to sit down and to meditate, Then, Zen seemed to be only 2 hobby for Funakoshi, but not a passion to wich he was dedicating so much time. was a place where Funakoshi also made some good friends ‘among the Zen monks. ‘On Apa 1st 1955 Funokoshi attended the inauguration of the tt JKA dojo, atthe Kataoka Center in Yorsuya. JKA was ofealy consinuted since May 1st 4949. Shigeru Egam) was very fitful to Funakoshi until the end. He was: Closely together with him in the Funskosti's last years. An ineigent at the ‘Shotokan Dojo had already been forgotten: when Egami wont against Funakoshi decision to grant the Black Bek to a 17-year-d young man, who was Shimizu's son and ono of frst Funakoshi's pup in Moisojuku. Ie seems to be that Gichin, somehow disturbed, was. close to hit Egam. Yosnitaka ‘Stopped it by stepping between them, and he found Fimself being sent on the 2 by his ov father. Gicin was a very cheatul person that hardy ever got ‘negry ot sad That Ue was an exception. Shigaru Egan was in charge of personally accompanying and helping Gichin In all ways possible during ‘Geri’ last days. The tuth i that apart from the most nearby fay. nobody looked alter the famous Master Infact, when Egan's stomach disease Funokost in Engakig in Kamara yt 56 Great Masters ‘worsened and he even went into surgery no ‘ter righ evel karte specialist replaced him. what a py! The Same year, on June 21st, a great ‘ceremony was realized to commemorate Gichin’s ie. It took pace in the Ryogoku Siadlum and Wt gathered the mete amount. of twenty thousand people. Kichinosuke Saigo tnd Rise Jigoro Kana” son, realized thelr ‘erings nthe memory of Funakosty, belore ‘more than twenty Universty Karate clubs and the Wado Ryu leaders (Goju and Shito) who caried out ther demonstrations (as it could Not be otherwise). Kanazawa and Mikami ‘made a combat exibition that as is knoor they would repeat a ie bit later in the future sports competition. Gozo Shioda, Aikido's Master aio (ook part in the vibute A the end of Match and dung Apri, 1957, Giehin wes so much lacking energy: he was Unable to move, dying exactly at 8:45 on Apt 26th, 1857. At the time of Gichin’s death, Egami was close to him, atthe edge of the ea. Gichin Funakost’s funeral was not as all lovers and fans of te art would have ied it In the” preparation of the funeral, disagreements emerged between both big (oupS of Funakosms line: the JKA and the Shotoka Giei thought his father did not have ary representative position within the JKA. therefore he tid not see why the JKA was Supposed to bein charge of ganiaing sich important act. The Shotokl organization Diready oxisted but & ams immediately after the organization of the Master's funerals when it gained greater importance. Hivonishi, Egami and Yanagisawa became ‘more important. The Shotokai organization had been knowm, among other things, for never granting a grade higher than Sth Oan to respect what Funokosha had set. Harada, Oshima and Hirorishi had that grade, on the fother hand, Egami was in fact 4th Oan, ‘ince he aid not accept the 5thDan offered {o him by the JKA, during the short period of time that he was itograted inthis ‘ganization, Hironishs would last longer in JKA, but he would also give it up later. Hironisti taught Karate in the University of Chuo, club that although it belonged to the Wado Ryu School, it nad changed to Shotokan in 1940, The fact is that both groups, ted by Masatoshi Nakayama in JKA on one side, and by Motonabu Hironishi Shotokay, Shigeru gam ard hs pupil Yanagisawa on the other side aid not think alike about the Taikyokt Kalas, Even though these basic Katas are ‘accepted nowadays and they were practiced by most Karate goups of Funakoshi in those ties, they were not accepted bythe JKA that Nakayama Sensei was already leading in practice (with time they would accept i but ‘would ateady be late). The JKA was Supported by ine Universities of Keio, “olushols and Hosel, and the Shotoks! was supported by those of Seijo, Gakushuin, Noko. Chuo and Sensehu. Waseda's University was & special case, since it was betwoon the devi and the deep blue sea by not officially supporting the funeral organization. But the university sports responsibie person, Mi. Ohama supported personaly the vibute. Oue to his tendship tth Funakest he took este of coornating the tribute ceremony. Finally, the Gichin's funeral celebrated on May 10th, it was organized by his older son Yoshihide Funakoshi and by Shigeru Egami and Motonobu Hironishi, that is to say, Funakoshi's oldest son and the Shotokai loaders During the funeral al lags from Funakoshi School Bojos were hanging, Al ofthe? Not feally. The JKA, the Takushok Unversity. the Keio Universty ard the Hose! University, clo not allow their flags to be present, as @ protest to the Shotokai sensu. The later lunderstood such an action, a a7 insult and lack of respect to the memory of Master Funakoshi and his. lamily, specially fepresented by his oldest son Yoshihide ‘Shtotokalrequnsted Nakayama Sansol and the IKA to apologize for that reason, ‘Shortly alter a reconciiation attempt wos carried out. but without much decision and Condemned to fan Tact. Nakayama went to See Hort to ite Wen to enter the KA but Hionishi would only consider the proposal i NNakayema apologize with te Funakoshi family foc his aude ding the eral anc on top he accepted the Takyok Kaas as a gist part Funakoshi's Karate. But Nakayama Wanted to inverse the process, Soto say. Wat Hronishi ented the JKA frst and tater, once inside, ne gave his ideas and he made his proposals. There was not an agreement and fhvngs not only were not the same but the ‘elationship between both groups worsened, Since within the Shotokat did ne forgive the JKA\s “snub” during the Mast’ funeral. In ject te club Karate leader fom the poner Cio University. not only he cid not want to jon the JKA when he was askod to {as many {groups ei), Dut e aid not want to know anyting ose about tis ganization wich he fen labeled as a stupid ou. ‘Considering Gichin Funakoshi's way of being, conciiatory, humble and sensible the times immediately after his death were the most adapted to his spit. is desires and t0 what he dase. Wha pity! Novertheless, for us, karate specialist interested in the Karate’s history and Phlosophiy, Rf not just the Sharden, in the Shozokuin pavilion “(by the way absolutaly Deautful-, the most interesting thing of Engaku ji. What really interests us is the ‘memorial of Master Gichin Funakoshi built ‘years later Engak DESCENDANTS OF GICHIN FUNAKOSHI fow yoars ago, in 1839, city Compared with others, an fs about 170.000 inhabitants spread in 2 40km2 surface. To be honest, | ked the city 1 hhad never been there in my previous Ups, Besides, | found out an 61d shop wih a great deal of eastern weapon ‘some of thom vary ok, some of wich brought home with me, Lam not going to tell, tho perpetoia, not to risk requsition from me. The monument in memory of Gichin Funakoshi was raised by the ‘Shotokai organization, on December 1 968. Kenji Ogata was in charge of design and it included callgraphies by shi and Asahisa Soguen (1691- he principal temple monk. One of the inscriptions is known worldwide: Karate not sent nash (there is no frst assault in Karate’). Gut close to this Funakoshi’s precept, there is also an inseription with Gichin’s poom. the one he created during his ship tp to Tokyo has been Wan ft the artis in decadence and its transmission is in question, Who will commit himself to the huge tasks of festering and reviving K? Lest deal wth thes task, who else bik mo? I swoar to do 50, before the blue Sky”. Truly, itis rnocessary 10 say that there has been flher very important Karate Masters in history, Probably with higher technical ils than Funakoshi, a he head admitted nd made understand with certain Bctions (Shinken Taira, Honor Otsuka Kenwa Mabun, ete . have also made it ‘learn more than one occasion). But tH ‘equally fair to recognizo that it was Funakoshi who dic the most for the general knowledge and world evelopment of cur martial ert, 2s well as hhe was beyond doubt who impregnated ‘with the philosophical aureole that Mochizuki, the small Buddhist temple monk, where the rests of Gichin Funakoshi truly rest. ss should accompany it. Along with the main part fof the monument in Engakuji, another ‘engraved stone contains an inscription of Nobunide Ohama, who speaks about the person erg honexed in the Following terms: ‘Glenn Funakoshi Karate do Sensel Was born ‘on June 101, 1870 sn Shur, Okinawa, Since he was eeven years old, he stated studying ‘To To Jutsu under the instruction of ARKO ‘Arato and Anko Nos. He id i digentty and in 1912 he became the Okinawan Shobukai president. In 1922 he settled down in Tokyo End he became a Kerate do's professions instructor He dedicated his entire ile to the evelopment of Karate do. He ived 8B years ‘and he loft this word on April 26th 1957. By jeling the To Te Jutsu, Senset ‘developed Karate do wihout losing 3 philosophy As the bugol (classic ‘marta ats) Karate looks for Mu. the lighting to purify itself and to obtain an empty thought, Iranstoring the "psu ito "do". Tough his amous words "Karate ni sente nash (there ino frst attack in Karate") and "Karate wa unshi not buger (The arate is the martal ano inteligent people *. the Sense! helped Us to better understand the term jutsu. nan fatfort to commemorate his vitue and his big {contibution as pioneer 10 modern Karate Co. ‘re, is loyal pups organize the Shotokan ‘erect this monument in Engakuy."Kenzen ich {the tit and the Zen re the Same thing. ey are one thing’). Undoubtedly, the peace that hate is breathed is enormous, which invites 10 Practice a diferent Karate. The Asai family from Shotokan usually said that they liked Staying among the trees of Kamakura. For them. the spint Chi entered Une turks of the ltees and it stayed there during the night Nowadays. old JKA insirucors usually come to an anmual ceremony before the monument. in which they do Karate techniques, readings find speeches. with the attendance of invited Dupis: My belt (as many othors bei fs Vat Ths precinet of Kamakura vas lodging the ‘grave with the ashes of tho Master Gichin Funakoshi, collapsed a few years ago. | not ‘only learned that this monument was not fctuoly his grave, But his real grave was. Mot known by almost anybody and therelore visited a8 symbol of respect to whom [schools opinions aside)- was the main father ‘of the geographical Karate evolution to the main island and then to western weld. The feal place of Master Gichin Funakoshi’ eternal rest was a very different one and several kometers away. My research. very complicated in spite of Master Harada’s tacks, took me (© Ile delimit the area, ¥ remember hal appealed to a Japan poice team to explore Ste suspect area, 2 eam which heped me as muct as possible. The Yokohama Oftice ttntermaiont Relationships aso haiped me fut ina vy vauable way. Even a ten rom the Embassy of Japan helped me but in Spte ot vs bod wil hs inostigaions were troneous, fe researches nally, took re to Snother very diferent area. The temple ‘authorities went so fat as to even cont ‘ne, tonce vey veiieg that fact | aead Knew). thatthe Funakoshi Family grave tnas in thot lands, R was only necessary to Tind the temple. since ts ered Of Japon has dozens and dozens of temples, many of them are small ang unknown even Yor the Sea intabtants {remembered that Master Fumio Demure is rom Yokohama ond then | 5ked fim foc hep, but in Us ease, has impossibie Tor hin, a3 he tod to me, du to the huge amount of smal temples in the area, But | was not going to give up! To Correct a historia! mistake about Master Funakosh's place of rest. a miatake that, existed rom the 80s. always seemed an interesting topic wo me "Tough ate tears know. belong to te Wado Ryu, schoo to winch 1am techncaly ‘eceated io th the lope! neces rom ther schools though, tose that seem Engraved plate with Funakosh's Family names whose ‘mortal romsine rest here together ‘Up: Safvader Hervaiz along with the real Gichin ‘Funakoshi’ grave Bolow: Salvador Herratz apd the mark ‘Mochizuki, socrot guardian of Gichin Funakosni's enriching for me and for my pupils), Master Funakoshi alway’ has seemed to me like someone to whom. we All owe very much, He sufered very much in ife and 19 make the Karate known was his dream, a dream that he that he fully achieved. On the other hand, we should not forget that Funakoshi was one of three experts ~ -tha first one out of them. that taught Karate to the Wado RyU eteater Htonon OMtsuka, The other two were Choki Motokt and Kena Maun, that is why lave the greatest respoea forthe thee of ther (moreover al ine former Karate Masters ...and | have itYor most all people 8s wll. ‘The folatonship of Gichin with each one of these (masters was diferent. He fell @ clear respect and ‘admiration for Mabuni (something obvious whien he Sent his son Yoshitaka to study wh him). And be fl a technical acmiration and he hae! a good freneship wath Ohtsuka (that it was partly lessened due to the jealousy of Yoshitaka). With Motobu things were diferent. Although there was a discreetly correct Felationship betwoen them, Chok' Motabu tok a clear antipathy for Funakoshi. There were tivo main reasons for that: first: they both nad opposite opinions regarding the free combat practice and the effectiveness of Techniques: second, the fact that in September 1925, the Magazine Kingu wrote an aicle about Mocbu street feats, and the people in charge made a mistake by putting Funakoshi face in some alusive ftavangs, | Kept searching and Ina inited eptons to a couple of places Separated by 30 klomaters. | found out what I was lacking fo, had found the exact place. ‘One gains access to the temple by walking up a short but steep hil, after leaving a road behind, the same road that has brought us from the small tax where we got off the Wain, To the left of the temple buidings, there i a small cemetery that goes over the hil In Wont of the ceimetery and in the high part opposite to some graves, there is @ very beaut bamboo forest that shows us the stems this plant iS capable of developing in shor time, iit as suitable conditions. AL fist | wanted to find the grave by mysel. bul finaly | needed the best possibia help. I'am raceed by the tonk who takes care of the ompe and the cemetery, and his wie. They ae Benshu and Shokou Mochizuki. He helps mea great deal by raslating me all the names engraved on the neadstone, those who share the grave most of them, lose elatves of Gichin). Actually | aready knew the above menionad hhames, but lt his translation to serve mo as contemetion “The Machizuk! couple has a school ot Budcsm In the temple he manages, They are delighted and proud to tall that one of the couple's {grandparents was a fend of Gichn. The Wuth is that they both fli us ‘ith attentions and when iis ime for us to leave; they seem not to let Us go. To me itis aso diffeult to go away from that place. The place of the Grave was chosen by the great friendship that tnked hin t whom lies i the contiquouss grave. Anyway, Gichin already had his We in Tokyo. When he frst traveled to Tokyo in 1916 anid later in 1922 with his dream in mind it was a trip without comeback (despite some sporadic returns), “The ashes of Funakoshi ha joined finally those of his wite Goze from whom he vias separated for so many years by the geographical tistanee and the excumstances. Ever since, they remained together ‘and so they stil are up to day. The place isa pleasant small cometery, ‘thin te lands of an isolated Buddhist temple. It scarcoly has flowers Dr vist. his moctal remains eet far sway frm fae grave thal Is somehow lost, hidden. secret and private ‘When Iwas on the verge of discovering the real Funakoshi grave, just a5 in other opportunites, | had an idea going around ry head, Such idea was about sharing and announcing the exact place, since ‘might be interesting for mary fans of Sensei Funakoshi. But once in the sacred place, my ideas cleared up and my heart said to oe that Funakoshi was very Que there, in an solated area of peace, far away from avy unvsutable busile and that permaps was better not to reveal the exact place... I there are real interested people in visiting the place, | might give them the appropriate indications in a privately, but “without any flkioe out of place ivhas always seemed to me fair to honor the great missing Masters {also Ihave done so, when they were Ia if. in case that | have known, thom). Thave met the majority of important Karate Masters alive, in tet dojs, In ther Houses. thei enwienment, but graves can also be interesting,white being at such places, itis possible to feel the spint of ther inhabitants and to fuse with ther energy, H one approaches ‘them with the suitable sensitivity. | remember that twenty years ago. | Spent a ong lime at the grave of Master Hirenod Ohtsuka, Later other graves came along (Nakayama Masatoshi, Oyama Masutatst, Sasakawe Ryoichi.) some that | wil probably peeserk tothe readers it some other opportunity. This does not mean tat | do not pay the ‘dup attention to those ave. “Being poste does not mean stop being courageous". Napoleon used to say "Sometimes, iis good to open the graves, to tak with the dead people have vo say that wailing articles, books, etc tis not my goal. My main goal isto research the depths and curiosities of Karate, 2s an Interesting complement to my practice. Then, | share these tesearehs vith others, wt could be inazestod in, but what | mentioned above is nat my reason to research, but rather a later secondary consequence. {do nok research to wate but | do A wo have the pleasure ol knowing those depths. Later | share those researches for others to take ‘advantage of them, To all readers: please allow me not to reveal the exact place where the real Sensei Funakosh's grave is, since it seems to be that the family wish Isto avoid turning the grave location into & much visited place, My fiend Yuriko already told to me tat Japanese bolieve that ‘istors are not going 10 appropriately respect the piace of eternal fest, and that is why. they refuse (o reveal certain important figures ‘graves, pothaps, they have sometimes. a reason to do $0. | believe ‘hat such a problem would not exist in view of the ow interest that these topics cause among current karate specialists, included Masters and high degree Karate practitioners, but in any case, | wal Ccrtainly respect this way of thinking. I want to end with a Thomas ‘Campbet's phrase that goos tke this: "To ive in the hearts that we Ieave behind us. tis not dying " =e) Great Fighters On the verge of being 37 years old, Dan Henderson knocks down Wanderlei Silva and he gathers two categories belts in the Pride, while Randy Couture, at the age of 43, returns to the Ultimate Octagon, he beats Tim Sylvia (the heavy weight champion) and conquers the titles holder in the MMA history . famous as a record man Photos: PRIDE: ifth belt in the competition, becoming Text: VETERANS AND CHAMPIONS hey won important titles in resting Thay started togethor in MMA. 1997, they also gra together in the ring and they ‘aged" fighting throughout a decade, against the biggest ames of MMA world. Today, when they both add up 60 years, it would Seom just natural that Americans (Randy Gouture and Dan Henderson) had already gone Into retirement already and therefore thay ware talling amazing stories to thelt idm: stories about winning belts in the ‘most important worldwise tournaments such as Pride, Rings and UFC. But some sort of Suporiot force has lead these two sport legends to keep fighting and what Is most Impressive, to keep winning. After announcing his retirement al 43 yoars ol, when he was knocked cut by Chuck Liddol {and losing the medium weight belt, Randy ‘Couture decided to return to the Octagon to fight against the heavy weight Tim Syivia: 12 years younger and 25kg heavier than him. To Everybodys surprise, Ran 100k his eval for fa walk, dominating the fight during tive founds and winning the title im an Uunquestionable way. Thus, he became the fist fighter in the UFC history to win titles in ‘wo different categories (semi-heavy and haw) in fe diferent times. ‘One week botore Randy's feat, it was the time for his former training partner, Dan Henderson to achieve anctherPistorcal fact. After winning the Pride belt up to 83k9, Henderson decided to move up to another category (up to 88kg) and to face Wanderet Siva who had remained unbeatable fn belt ‘contest for six years. Even though he Was at 2 woght and age dadvantage, Henderson Shut the world's mouths When knocking Wanderte, becoming this way the frst ghtor to gather two belts atthe same time. In On the front page le side) Don ‘anderson alter Wing is second belt in the Pride at 7 years of 290; ei ‘at 43 years ol recaptures the heavy welght belt. spot lege In detait the victonous premiere of Henderson in Braz, in 1997. In this page clockwise: Beating Liddel in UFC 4%: Randy dominated Tim Sy 2 ite bit Couture Beats his own Record “inboth situations standing anc on the ground he took the belt fom him. Wining Betiort for second te n UFC 4%. Henderson beating Wandeelin Pride 33 famous names such as Pedro Rizzo, Chuck Liddol, Vitor Belfort and Tito Ortiz, Randy Goutute entered the UFC 88 Octagon as “loser” for the first time on Maren ra in fio. It happened this way: when he was 43 years ol5, Bandy had baen retired for a year, Raving lost his ast fight by Knock-out facing the semi-heavy weight champion Chuck Lidge. He would come back to action by facing he heavy weight champion, tat apart from being in constantly aotive, Ne Was 25K9 heavier and 12 years younger However when talking about Couture, anything is possible. Ate the fight started he appited the giant a knock-out to with a right crossed punch. Couture entirely dominated 5 combat rounds standing and on the ground, before the rapture of 19 thousand people audience, a recor in an ‘American tournament. He won the heavy ‘welgnt bat by unanimaus decision’ "Today everything went right, each move, each Punch, each fall, everything was thoroughly fehearsed and everything came out just well", celebrated the grandfather of Valo- do! He had then, the Croatian Mirko Gro Cop, recently hired as a potential chal for tne American Pride tournament: “The imuth is tat Cro Cop was definitively, one of the factors in the equation that made me qut retirement and to face Tim Syivia, told us the most recent and also the oldest UFC ‘champion. Brifant ever since the times of Wrestling The excellent shape of Randy Couture at 43 years old tll us of an entire Ife dedicated to Spon. The American says. “I spent a time, eating properly and training @ let, | Dolleve the body adapts to those conditions He was born on June 22nd 1963 in Lynnwood, Washington, United States. Randy Couture served in the North American ‘amy ‘fom 1962 to 1988. ust after leaving the army, Couture started to collect tiles in ‘Wrestling and he ended up participating in three Olympic Games (1988, 1992 and 1996). Alternating among categories up to ‘80kg and up to 97kg, Couture earned the Pan American Wrestling and the Pan ‘Amorican Games in 1991 within the up to ‘90Ka category. One year later, Couture was ‘second inthe Pan American, something that happened again in 1992 and later in 1998, ‘when fighting inthe up to 97k category Randy was also three times National University Champion (National Collegiate Athletic Association D-1 All-American). He was a NCAA fnalst twice and he got third postion twice in 1991 and 1982, Both in the up-to-90kg category in the Greek Roman World Fight Cup promoted by FILA-International Federation of ‘Assoolate Fights Randy beats Belfort in the UFC Only officially after quitting ‘wrestling compatition, Couture ‘decided to fight MMA. He dabutes In UFC on May 20th 1907, when he ‘won two combats against Tony Halme and Steven Graham in the 13th celebration ofthe ever. In his ‘third combat in UFC 15, Couture faced Vitor Belfort who was unbeatable and North Americans called him “Phenom” {Phenomenon} due to his quick knoek-outs. In 1997 Couture son Bolfort by knock-out and ne ‘disputed the first tile in the heauy ‘catogory the same year at tho UFC competition in Japan. Then he defeated Maurice Smith, by the judges’ decision. On the following year, after quitting the UFC because of contractual misunderstandings (oetween the UFC promoters and the company in charge of his career), Couture know the fist defeat of Fis career. He "The Natural" was finalized with an arm-lock by Enson Inoue in the 1998 Japanese Vale Tudo. The following year he was finalized with @ Kimura by Mikal Moukhine, in the Rings. In 2000, Couture fought in Rings ‘twice beating Jeremy Horn and Ayushi Yanagisawa inthe sare tournament, proving himself for the following year finals, Nevertheless, he previously returned to UFC. in. 2000, and he recaptured the Neavy weight bolt. viten knocking Kevin Randieman in the UFC 28 an November 170. After winning the North American belt, he left for the Rings finals in 2007, winning Tsuyoshi Konsaka in the quarter fitals and losing in the semifinal with Valentin Overeem who faced Rodrigo Minotaura inthe inal Alter participating in Rings, Couture felt in UFC as he were at home and he never gave Up the American organization. In UFG-31 he Geleated Pedro Rizzo by the judges: Unanimous decision and in UFC 64 he knocked him again in the rematch, both fights in 2001 In 2002 he lost the Bolt gaint ‘Josh Barnett in the UFC 36, after being knocked out In the UFC 39 Ricco Rodrigues finalized him then he went into a lower category, In 2003, Couture achieved another great fact winen knocking champion Chuck Lidell in the UFC 43 and then wining the UFC tile in the Lightsheavywelght. In the following tournament, the UFC 44, the veteran ‘defended the bet against Tito Ortiz and he defeated him by the judges! unanimous ‘decision, In the 2004 UFC 46, he want for the rematch against Vitor Befort who got the technical Knock-out and won the bolt. Three tournaments later, in UFC 49, Couture gave the technical Knock-out back and he recaptured the somi-heavy weight Bet. Once Again he put the bolt at stake, going then for another rematch against Chuck Lidge who won the elt to Randy in the 2008 UFC. 52, latter the knock-out, Randy finalized Mike Van Arsdale in UFC 54 and he had the opportunity to win the balt ance again ithe 2006 UFC 57, but again he ended up knocked-out by Lidaell and he announces Ro retreman (One year after announcing his retirement, a 4 yoars old Couture, surprises the Val Judo world when announcing his come back. As if It was not hard enough to challenge age, Couture decided to fight again in the heavy weight category, aftor hnaving fought in a lower category for five ‘years. He demonstrated that he was old onty to what age is concerned, but inside the Octagon he was stil aki ing all Forecasts! Until February 24th, 2007 (he Pride second day Contest = USA) surprisingly the North American's name. “ban Henderson” was not atthe top of the main MMA sites ranking, neither in the up- 10-83kg category in which he was the current Pride belt holder nor loss inthe up-to-S3 category, in which he would dispute the Pride 33 bolt in Las Vogas against Wanderlei Siva, who was six years younger and seven Kilograms heavier, This is the way it hhapponed: despite his excellant track record with 26 struggles and only 5 defeats, Henderson was not property valued in his Category, after losing against the Japanese Kazuo Misaki = who had been easily defeated by the BTT Black Belt (Paulao Fino). If he was not the Bost in his weight catagory It was natural that Handerson on the verge of being 37 years old, was Considered to be.a loser in is fight against Me. Pride Wanderlei Silva, who had kept the titie and unbeatable for six years. An American fan’ would remember his ‘unquestioned superiority over Vitor Belfort in fis return to the medium weight category in Pride 32. He arguod that Batfort might be easily beaten Up, ater all, Belfort was ‘unrecognizable that night - or wore they Henderson's ments? “The fact is that in MMA, dealing with top fighters as Henderson and Wanderlel, icubrations and forecasts are not wort i dnd the best evidence of such thing was the fight result. When everybody thought \Wandertel would knock him down and the ‘only opportunity for the North American ‘woul be to win By points in "ground pound *'Hendo “shut exybody's mouth” by taking the best part in Wanderlei’s > Report § lector: he excarge, Ar vong aa for the A wo rundy enaurson conected tm accuste bf uopact a smeese od ‘und, bang Var fart fig. Wanvlewmebucoars his et navies Wandodt dd not blame tno nogats cutcoma onthe 40 dogs fever: shahos sod ovate tet tat ade para tho Pig bac etal esa Such fing ett | won, now hee been acer than me. xt | wart 108g sont Pim span ra over fore bot athe Brazifan ndeating i rang partner Frat Sg so the ns pose te Chatengor” a as aroaty Goon tho GP champion, it seems to" me that Mis Speorany nas cs Bang aro tho frat and nly mano gator two bit n chore catoges Pe, enceecn was fang wien thoy asked fim sours tid Sere woul keto Rave ave ets ny Cotecton, but fd tat i po eng be SB togs down iva ower Ctagry Uiped to chocee the ros ict atin both Satogoen Hordesan ad hea "Pau Fino GF upto akg and Marc Shogun (orn) ae probably hose nro cess © th tory ok In the previous pager Henderson knocking the “Tapanase Ryo Chonan. ‘Knocking Wanderei ‘Sivan Pride 33. Beating Vitor Baford in Pride 22 In Bazi, ending the Jnvincblty of Beeford in the UFC 15 In tis page: couture wining the ‘boll up to Bk. Honderson after winning ther frst tournament in ‘Brazil finishing ‘ait the Invineloity of ‘Bontord in ‘UFC 15 Premiere in Brazil ‘Bomin Caltomia in 1970, Dan Henderson started to train Wrestling when Pe was 5 years old and when he was 22 years ol, he alreacy vas a member of the North American Team inthe Greek-Aoman ste. After participating in two Olympic Games (1992 and 1996) and winning three times (83/94/97), The US Senior Greek Roman CCompettion, the most important championship in nis discipline) Ban decided to follow Fis lend Randy Couture steps and he started to tain Vale-Tuco with the Fich Chapareli team, The recanty cratod IAW (Real American Wresting Team) which already nad leading \wrestlars such as Torn Enkason, Matt Lindland and Nate Quarry 28 wall as Randy, in that time, Tom Enkson reprecerted the team in a heavy weight tournament i Brazil and Henderson, with Tess than & ‘month training decided to try his luck in the "up-to-83%g" category in the 97 Braziian Open Toumrement* The winning prize consisted of 11 tousand dollars for the champion. Even though sidnt know wat | was gotting involved into, | decided to take a risk, aftor all, 11 thousand dollars was alot of money and I thought | could be good at doing that". Henderson remembers that he debuted against one of the more technical and experienced academy fightors: Carison Gracie, Créaio de Souza. “Vinen they closed that cage to start my ‘ight wih Crezio, | though: what am doing here? But as so0n as the fight started, | ony tried to de my best. | remember connacting some ‘geod punches fom inside the watch, The ludge stopped the faht a Ite too soon and the public went mad. They stated to throw stuff in the Octagon. | got very nervous at the time, but Crézio grabbed the microphone and he calmed the audience", Henderson remembers that Pe wen the tournament naling (wth a gudotine) Randkoman’s brother, Eric Smith (who had eliminated Pes in the previous fh The Terror of Brazilians Ater collecting 11 thousand doles in hie premiere at San Paulo, Henderson got excited and he started doing a lot of Boxing training ‘and Submission, “In that time, when | dant know Row to dofend ‘mys fom fnaizations, my main goal was to avoid fang under, 50 "Started to train more boxing and fais defense, by increasing my ‘possibilities against the ground specialists” Henderson aamits that less than one year later, he would test himsaf by facing two ground masters the ‘Same night n'a up-to-83kg UFC. 17 tournament ‘After Beating Alan Goes and Carlos Newton fboth by decision) therefore winning the UFC champion title, anderson would receive an invitation to fightin the king of Kings Japanese tournament. In that competion, 16 no weight mite fighters, from all over the wor Would fight for a 200 thousand collar prize. Fight there, the weestier definitively became the nightmare of Brazilians. Athough he was the gtr fighter of the event, ne eliminated three opponents (Bakoury, Kanehara and Yel), going over Rodtigo Minotauro at the semfial fs a polemic decision) and by beating the 4th Braziion Renato Babak inthe Mas ‘Owing his fist bat, Henderson would contiwe his battle against Brazilans in Pride, where he started to Suffor is fst defeat against Wandertal Siva, inane of the best fights in the MMA history In Pride 13, Oan would knock down Renzo Gracie with his feared crossed ight, enlarging his result Against Brazilians whien beating Muro Ninja by a olemic decision, in Pride 17. But in his eighth confrontation against Brazilans, Henderson would not bbe so lucky, losing against Ricardo Arona by tnanimaus decision in Pride 20. Next Minotauro Would have to avenge that polemic decision in the King of Kings semi finals, finalizing the North ‘American with an arm-iock forte fst ne, ‘After losing with Minotauro, Henderson would win Minotaur's Master (Milo Bustamante), by knook out in 2003 Pride Finals Conflict. Buta few months later, Flgéro Minotouro would repeat what his brother di finalizing him with an arm-lock. From that combat on, Henderson would go 10 detntivly fightin the lower Catagory (upsto-83k9), where he got the belt after ‘winning GP over Ryo Chonan, Akio Gono and again ‘Mul Bustamante in the finals After winning the belt, Henderson facod Misaki twice, winning fst time and losing sacond time, what Supposed him the GP elimination from the up-t0-83K3 ‘catagory ~ being dofoatod by tho very Misaki meal Being sUre of having the category belt in his hands, Henderson would ty to unity all belts In @ never Achieved endeavor by any MMA fighter. To have the Fight to face Wanderlel: Henderson bested Vitor Eolfort in Pride 42. in an impeseable performance he showed his impressive progression in Boxing Sominating actions both stanckng ane on the ground. In Pride 33, when beating Wanderal Siva, apart from taking his second belt from a Brazilian, Oan Henderson hammered Brazil by 104 Hondorson, the terror of Brazilians, beated Murilo Bustamante twice. Couture beating Liddel in the contest for the belt up tosakg.

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