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1. Your warm hugs + my cold nose = perfect combo!

2. The way you look at me

3. How you hold my hand
4. The way you kiss me
5. You are the smartest engineer
6. The perfection of your soul
7. Your lovely personality
8. The way you listen at me every single time
9. Your cooking
10. How lovely you are with kids
11. How patient you are
12. Because you accepted all my flaws and love me
13. Your laugh
14. Your charming eyes
15. Because you have been running in my mind since
the day we met
16. Because Im totally me when am with you
17. We can talk about anything
18. You always make me feel protected
19. I totally love how much you can get to spoil me
20. Ill never get tired of tell you how much I love you
21. Because you are the Ying of my Yang
22. Because you are perfect
23. Cause you are my penguin
24. Because it wasnt luck, it was faith
25. The way you drive me crazy
26. You make me a better person
27. Cause I like the way you see life
28. Cause you are an engineer
29. Cause we are the perfect match
30. You are always there for me
31. When you smile I can se stars in your eyes
32. You loved me when no one did
33. You missed me, just for no reason, just as I did
34. You are more than extraordinary
35. Because I love you just for no reason
36. Cause you are amazing
37. Cause your hugs are warmer than my sheets
38. Cause Ill always love you more
39. Because we are very much alike
40. Cause your smile its my favorite quote
41. Cause I love all the Little surprises
42. How you stand by my side
43. How you always find new ways to make me laugh
44. When Im sad, you heal the pain just with a hug
45. Because somehow you never let me go,
46. How you always take care of me
47. Cause you always have the right words to say
48. For all of your charming details
49. The way you stare at me as if I am the more
beautiful girl in the world
50. The look you give when you want to laugh and you
51. How you are the only one who thinks Im just a
lil bit CRAZY
52. How I can never get mad at you
53. The way you touch me as if I might break
54. The way you look after I say I love you

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