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Interactives Complete Student Checklist

Name: abby liebler

Date: 2/23/17
Teacher name:

12. Interactives QUEST #1: Charting Your Course

Check Description

X Watched the introductory video for Interactives Q1 Charting Your Course

X Watched the Google Maps overview video

X Went to

X Clicked get directions button

X Typed in and searched for home address and school

X Clicked get directions to see route

X Named map and clicked done

X Took a screenshot of map showing route and pasted it into word processing
document and saved it to my filespace

X Pasted link to map into document

X Right clicked on marker for my home

X Clicked on whats here

X Copied GPS coordinates and pasted into GPS converter

X Clicked on convert and map to see absolute location

X Used information for latitude and longitude to add a sentence to my my map

document stating my absolute location in latitude and longitude

X Clicked on link and then on latitude and longitude

X Clicked on the flight distance tab

X Typed name of school, city, and state for the first city

X Chose a national landmark for the other city

X Clicked submit

X Wrote a sentence describing relative location of my home in my my map document

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Page 1 v.7.26.2016 12. Interactives Complete Student Checklist

X Went to Google maps web page and clicked on car icon to see how long it will take to
travel from home to school

X Wrote the information about this travel in my document

X Found out how long it would take to go from home to school using public
transportation, walking, or biking and wrote the information in my document

X Used the GPS coordinates from earlier and found the location and what is located

X Documented this information in my document

X Saved and shared my work with my teacher

x Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

12. Interactives QUEST #2: Interactive Investigations

Check Description

X Went to Library of National Manipulatives and clicked on grades6-8, Geometry, Lady

Bug Maze

X Read directions on right side of page for Create a plan for the ladybug and try out
your plan

X Went back to list of manipulatives and tried a couple others

X Created own maze on grid paper to share with classmate

X Went to Edheads-Science and Math Interactives and clicked on Choose an Activity

X Went to the activity relevant to my grade level

X Chose a topic and used the keyword search in at least TWO applications to research
the topic

X Wrote a brief review of the application you think would be the most useful to you in

X Posted the information in the location specified by my teacher

X Saved and shared my work with my teacher

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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12. Interactives QUEST #3: Quizlet Investigations

Check Description

X Watched introductory video for Interactives Q3 Quizlet Investigations

X Chose a topic that I am studying or researching for school

X Choose areas (checked with teacher to decide how many) to study and/or solve
problems related to the topic

X Quizlet

X Watched brief overview of all things that can be done on Quizlet

X Found a set of flashcards that go with one of the topics being studied in school

X Selected one with a minimum of 20 terms to try

X Tried the different options such as: learn, test, scatter, and spacerace

X Took a screenshot of flashcard terms

XX Vocabulary and Spelling

X Went to Vocabulary Spelling City and explore resources available there for my topic

X Went to home page and used To Start, Try This

X Entered 5-10 words that I need to learn to spell correctly for a class

X Played a game to practice the spelling words

X Video Tutorials

X Went to Khan Academy and selected Learn tab

X Find a topic I am studying or that I would like to learn

X Watched a short instructional video or explored a resource

X Knowledged and Problem Solver

X Went to Wolfram Alpha and clicked on Examples

X Located some information that will help with the topic

X Text Summarization Tools

X Went to Text Compactor or Summarize This and tried it out for a relevant topic

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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X Went to Student News Articles site and selected a relevant current news article

X Highlighting, Clipping, Annotating, and Sticky Notes

X Visited Evernote or Educlipper and practiced highlighting/clipping various relevant

resources relevant to a topic

X Identified a topic to explore through these different tools

X Gave each tool a rating from 1 to 5 (1 being lowest, 5 being highest)

X Used a few short sentences to explain why I rated them that way and provided a
summary of some of the types of information I found for my topic

X Considered work and assignments in other classes

X Gave three or more examples of specific ways I could use these interactives to help
with school work (name, subject area and how to use it)

x Shared examples with screenshots to file space

X Saved and shared my work with my teacher

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap


Check off Description

X Took the Interactives Quiz

X Created an image capture of quiz results

X Shared image capture with teacher

X Took survey for improving activities

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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