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January 3, 2017

Dear Sir or Madam:

Katrena Grantham has asked me for a recommendation. I am happy to write one for
Katrena. Katrena was in my classroom behavior course and in my middle childhood science
methods course.

Katrena had a wonderful time in student teaching. She clearly made an effort to make social
studies and science come alive for her students. Whenever possible, she used hands- on
activities to help make concepts clearer. She is aware of and worked to differentiate
materials for the different students in her classes. She has been willing to try new things
and been delighted when they worked. She understands the importance of formative
assessments to check for understanding as well as pre-assessments to find out what the
students know going into a unit. She works to make sure the students are engaged in the
content and truly understand the content and not just memorize facts. She treats students
fairly and has high expectations about behavior not in a dictatorial manner but in a be the
best you can be manner.

Katrena is a responsible, hard- working, and caring person. She is dependable. She is
creative when it comes to content presentation. She also works well with her peers. She
cares deeply about her students. I think Katrena is going to make a fine teacher.


Dr. Linda Ingling Rogness

Professor of Education

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