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World History Project: Medieval Hall of Fame Applicant


You will be assigned a historical figure from the Medieval Era. In order to be considered for the
Medieval Hall of Fame, you must prepare and submit a professional portfolio. You (as your
figure) will also be interviewed.


Cover letter (must be typed in professional font such as Times New

A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on
your skills and experience. Your cover letter should be a paragraph (or two) that
a) states that you are applying to be accepted into the Medieval Hall of Fame
b) provides reason(s) for why you deserve to be accepted
c) provides evidence (facts, examples, details) to support your reasons

Works Cited Section You must use more than the textbook for your
You can use a reference/encyclopedia article, a book, or an Internet site on your figure.
You should have a separate Works Cited page for your sources MLA format. The
following can help you with formatting: and

Resume (must be typed in professional font such as Times New

Your resume should be 1-2 pages and highlight the achievements of your historical
figure. Be creative, you may have to use your imagination to make up some of the
information. It must include at least 4 categories, the categories in bold are required
a) Personal Information: name, postal address, email address (can be
made up)
b) References: at least two people that knew and respect the figure
c) Professional Experience: Employment history, employers names,
locations, years of employment, job descriptions (beginning with the most recent)
d) Accomplishments: special successes that your person would be proud of
and would make him/her worthy of being accepted into the Medieval Hall of Fame
e) Educational Background: School names and years attended (beginning
with most recent date), degrees held, major/minor areas of study
f) Military Service: type of military experience, training, number of years in
g) Hobbies and Interests: Things your person enjoys doing out of work
such as: activities, hobbies, special talents, skills, etc.
h) Civic Involvement: type of community service, voluntary work, charitable
i) Awards: honors received for achievement (academic, athletic, military)
A sample format is on the back of this page. (It is a good idea to write a rough draft and
have someone else [parents, friends] read and critique your resume)

Interview Come prepared to be interviewed as your figure (by your

peers and potentially some adults). We will go over possible questions in class. Please
wear or bring a nametag. You should either dress professionally OR wear something that
represents your figure!
George Washington
3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, VA 22121
(703) 123-4567 |


PRESIDENT, 1789-1797
United States of America, Philadelphia, PA

Served two four-year terms as president of the United States, winning the elections with unanimous votes.
Sought to create a great united nation and lead the post-war recovery efforts. Highlights include:

Assisted Congress with the adoption of the Bill of Rights in 1791.

Organized the first United States Cabinet and the Executive Branch, building an
infrastructure capable of supporting future presidents.
Issued the Proclamation of Neutrality, establishing the United States as a neutral nation in
the conflict between Britain and France, and freeing the nation from unnecessary involvement in
foreign conflicts.
Suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion, an uprising by farmers who were displeased by the
government's imposed excise on whiskey. Raised more than 12,000 troops to quell the uprising
and convince people of the merit of the tax.
Signed the Treaty of San Lorenzo, opening the Mississippi River to American navigation.
Turned down the opportunity to serve a third term, setting a precedent for future
presidents to limit their terms to avoid potential abuse of power.

Continental Army, Philadelphia, PA

Motivated troops during the cold winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge, PA, building a
mature army ready for battle.
Launched a brilliantly planned and executed Yorktown Campaign in 1781, securing an
American victory.


House of Burgesses, Williamsburg, VA

Built connection between various Virginian aristocracy members who would later assist
in the Revolution
Proposed a ban to limit imports from Great Britain in 1769


Self-Taught, Mount Vernon, VA

Mostly studied mathematics surveying, mapmaking, the classics and "rules of civility."


Benjamin Franklin Marquis de Lafayette

Founding Father of the United States Continental Congress Major General

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