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Esperanza Torres


5th period

Theorist Narrative

Waking up early has to be my least favorite part about school. My name is Sally and I am

currently in the 1st grade. My mom tells me that I go to a very special type of school called a

Montessori School.

My class is made up of many different grades, Im 6 and my friend Clary is almost 10,

yet shes in my class! We do mostly independent work here. About 80 percent of the time it feels

like were teaching ourselves,which helps us to better understand the material. There are stations

set up throughout our classroom, and each has a different activity! Some of these activities

include; folding clothes, playing with item of different textures, going outside and finding

examples of each of our five senses, and many more fun learning activities. My teacher said that

we do these activities to gain knowledge through our surroundings.

We are told that we do these things because it teaches self determination and self

realization, and the keep us engaged with our learning. Theres a quote from Montessori herself

thats all over our school as a way to explain this method of teaching, it is,Looking becomes

reading; touching becomes writing. Us students are told that this quote explains that our hands

on activities are gradually improving our motor skills, as well as, our knowledge.
When it comes time to leave school and go home, Im always excited to see what

activities we will be working on the next day! I really enjoy getting to have the opportunity to

learn information in a fun and intriguing way. My mother says that a Montessori school is very

good for a child my age because we get to figure things out on our own and learn from our

mistakes. Finally, I believe that Montessori schools are a great way to get children my age to be

engaged in their learning and helps them to retain that knowledge through remembering the fun


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