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The world and the society are changing fast therefore, it has got good
and bad consequences.
In the fashion industry consumers could find out more disavantages
than benefits.

It is clear from the facts are visibles; first of all, to show an appropiate
appearance is important, specially in teenagers where the global
media, influence them considerably.

Secondly, the low price stipulated by companies encourage

individuals to buy more in a short period of time nevertheless, if it is
used to meet basics needs could result a benefit.

In addition, while those facilities are increased, the compulsive

shopping raise producing in the person a psychological neediness.

In conclusin, fashion industry has got a significant power being

negative, mainly in young people, and affecting in their whole live:
family, work, leissure time, health etc and is important to transmit to
the society the real problema to solve it.

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