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Elementary Education Score:

1.What is the basic requirement that is needed in order to be an elementary

A Masters Degree

B Bachelors Degree with certifications

C High School Diploma

D No requirements needed

2.In kindergarten, what is the goals you are trying to teach your students in terms
of counting?
A count up to 50 and then try to 100

B count up too 150

C count up to 1,000

D count up to 10

3.How old is a typical kindergarten student

A 7

B 3

C 4

D 5-6

4.What is one important requirement that kindergarten students must learn?

A Writing their name.

B Learning the ABC's.

C Playing nicely with other students.

D All of the above.

5.What are some common shapes that kindergarten students learn to identify?
A Square

B Rectangle

C Triangle

D All of the above

6.Students will be able to count to 100 by 10's at the end of kindergarten.

A True

B False

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7.Students DO NOT learn how to cut along the lines.
A True

B False

8.What is one of the basic forms for a student to learn how to read?
A Sounding out the words.

B Hearing it read aloud then repeating it.

C Looking it up online

D They don't learn.

9.Students use finger spaces in between each word when writing.

A True

B False

10.Students will be able to add but they don't learn how to subtract by the end of
the year.
A True

B False

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