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Mason Lowe, 5th Period

24 February, 2017

Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial
The most basic definition of
Artificial Intelligence is a
computer that can successfully
write its own code.
Resulting in a type of thinking
this product is one that has yet to
be accomplished up to the current
The most stereotypical A.I. is
The recent development of the criteria for new Artificial Intelligence, incorporated into working agents.
depicted as a humanoid robot that
interacts with its environment as
though it were alive and human. My Story, Pertaining to
But in reality, the only major
limitation of an A.I is to be able to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
think for itself and be able to react My experience with Artificial Intelligence (henceforth
in non-determined ways to its referred to as A.I.) is one that is quite different and in some aspects
environment, much like we as peculiar. At a young age, I was introduced to the concept of robots that
humans do. could think, move, and feel, just like we as humans do. This concept has
The first and most powerful of always fascinated me, and the implementations and potential are
its kind, IBMs Watson is one of staggering.
the most advanced A.I. to date. As I have explored the topic of A.I. both in and out of classroom
Watson has been advertised as settings, I have encountered two different points of view. First being the
being the first computerized aspect of how the development and perfection can benefit the world, and
personal assistant that is capable the second being how potentially devastating A.I. can be to the world and
of much more. economy.
Continues on page two (2)

Artificial Intelligence - Mason Lowe

My Story Cont.
The position that I take on
the topic of A.I. is one of both
caution and of curiousity. While
I believe that through advances
The most recent and advanced A.I. to date, IBMs in the fields that directly
correlate with A.I. there will
come much good and some
The 21st Century much needed change in todays The Fear of Artificial
Watson world. But with the incredible
strides being made with each Intelligence Advances
Named after the famed assistant passing month, a new question Artificial Intelligence, the frightening
to Sherlock Holmes, IBMs arises. Where does computer and unknown of what might come from
Watson is among the first of its kind end, and life begin? the advances. One of the most
and stature. It is the most recent and The dilemma and question prominent questions about A.I. is the
most advanced to date. Being that has held back much of the question of what if we do successfully
advertised as the start of the era of potential development of A.I. if create an A.I. that can think for itself,
cognitive business, Watson has a computer were to be able to learn, and eventually have a physical
think on its own, and be able to manifestation. What then? While there
proven its stature and its precedence
provide for itself, would it be has been much speculation on the
as one of, if not the most powerful considered alive? This to some different outcomes, often shown in
A.I. to date. is a bridge that should be various forms of media, such as in movies
Watson is truly one of the most crossed once the technology is like The Terminator or even in video
advanced A.I. of its kind. It offers in such a stage that it would be games such as Halo these are in
much more than a simple business an actual possibility. To the essence the two different extremes of the
assistant, it has proven that it has majority of the scientific misconceptions.
the potential to assist in tasks such community, the bridge should For instance, in the big name movie
as taking into account the weather to be crossed as soon as the The Terminator the A.I. that humanity
issue arises. Meaning that in created developed at such a rate that the
do things such as help crops grow
this specific case, the question A.I. as a whole determined that humanity
stronger and more fruitful. of whether or not an A.I. should was unnecessary and that the existence
With the power of a search be considered alive or not is to of humanity should be terminated this
engine, and coding that allows a be asked and answered long showing the darker potential and theories
certain amount of freedom for the before the technology is at the of developments in A.I. is in strong
program to think Watson is able to stage where it could be contrast with the theory that is depicted in
assist in the business of bringing potentially considered as being the popular video game series Halo
new aspects to the table. This is alive. wherein the sole purpose of the A.I. is to
accomplished by the use of APIs protect and serve humanity and to assist
and a marketplace that has given the in advances and developments of
humanity as a whole.
option of almost customizing the
While these are only two of the vast
performance of Watson by adding number of theories about the potential for
specific lines of code that enable or Artificial Intelligence they are however,
disable even more specific aspects two of the most widespread and extreme
of the overall program. This is done theories and potential outcomes for the
through the system that IBM has increased outcome of the development of
devised has provided a needed A.I.
alternative to the common
one-size-fits-all approach with recent
products of many online resources.

Artificial Intelligence - Mason Lowe

The Predicament of Life and
Artificial Intelligence
The first concept of artificial intelligence is believed to have
begun during the time of myths beginning with the concept of
automatons, realistic humanoid figures that have
consciousness and can think and act as though it were alive
and human. This is believed to be the first concept of the idea
of Artificial Intelligence. Since that time, there have been many
inventors that have strived to create such a figure or being in
the physical and material world. And since the time of the first
introduction of the concept, the question has risen again and
again, whether the machine, assuming that such a machine
could be created and sustain itself, while being able to
simultaneously learn and think, would be considered by the
culture as well as the law as being alive. If so, what would the
limit be? If an A.I. were to create another A.I. would the child
A.I. be considered as alive as well? This seemingly simple
question of whether or not an Artificial Intelligence would be
considered as alive, can spawn countless subsequent
questions, many of which cannot be answered in todays
current day and age.

al-Jazaris candle clock, designed and constructed in 1206 A.D.

The First Inventor of A.I.

The first inventor of the first automaton like figures was Ismail
al-Jazari. al-Jazari lived during the Islamic Golden Age, and
was an inventor of many things, among which being his
humanoid automatons. These automatons were considered at
the time to be able to think. While many of his designs may
seem trivial to us in our current technologically advanced
state, they would have been considered as mind boggling to
al-Jazaris programmable automata of 1206 A.D.
the people living during his lifetime and shortly thereafter.
Many of his automata were programmable of a sort, they
could do different tasks within their design limitations. The
most notable automaton that al-Jazari created was his
revolutionary design of the candle clock, wherein candles
would burn at specific times, and markings would indicate how
long the candle had been burning according to its height in
relation to its starting height. These clocks would have been
used as a sort of timer by the people of the time period.
al-Jazari revolutionized its design by adding a dial, many of
the people of the time began to think of the clock as being
able to think for itself, or at a minimum being able to operate
independently of a user, giving it the status of the time period
as a type of A.I. simple though it may be, and dwarfed in
comparison to the A.I. of today. The candle clock of al-Jazari
would be of the same stature then as IBMs Watson is to us
The Greek-designed Antikythera mechanism 150-100 BC is considered as
the world's first analog computer

Artificial Intelligence - Mason Lowe

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