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1.)As a Filipino and a son of God, i am not in favor of Euthanasia.

We Filipinos are indeed known worldwide as peoples of deep and great faith. Life
is a gift,
a blessing from God, He created us in his image and we are therefore like him an
d are part of him, so that's
why i believe that if God gave us the right to live, then only God has the right
to take it away from us.
2.)Global warming not only affects the lives of humans but It also affects the p
lants and animals. it is threat to Gods creations.
Since we people are the stewards of the creation of God, each of us has a person
al responsibility to take care for the precious gift of his creations.
God created the world, and we are in charge to color it and make it beautiful. S
o that's why i believe that global warming is a threat nowadays.
5.) For me sunrise is more significant. Sunrise always reminds us of the love of
the Lord, Every sunrise brings us new hope.
and as humans, we need hope. We can't live without it.
Everyone has their own story. some have happy endings, and some have bad endings
. In bad endings we
we feel diappointed, we feel so stressed. But in life, every ending has a new be
ginning, we can start a new day
hoping to be successful and hoping all our efforts and hard works to be paid off

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