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The News & Observer +

A Saturday, December 8, 2012 15A

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Meet the skimpily dressed?

n a recent Meet the Press, host David Gregory shoes would have been entirely plausible on Fiorina or
presided in a tailored jacket and tie. Panelists Al Mitchell.
Sharpton, David Brooks and Ken Burns appeared What the women gained in attention, they lost in
similarly professional. But the two female panelists, stature. And in many cases, the women would rather
Andrea Mitchell and Carly Fiorina, seemed ready for not be vying for that sort of attention.
cocktails, not coffee, in form-fitting dresses, arms na- News executives and their stylists are pressuring
ked to the world. smart women to serve cheesecake with the expertise
Meet the Undressed or, to put it more melodra- and justify the ugly business as evidence of gender
matically, Meet the Oppressed. In addition to saying equality: Ladies, you dont have to prove anything any-
intelligent things, the women seemed more, so forget about those 80s power suits and wear
-AP photo
required to flaunt their flesh and blink whatever party dress you want to on Meet the Press.
under three layers of eye shadow. They Ten years ago, professional dress meant a Talbots Protesters make their views known during a meeting of the Vir-
were, sartorially speaking, inferior. suit for women, the head of a marketing firm that con- ginia Uranium Mining Working Group in Richmond.
Half naked may be the babe rule for en- sults with news networks told The Washington Post.
tertainment shows, but must that dress Things have changed for the better, he said. The audi-
code extend to women of substance on
news programs? So it would seem.
Im not the first woman to be astounded
by the dolls on daytime cable news, their
ence has equal regard for female and male anchors. Its
given women far more liberty to be feminine.
A crock.
If no one has to prove anything, why doesnt David
Take care in mining
overall impression being arms, legs and
lip gloss. Why anyone would think sex sells on informa-
tion-oriented news shows is beyond me. The audience
Gregory wear a cut-off T-shirt and flip-flops?
Ann Curry, former co-anchor of NBCs Today, told
a womens magazine how she was pressed to wear ri-
Virginias uranium
can find more and better (sex) on other channels. diculously high-heeled shoes. Mika Brzezinski com-
Fiorina is a serious woman. She was CEO of Hew- plained that when she started on MSNBCs Morning The following editorial ap- to proceed. The company says it
lett-Packard and a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in Joe, she was pushed into clothes that were short, peared in Wednesdays Washing- will isolate all its tailings below
California. But sleeveless in pistachio green, she looks skimpy, tight. She somehow escaped and now wears ton Post: ground and far from rivers and
less authoritative than Al Sharpton. Mitchell is NBCs sweaters and collared shirts, which is what Joe wears. flood plains. And it points out that
elow a plot of land in south- uranium is mined around the
chief foreign affairs correspondent, for heavens sake.
Why does she have to display her bare triceps in a red
sheath at the age of 66? (I dont care how good her
arms are.) A professional newswoman
Rachel Maddow has dismissed the cable TV news look
for women as un-businesslike. How interesting that the
minimally adorned Maddow is MSNBCs hottest com-
mentator, challenging Fox News and attracting
B central Virginia lies billions world, in places with wetter cli-
of dollars worth of uranium mates than that of the American
ore, the critical radioactive fuel for west. Canada is one of the largest
shouldnt have to do that at age 22. the younger demographic. I have no idea Americas nuclear reactors. Vir- producers, and its nuclear regula-
By contrast , filmmaker Ken where Maddow gets her jackets, but Tal- ginia Uranium Inc. wants to ex- tor insists that uranium mining
Burns gets away with (and looks bots would not be an impossibility. tract it, bringing economic activ- there is very safe, given required
fine in) the nerd combo of white You wonder whether the news ex- ity to the region. But three de- safeguards.
shirt, brown jacket and match- ecutives tarting up their female jour- cades ago, the commonwealth im- A 2011 National Academy of
ing brown tie. We couldnt see nalists arent the Ron Burgundys posed a moratorium on uranium Sciences study highlights the
the panelists footwear, but stuck in the age of disco. Perhaps mining. State lawmakers, who are progress of mining standards, and
one doubts that Gregory, theyre the dated ones, not giving likely to consider this winter it notes that instances of environ-
Brooks or Sharpton walked on women the liberty to be serious. whether to lift the moratorium, mental damage have mostly been
the set tottering on stilettos. CREATORS SYNDICATE
should be open to allowing urani- observed at mining facilities that
Such movement-inhibiting um mining to proceed but care- operated at standards of practice
fully. that are generally not acceptable
Among other things, critics of today. But it also cautions that its
lifting the moratorium claim that difficult to know whether below-
The Peoples Forum uranium mining poses dangers to ground storage facilities will re-
water resources, particularly be- main durable for the hundreds of
Poop ahoy Workers as people cause the area is prone to big years they are designed to last.
storms. Contamination, they say, In the face of some inevitable
Your Nov. 25 article about hog waste missed the mark in The recent election has significantly raised could occur even years after min- uncertainty but also plenty of ex-
many ways and perpetuated the ill-placed thinking that the the profile of the Hispanic population in this ing ceases; tailings, a byproduct perience from around the world
hog industry in North Carolina is a good thing. Doesnt the country and the hopes for comprehensive im- of ore processing, might someday from which to draw lawmakers
fact that, after 12 years of research, the only ones benefiting migration reform by the newly elected Con- escape from storage zones. best option is to lift the moratori-
from that research are the hog industry, certain researchers gress. Immigration reform is an incredibly ur- U.S. uranium mines, they say, um while ensuring all the caution
and the state government? What about the disease, odor, gent issue, and I hope Congress is able to make have so far been located in the arid mining advocates say they favor.
contaminated water, unhealthy air and loss of property val- meaningful reform while keeping in mind who climates of Western states, and That means requiring a com-
ue by the communities that have to live with these animal it is we need reform for. even then water contamination plete plan, from permitting to
factories (they are not farms)? For many of us living in North Carolina, the has occurred around mining and cleaning up the site, decades of
Are we to continue to submit the rural residents of North closest contact we have to illegal immigrants is milling sites. Virginians, they ar- monitoring, and directives pre-
Carolina to bearing the brunt of an industry that cares nothing through our food. Fifty-two percent of all farm- gue, should be very careful about mised on the notion that environ-
for residents while it reaps the economic benefits? Twelve workers are in the U.S. illegally, and these peo- allowing mining in their wetter cli- mental disturbances should be as
years is way too long to solve a problem that is solvable. Wake ple are critical to our food system, as recent im- mate. minimal as reasonably achievable,
up, North Carolina. We are drowning in a sea of poop. migration reform efforts in Alabama and Geor- Mining advocates counter that not just up to basic requirements.
gia have shown. Without these workers, our massive water contamination The cost of compliance, mean-
Larry Baldwin, New Bern food would literally rot in the field. from tailings is unlikely, given while, should fall to Virginia Ura-
Farmworkers pay a huge price to bring us our modern standards and the care nium.
Hogs and feds food. Their average yearly income is about
$11,000, and they rarely receive benefits. Work
with which the company promises THE WASHINGTON POST

Regarding your Nov. 25 front-page article After 12 years on-farm is difficult and labor intensive. Pesticide
of research, hog-waste disposal still reeks: One clear solu- exposure poses an enormous health concern
tion to the impasse over treating hog wastes is to develop
and implement federal standards. Beginning in the 1970s,
federal standards led to massive efforts, largely successful,
to clean up human waste discharges.
from chemical-related injuries and illnesses. In
fact, farmworkers are more likely to suffer these
effects than any other work force in the U.S.
As we discuss immigration reform in the
When dogs retire
That animal waste deserves similar attention is clear: Put
all states on the same playing field, so that the hog industry
cant complain about economic advantages elsewhere.
coming year, lets be sure to remember who we
are talking about and what they do for us. from the military
Would this industry turn its lobbyists toward helping make Eric Hansen
this obvious solution happen? One can hope. Durham By Heather Benson in 1997 by President Bill Clinton
s a young girl, I was sur- to permit federal dog handlers (for
Barnes Bierck, P.E., Ph.D., Chapel Hill

Nasty neighbors
Truth in hiring
In a Nov. 25 Point of View piece, Lee Wicker
A rounded by different as-
pects of military life be-
cause my father served in the U.S.
example, soldiers) to adopt their
dog retirees.
These dogs risk their lives just
of N.C Growers Association complained that Air Force. One of the things that I as much as a human soldiers do,
The N&O does a disservice to the people of North Caroli- found most interesting was the and they should not be treated in-
na by limiting discussion of the economics of hog waste the H-2A program is too bureaucratic and ex-
pensive. What he characterizes as bureaucracy, militarys working dogs. humanely so lets make a change!
disposal to industry profits (Nov. 25 news article). I was struck by the dogs ex- Thanks to three organizations
In several articles, there has been no mention of the dam- however, may be the simple requirement that
H-2A job openings be advertised and offered to traordinary intelligence and (the U.S. War Dog Association,
ages to residents who suffer from respiratory conditions, f i e rc e n e s s w h i l e Retired Military Working Dog As-
mucous membrane irritation, American workers first.
stress, contaminated wells and in- Additionally, many of the expenses paid by Point of conducting
drills including
military sistance and Military Working
Dog Adoptions), the U.S. House
terference with use of their homes growers in the program actually go to benefit
and property. the grower association or a private labor bro- View detecting bombs, of Representatives passed H.
ker, not to the government or workers. enforcing security, 4103, the Canine Members of the
There is no mention that cover- sniffing out narcotics, protecting Armed Forces Act, which states
ing fecal-waste pits does nothing to It is also disingenuous for Wicker to sug-
gest that there are no U.S. workers willing to our troops and even participating that military working dogs should
reduce air pollution from swine in the mission to get Osama bin be classified as canine members
confinement buildings, no mention do farm work. In reality, growers like to hire
foreign workers because they do not have to Laden. of the armed forces.
that methane collection cannot Then I discovered what happens This bill provides that if a dog
keep cesspools from contaminating pay Social Security or unemployment taxes
for them and because the law prohibits H2-A to these dogs after their retire- should be retired, and no suitable
groundwater or flooding during the next tropical storm. ment. adoption is available at the military
No mention of growth-promoting antibiotics that con- workers from quitting and seeking employ-
ment elsewhere, as U.S. citizens can. These working dogs do not get facility where the dog is located, the
tribute to creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria responsible any recognition for their services, dog may transfer to the 341st Train-
for human infections. No mention of contract growers in Finally, it is mean-spirited to suggest that
H-2A program reform should not include a are not entitled to military veteri- ing Squadron or to another location
debt to corporations that control markets and lock out in- nary care after retirement and are, for adoption. It also authorizes the
dependent farmers. path to citizenship. Many of the H-2A farm-
workers in our state have been coming to North sadly, classified by the govern- acceptance of the donation of fre-
Arent these costs, too? Dont the health, well-being and ment as equipment. Currently, quent traveler miles to facilitate the
economic interests of rural residents of North Carolina war- Carolina for more than a decade. These people
have made enormous personal sacrifices, con- many retired dogs classified as adoption of a dog, and directs the
rant recognition, or is it only the interests of corporations equipment are not available for secretary of defense to establish and
and their shareholders that matter? tribute huge amounts to our economy and
ought to have a path to enjoying basic human adoption and must be euthanized, maintain a system to provide for the
Steve Wing economic rights enjoyed by the millions of usually because of wartime inju- lifetime veterinary care of retired,
Epidemiologist, UNC-Chapel Hill Americans they feed. ries or incomplete training. adopted dogs.
Bob Epting Some dogs, usually those with At a January 2012 news confer-
Former member, N.C. Environmental Management Carol Brooke thorough training and few inju- ence, the bills co-sponsor in the
Commission Workers Rights Project director, ries, are adoptable by the soldier Senate, Sen. Richard Blumenthal
N.C. Justice Center who had the dog in combat. Unfor- of Connecticut, stated that its pur-
Pittsboro Raleigh tunately, there are many stories pose is to recognize [the dogs]
about soldiers who return from service, the strength and loyalty
service overseas who cannot they demonstrate when they are in
adopt their canine partner be- combat, and to return that loyalty
DOONESBURY cause they are unable to afford the when they come back.
cost of the animals flight home This bill is now before the U.S.
and post-retirement veterinary Senate. On behalf of these service
care. animals, please consider writing
Consider how these soldiers or calling North Carolina Sens.
feel, having served with and con- Richard Burr and Kay Hagan in
nected with these dogs, then los- support of S. 2134, the Canine
ing them because they cannot af- Members of the Armed Forces
ford to care for the animals. Act.
Service dogs are treated this I have started a petition and al-
way by the military because cur- ready have 300 signatures to send
rent federal law requires it. The to our congressional delegation.
1949 Federal Property and Ad- Together, we can be a voice on be-
ministrative Services Act classi- half of these service dogs.
fied military working dogs as
equipment to be discarded when Heather Benson is a senior at West
+ worn out. The law was amended Johnston High School.

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