Tips For Successful Job Interviews

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Andrs Felipe Velasco M.

Tips for Successful Job Interviews
Currently, in many companies is important to do a good job interview for the
vacancy. The following 10 tips are recommended to be successful in job
1) Research the industry and the company.
a. An interviewer may ask how you perceive his companys position
in its industry, who are the competitors in the industry, what are
its competitor advantages. For this reason, focus your job search
on a few industries or companies.
2) Clarify your reasons you want the job
a. Try to prepare three or five key points of what makes you the best
candidate for the position. Be prepare to the interviewer why you
want that job (interests, abilities, etc)
3) Prepare for common interview questions.
a. Some of interview questions are similar in each vacancy. Try to
prepare common questions about age, status, about to graduate;
and prepare your answers.
4) Line up your questions for the interviewer
a. Come to the interview with some intelligent questions about the
company. Some interviews ask if you have any questions, you
should have one or two questions. If you dont ask maybe they
can interpret that youre not all interested about the job.
5) Practice, practice and practice
a. Be prepared about some questions such as why should we hire
you? Or why do you want that job? Try to practice your answers
more than twice.

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