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What Does a Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) Mean?

It is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism. It is
commonly seen on T-shirts, Indian flag, and tattoos. It is used to
symbolize Buddhism just like how a Star of David symbolizes
Judaism. So what does Dharmachakra mean? And what is its
significance in Hinduism and Buddhism?
TAGGED UNDER: Religious Symbols Buddhism

Did You Know?

Buddhist flag in Thailand features a yellow fag with a red
Known as Dharmachakra in Sanskrit, it is one of the oldest and
important symbols in Buddhism. Dharmachakra represents
teachings of the Buddha. It depicts Dharma which according to
Buddhism is the pathway to reach Nirvana (peaceful state of mind).
It signifies teachings from not just Buddhism, but also Hinduism and
Jainism. Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) means Wheel of law.
Dharmachakra has varying number of spokes, most commonly
eight. Dharma wheel can be seen in any color, but it is mostly in
gold. Center of the wheel has three shapes swirling together,
usually they look like a Yin-Yang symbol, but it can be a wheel or
another circle.
Dharma Wheel: Meaning

There isn't a single meaning associated with Dharmachakra, it

can be interpreted in many ways. The Dharma wheel is made up of
three different parts namely: The Hub, The Spokes, and The Rim.

Buddha's teachings are known as Dharma. The circle shape of

the wheel symbolizes fawlessness of the Dharma, which is
Buddha's teaching.

The rim of the wheel stands for the ability to meditate and
concentrate, which further helps to hold all the teachings together.
The smaller circle, which is the Hub symbolizes discipline. The
three colorful swirls on the Hub stands for Buddha (yellow), Dharma
(blue), and, Sangha (red) which are also called The Three

Last but not the least, the spokes represent different things
based on their numbers.
If a wheel has four spokes it stands for The Four Noble Truths
which are The truth of suffering (Dukkha), The truth of the cause of
suffering (samudaya), The truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha),
and, The truth of the path that frees us from s
simply explains the process of birth and rebirth. For all the problems
an individual has to go through, Buddha provides a solution through
meditation to end all the suffering.
Dharma Wheel: Signifcance in Buddhism
Buddha gave his frst sermon in Sarnath, which is a deer park in
Uttar Pradesh, India. His first sermon was delivered after his
enlightenment. The park where he gave his first sermon was a
humble abode of many deer, and they gathered around Buddha to
hear his teachings. That is the reason you will find deer sitting on
either side of the Dharmachakra. Buddha taught us that we need to
protect and save not just humans but also animals.
Buddha taught The Four Noble Truths and each truth
encompasses three characteristics which is known as 'Turnings of
the Wheel.'

The Wheel represents the process of rebirth of a human being. In

Mahayana Buddhism, it is noted that Buddha turned the Dharma
wheel thrice.

His frst sermon was the first turning the wheel where he talked
about The Four Noble Truths. Second turning was when he
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