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1) Enrollment No:

2) Name:

3) Area of Specialisation: -

4) Title of the Project: (Maximum 500 characters)

5) Statement of the problem: (Maximum 800 characters)

6) Objectives of the study: (Maximum 800 characters)

7) Methodology: secondary.

8) Explanation of the method: (Maximum 1000 characters)

9) Company Name:

10) Company Profile: (Maximum 800 characters)

11) Questionnaire (10 to 15 questions)

12) Number of respondents (minimum 50):

13) Location of study:

14) Method you will use to classify data: Maximum 300 chars allowed.

15) Method you will use to present data: (Maximum 800 characters)

16) References: * (Maximum 2000 characters)

17) Chapterization Scheme:

a. Chapter No.1:

b. Chapter No.2:

c. Chapter No.3:

d. Chapter No.4:

e. Chapter No.5:

18) Profile of Project Guide

19) Name: *

20) Age:

21) Educational Qualification:

22) Years of work experience:

23) Current Organisation:

24) Current designation: blank.

25) Address:

a. House No:.

b. Street: *

c. City: *

d. State:

e. Country: India

26) Phone Number (Office):

27) Phone Number (Residence):

28) Mobile Number (10 digits):

29) Email:

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