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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involved me and Ill learn.

-Benjamin Franklin.

My teaching philosophy centers on a play-based curriculum. In my

classroom I develop lessons, activities, and learning centers that allow children to express

themselves by using their imaginations. While in these centers, I focus on the childs five

developmental domains; physical, social, emotional, language and cognition. Each

activity I implement is developmentally appropriate, based on the individual learning

styles, interests, and abilities of each child.

I believe it is most important to provide a nurturing classroom environment. I

ensure that my classroom is safe for children, allowing them to feel comfortable, loved

and happy. I believe in a child-centered learning environment, where the childs interest

are put first. Its important to celebrate each childs differences and to make each feel

special and comfortable in my classroom.

A healthy relationship with families is critical. I strongly encourage families to be

a part of our classroom and welcome parent volunteers. The connection between home

and school is important. My classroom celebrates family traditions and honors the role of

teacher and parent. Together our combined efforts will ensure each childs school

experience is successful.

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