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1 - Startup - Create your vision - Write down everything you want in life

- where do you live? who do you live with? what's your bank account? what's you
r house? be as detailed as you can
2 - What type of person achieves these goals? - Figure out that person's thought
process and thoughts
- Be in deserved state for achieving number 1
3 - Daily Brain tuneup - Wake up - 5 min deep breathing tuneup - Take your affir
mation sheet and read it
- Some point in your day take 10 min and do meditation and get to alpha brain
state - visualize your goals for 30 min then
4 - Right before sleep do 2 & 3
5 - Do this for 90 days and you should be fine
6 - Try to make similar friends and mastermind group and only communicate with t

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