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Name of Organization: Chocolotty bars café

Tutorial Group: TZ02

Members Names & Student Numbers:

1. Sim Rong Kai Gabriel S10095855D

2. Timotheus Yong Yun Kuin S10084130K

3. Cindy Eldina S10085003F

4. Benjamin Lim Jian Hao S10095268H

5. Chan Yong Ming_ S10095071F

6. Mah Kang Jun S10096017A


Allocated Awarded
Nature of business (brief description) 5

External Environmental Factors & Culture 15

Decision on Location of Business 10

Company’s mission, Goals and Strategy 10

Organizing tasks and structure 10

Roles and functions of managers

Leading 10

Control Methods 10

Grammar, innovative ideas 10

Project Presentation 20

Total 100
1.1 Decision making

After considering the various industries, we decided to set up a business on Food and Beverage.
The alternatives suggested were restaurant, foodcourt or café. We found that the café is the most
feasible idea in terms of … (refer to the categories on the table). To make our café unique, we decided
on a chocolate bar theme, as most people like chocolate and it is fresh concept that might appeal to the
urban lifestyle of working individuals.. (provide statistic as cross reference) The café offers alcoholic
chocolate drinks, chocolate based drinks, cakes and pastries, and also exquisite chocolate. Our target
market is the working adults. The locations we considered to set up this bar were Suntec City, Clarke
Quay or City Hall area. After a round of evaluation, we decided to set it up at Suntec City. The reason we
choose Suntec City is that it is accessible, located nearby to the MRT
-near to target audience (working adults 4 office towers)

1.2 Mission and vision

To share the love for chocolate to everyone.

1.3 Objectives

2.1 Stakeholders
2.2 General environment

3.1 Tasks of employees

Chairperson – do planning and strategy

Operational Supervisor – in charge of people serving the customer
Operational Supervisor Assistant – taking the role of the supervisor when the supervisor is not around.
When the supervisor is present, he or she will take the roles of the service crew.
Service Crew – Cleaning service, waiter/waitress, bartender, cashier, dish washing
Chef – in charge of people in the kitchen, in charge of the food
Chef Assistant – keeps track of the expiry dates and help the chef
Kitchen Crew – Preparing ingredient, washing the cooking instruments, ordering of the stock
3.2 Organizational structure




Service Crew Kitchen Crew

3.3 Organizational culture and leadership style

The Leadership Style that the Chocolate Bar strives to achieve is a relaxed and stress- free work environment and a
friendly relationship among employers and the employees. Under such working conditions, employees treat their
employers with respect and work diligently during working hours but enjoy friendly relations after working hours.
Thus, under such an excellent working environment, employees will be motivated to work hard for the Chocolate
Bar and will not be afraid to give feedback to their employers on how to further improve the business to be more
efficient. In addition, employees will also develop a sense of loyalty towards the company and employees’ morale
will be high. This way, the company will benefit from this as workers will willingly work hard for the company as
they are happy with their jobs and the way their employers treat them. In the contrary, if the employer bosses the
employees around and simply tells them what to without listening to their opinions, the employees may feel stifled
and unhappy and may want to even quit their job as they feel unhappy working under such an employer.

While maintaining friendly relationships between employers and employees, there is still a need for employers to
enforce their authority when the situation arises. If an employee is underperforming or repeatedly making
mistakes at work, employers need to step in to warn him/her to put in more effort or face the possibility of getting
retrenched. This is because employers cannot afford to compromise the productivity of the Chocolate Bar while
trying to maintain friendly relations with their employees. If employers are reluctant to reprimand their
subordinates when they make mistakes or underperform, then the management will result in a Country Club
Management Style where the employer regards employees’ welfare to be of the utmost importance. This results in
low productivity from the workers as there is no motivation to work hard as the workers do not fear of getting
penalized by their employers. Thus, the business would begin to make a loss and the business would not be
sustainable in the long run. Thus, the employees and employers must strike a balance of respect and authority for
each other so that employees know their limits and do not step over the line during working hours.

Also, employers should not play favoritism. If an employee is a member of the employer’s family and he/she is not
performing well, the management should not just pretend that nothing is happening and just turn a blind eye to it.
The other employees in the business will feel that it is not fair towards them and there will be dissent within the
company. This affects the employees’ morale and they will not respect the management anymore. Lastly, the
management involved could use a system of meritocracy to reward hardworking and loyal employees so that this
would spur them on to work harder. This way, employees will feel that they are valued by the company and this
also increases their loyalty to the company and they will not switch companies if they are headhunted by other

4.1 Control

4.5 Future plans

Our specialized café for chocolate lovers is a concept that will attract a growing market. Assuming good
market response, we plan to recuperate our costs in three years. Our goals are to establish a brand
name for ourselves for quality and for our café to be a familiar name to chocolate aficionados.

By focusing on chocolates, we are differentiating our café. Thus, the target audience will slightly differ
with other strong café competitors such as Starbucks and the coffee connoisseur. With less competitors
focused in chocolate, we will not face strong initial competition, and we will be able to break into the
market more successfully.
Anticipating market changes, we plan to source for more exotic chocolate and create an exclusive
contract with the suppliers in order for us to continue to stay ahead of competitions and other cafés
looking to break into this focused market.

The revenue generated by the café and the types of customers will be closely monitored, and if it goes
according to plan, we aim to open a second outlet in a heartland mall in three years time, once we have
break even the total costs for the initial café. Subsequently, we plan to open up to 10 stores located all
around the country in a span of fifteen years.

Exit plan
Ideally, after the café has been around in the market for fifteen years and established a reputable brand
name, we plan to open up to overseas entrepreneurs for franchising. At that time, we also plan to be a
listed company and to offer initial public offering (IPO).

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