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Q.1 Explain Overall Purpose of a Maintenance Program.

ANS:- maintenance in software engineering is the modification of a software product after

delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes. [1]

A common perception of maintenance is that it merely involves fixing defects. However, one
study indicated that over 80% of maintenance effort is used for non-corrective actions.
This perception is perpetuated by users submitting problem reports that in reality are
functionality enhancements to the system. [citation needed] More recent studies put the bug-fixing
proportion closer to 21%.[3]

Software maintenance and evolution of systems was first addressed by Meir M. Lehman in
1969. Over a period of twenty years, his research led to the formulation of Lehman's
Laws (Lehman 1997). Key findings of his research include that maintenance is really
evolutionary development and that maintenance decisions are aided by understanding what
happens to systems (and software) over time. Lehman demonstrated that systems continue
to evolve over time. As they evolve, they grow more complex unless some action such
as code refactoring is taken to reduce the complexity.

In the late 1970s, a famous and widely cited survey study by Lientz and Swanson, exposed
the very high fraction of life-cycle costs that were being expended on maintenance. They
categorized maintenance activities into four classes:

Adaptive modifying the system to cope with changes in the software environment
(DBMS, OS) [4]

Perfective implementing new or changed user requirements which concern

functional enhancements to the software

Corrective diagnosing and fixing errors, possibly ones found by users [4]

Preventive increasing software maintainability or reliability to prevent problems in

the future [4]

The survey showed that around 75% of the maintenance effort was on the first two types,
and error correction consumed about 21%. Many subsequent studies suggest a similar
magnitude of the problem. Studies show that contribution of end user is crucial during the
new requirement data gathering and analysis. And this is the main cause of any problem
during software evolution and maintenance. So software maintenance is important because
it consumes a large part of the overall lifecycle costs and also the inability to change
software quickly and reliably means that business opportunities are lost. [5] [6][7]

Importance of software maintenance[edit]

The key software maintenance issues are both managerial and technical. Key management
issues are: alignment with customer priorities, staffing, which organization does
maintenance, estimating costs. Key technical issues are: limited understanding, impact
analysis, testing, maintainability measurement.

Software maintenance is a very broad activity that includes error correction, enhancements
of capabilities, deletion of obsolete capabilities, and optimization. Because change is
inevitable, mechanisms must be developed for evaluation, controlling and making

So any work done to change the software after it is in operation is considered to be

maintenance work. The purpose is to preserve the value of software over the time. The
value can be enhanced by expanding the customer base, meeting additional requirements,
becoming easier to use, more efficient and employing newer technology. Maintenance may
span for 20 years, whereas development may be 1-2 years. [citation needed]

Software maintenance planning

An integral part of software is the maintenance one, which requires an accurate

maintenance plan to be prepared during the software development. It should specify how
users will request modifications or report problems. The budget should include resource and
cost estimates. A new decision should be addressed for the developing of every new system
feature and its quality objectives. The software maintenance, which can last for 56 years (or
even decades) after the development process, calls for an effective plan which can address
the scope of software maintenance, the tailoring of the post delivery/deployment process,
the designation of who will provide maintenance, and an estimate of the life-cycle costs. The
selection of proper enforcement of standards is the challenging task right from early stage of
software engineering which has not got definite importance by the concerned stakeholders.

Software maintenance processes[edit]

This section describes the six software maintenance processes as:

1. The implementation process contains software preparation and transition activities,

such as the conception and creation of the maintenance plan; the preparation for
handling problems identified during development; and the follow-up on product
configuration management.
2. The problem and modification analysis process, which is executed once the
application has become the responsibility of the maintenance group. The
maintenance programmer must analyze each request, confirm it (by reproducing the
situation) and check its validity, investigate it and propose a solution, document the
request and the solution proposal, and finally, obtain all the required authorizations
to apply the modifications.

3. The process considering the implementation of the modification itself.

4. The process acceptance of the modification, by confirming the modified work with the
individual who submitted the request in order to make sure the modification
provided a solution.

5. The migration process (platform migration, for example) is exceptional, and is not
part of daily maintenance tasks. If the software must be ported to another platform
without any change in functionality, this process will be used and a maintenance
project team is likely to be assigned to this task.

6. Finally, the last maintenance process, also an event which does not occur on a daily
basis, is the retirement of a piece of software.

There are a number of processes, activities and practices that are unique to maintainers, for

Transition: a controlled and coordinated sequence of activities during which a system

is transferred progressively from the developer to the maintainer;

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and specialized (domain-specific) maintenance

contracts negotiated by maintainers;

Modification Request and Problem Report Help Desk: a problem-handling process

used by maintainers to prioritize, documents and route the requests they receive;

Q.2 Explain different types of maintenance tasks.

ANS:- Typesofmaintenance
orrective maintenance: The set of tasks is destined to correct the defects to be found in
the different equipment and that are communicated to the maintenance department by
users of the same equipment.

Preventive Maintenance: Its mission is to maintain a level of certain service on

equipment, programming the interventions of their vulnerabilities in the most opportune
time. It is used to be a systematic character, that is, the equipment is inspected even if it
has not given any symptoms of having a problem.

Predictive Maintenance: It pursues constantly know and report the status and
operational capacity of the installations by knowing the values of certain variables,which
represent such state and operational ability. To apply this maintenance, it is necessary to
identify physical variables (temperature, vibration, power consumption, etc.). Which
variation is indicative of problems that may be appearing on the equipment. This
maintenance it is the most technical, since it requires advanced technical resources, and at
times of strong mathematical, physical and / or technical knowledge.

Zero Hours Maintenance (Overhaul): The set of tasks whose goal is to review the
equipment at scheduled intervals before appearing any failure, either when the reliability
of the equipment has decreased considerably so it is risky to make forecasts of production
capacity . This review is based on leaving the equipment to zero hours of operation, that is,
as if the equipment were new. These reviews will replace or repair all items subject to wear.
The aim is to ensure, with high probability, a good working time fixed in advance.

Periodic maintenance (Time Based Maintenance TBM): the basic maintenance

of equipment made by the users of it. It consists of a series of elementary tasks (data
collections, visual inspections, cleaning, lubrication, retightening screws,) for which no
extensive training is necessary, but perhaps only a brief training. This type of maintenance
is the based on TPM (Total Productive Maintenance).his division of types of maintenance
has the disadvantage of that each equipment needs a mix of each of these maintenance
types, so that we can not think of applying one of them to a particular equipment.
Thus, for a particular engine, we will take care of lubrication (periodic preventive
maintenance); if it is required, we will measure the vibrations or temperature (predictive
maintenance);we also may qualify for an annual tune-up (overhaul) and we will repair the
faults coming up(corrective maintenance). The most suitable mixture of these types of
maintenances will dictate to us strict reasons linked to the cost of production losses in a
stop that equipment, the repair cost, environmental impact, safety and quality of a


Each of the models presented below include several of the previous types of maintenance at
the indicated rate. Moreover, all of them include two activities: visual inspections and
lubrication. This is because it is demonstrated that these tasks realization in any equipment
is profitable. Even in the simplest model (Corrective Model), in which virtually the equipment
is left on its own and we do not deal with it until a fault occurs. It is advisable to observe it at
least once a month, lubricate it with suitable products to their characteristics. Visual
inspections virtually no cost money (these inspections willbe included in a range where we
have to look at other nearby equipment, so it will not mean we have to allocate resources
specifically for this function). This inspection allows us to detect faults in an early stage and
its resolution will generally be cheaper as soon as detected. Lubrication is always profitable.
Although it does represent a cost (lubricant and labour), it is generally so low that it is more
than warranted, since a malfunction due to a lack of lubrication will always involve a greater
expense than the corresponding to lubricant application.

It includes the activities of the previous model, and also this model carries out a series of
tests that will determine a subsequent action. If after testing we discovered an anomaly, we
will schedule an intervention; on the contrary, if everything is correct, we will not act on the
This maintenance model is valid in equipment not to very used, or for equipment that
despite being important in the production system the probability of failure is low.


This model includes a set of tasks we will perform no matter what is the condition of the
equipment , also we will perform some measurements and tests to decide whether to carry
out other tasks of greater magnitude, and finally, we will repair faults that arise. It is a model
widely used in equipment of medium availability, of some importance in the production
system whose failures cause some disruption. It is important to note that equipment
subjected to a systematic maintenance model does not have to have all its tasks with a fixed
schedule. Just a equipment with this model of maintenance can have systematic tasks that
are carried out regardless of the time it have been operated or state of the elements on
which it works. It is the main difference with the previous two models in which to perform a
maintenance task should be An example of equipment subjected to this maintenance model
is a discontinuous reactor, in which the tasks that must react are introduced at once, the
reaction takes place, and then the reaction product is extracted before making a new load.
Regardless of this reactor is doubled or not, when operating should be reliable, so it is
warranted a series of tasks regardless of whether any signs of failure have been arose.


It is the most demanding and exhaustive model of them. It is applied to that equipment that
under no circumstances may suffer a breakdown or malfunction. These are equipments to
whom are also required very high levels of availability, above 90%. The reason for such high
level of availability is generally high cost in production due to a fault. With a demand so
high, there is no time to stop the equipment if the To maintain this equipment is necessary
to use predictive maintenance techniques that allow us to know the status of the equipment
when is working, and scheduled shutdowns, which supposes a complete overhaul, with a
frequency usually annually or higher. This review will replace, in general, all parts subject to
wear or failure probability over the years (parts with a lifetime less than two years). These
reviews are prepared well Since in this model the corrective maintenance is not included,
that is, the aim should be zero breakdowns on this equipment; usually there is no time to
properly address the issues that occur, being desirable in many cases quick provisional
repairs that will maintain the equipment working until the next overhaul. Therefore, the
Annual Overhaul must include the resolution of all those provisional repairs that have had to
be made throughout the year.


When designing the Maintenance Plan should be taken into account two important
considerations affecting some equipment in particular. Firstly, some equipment are
subjected to legal rules that regulate their maintenance, forcing them to perform certain
activities with an established frequency.
Secondly, some of the maintenance activities cannot be performed with the regular
maintenance equipment (either their own or hired) because it requires knowledge and / or
specific resources that are only up to the These two aspects should be assessed when trying
to determine the maintenance model that we should apply to an equipment.

Some equipment are subjected to rules or regulations by the Administration. Above all, there
are equipment that are hazardous to people or the environment. The Administration requires
the completion of a series of tasks, tests and inspections, and some of them must be
performed by companies duly authorized to carry them out. These tasks must necessarily be
incorporated into the Maintenance Plan of the equipment, whatever model you decide to


When we talk about a specialist, we refer to an individual or a company specialized in a

particular equipment. The specialist may be the equipment manufacturer, importers
technical service, or a company that has specialized in a particular type of intervention. As
we said, we must turn to a specialist when:

We do not have sufficient knowledge

We do not have the necessary resources

Q.3 Explain following Aspects to be considered for Machine Quality Conformance to machine
specifications Frequency of machine failures.

ANS:- Conformance to machine specifications :-At its most basic level, manufacturing quality
is conformance to specifications. Quality of design and conformance to specifications
provide the fundamental basis for managing operations to produce quality products. As
customer expectations have risen over time, manufacturing quality has come to be an
absolute requirement, regardless of where products are manufactured, distributed, and sold.
Assuring manufacturing quality entails three principal functions: quality design and
engineering, quality control, and quality management. The goal of quality engineering is to
incorporate quality into the design of products and processes, as well as to predict potential
quality problems prior to manufacture and delivery of the product. The principal task of
quality control involves enforcing the use of specified processes and materials, ensuring
qualification of operators and equipment, and making a series of planned measurements to
determine if quality standards are being met. If any of these are not achieved, then
corrective action and future preventive action must be taken to achieve and maintain
conformance. Quality management involves the planning, organization, direction, and
control of all quality assurance activities. While quality control departments have historically
provided technical support for manufacturing quality, manufacturers have come to
understand that quality must be integrated throughout the enterprise.

The cost of poor manufacturing quality is high. Rework, scrap, product failures and recalls
can severely damage a manufacturer through inefficiencies, delays, direct costs, customer
dissatisfaction and low shareholder confidence. Today manufacturers must build products on
time, first time and every time to achieve and maintain competitive standing in global
markets.Workflows and business processes built on industry best practices should provide
the basis for manufacturing quality at every step of the manufacturing process. These best
practices error-proof manufacturing processes to ensure that each step is executed
correctly, with complete, fully traceable data.

Assuring Conformance

The best path to quality is to prevent issues and mistakes from happening. To meet
conformance requirements, manufacturing quality systems should automatically enforce the
use of only approved processes, materials, equipment, tools and operators before any step
can be performed. These systems also ensure that all process and product tests are
executed and that the results meet specifications. Manufacturing quality systems
automatically create the as-manufactured records that detail the processes, material,
equipment, tools, operators and test results with time stamps and electronic signatures.

In case any of a deviation in the results, the manufacturing quality system should react to
quality events Further, these systems should enforce structured failure analysis, root cause
identification, quarantine, and final disposition (release, rework, scrap, etc.) to ensure
manufacturing quality across the enterprise. From the time a deviation occurs until
disposition, manufacturing non-conformance reports should be generated to provide
complete electronic traceability and links to the root causes of manufacturing quality issues.
These reports should be created immediately, when information about product quality is
most readily available, providing visibility and control of the affected material and
preventing products with open issues from being processed beyond a designated step,
issued to or combined with other products, or shipped to finished stock or the customer.

Management of CAPA is critical to manufacturing quality. Accordingly, manufacturers are

moving to incorporate closed-loop corrective and preventive action tracking systems that
enable the identification, addressing, and quick resolution of manufacturing quality issues
through integration with the invaluable data in manufacturing quality systems. systems
together facilitate the investigation of manufacturing quality issues such as
nonconformance, customer complaints, incidents, or discrepancies. Real-time notification
and preventive and corrective action workflows enable manufacturers to efficiently
communicate with all affected parties to streamline collaborative activities and resolve
issues quickly and effectively. Reporting capabilities provide real-time visibility into
manufacturing trends and quality management issues, enabling manufacturers to take fast
action to resolve problems and ensure total quality control over all manufacturing
processes.Increasingly, manufacturing quality is seen as a strategic imperative for the
manufacturing enterprise. The customer, whose expectations of quality have reached
unprecedented levels, is the ultimate arbiter of quality. Value, satisfaction, and preference
are influenced by many factors throughout a customers purchase, ownership, and service
experiences with a product. As such, manufacturing quality must be sensitive to existing and
evolving customer and market requirements, and must account for the factors that drive
customer satisfaction. It also must account for technological development and how it can
both impact and serve the end users of manufactured products, as well as the manufacturer

Frequency of machine failures:- Machines fail for a variety of reasons. Likewise, not all
failures are the same. The term "machinery failure" or "malfunction" usually implies that the
machine has stopped functioning the way in which it was intended or designed. This is
referred to as loss of usefulness of the machine or component. For instance, if a pump is
installed to pump 100 gallons of oil per minute but over time can no longer keep up and now
only pumps 75 gallons per minute, this is a loss of usefulness of the asset.

This loss of usefulness is broken down into three main categories: obsolescence, surface
degradation and accidents. Of these three, surface degradation of machine parts results in
the machines loss of usefulness in the vast majority of cases. Surface degradation is
comprised mainly of corrosion and mechanical wear.
Corrosion of machine parts is quite common, especially for those with water-contamination
issues. Water not only rusts iron surfaces, but it can also increase the oils oxidation rate,
leading to an acidic environment within the component.

Mechanical wear occurs when machine surfaces mechanically wearing against each other.
Abrasive wear is a method in which particle contamination causes the majority of the wear.
Particles such as dirt or wear debris can lead to three-body abrasion or surface fatigue,
which results in the surfaces becoming pitted and scored. Adhesive wear involves two
surfaces coming in direct contact with each other, transferring material from one face to the
other. This appears in areas where the lubricant can no longer support the load or in areas of
lubricant starvation.

Metal fatigue is similar to what happens when you try to cut wire without any tools. As you
work the wire back and forth, the metal begins to work harder and fatigue. After enough
cycles of this type of stress, the metal finally becomes brittle and snaps. The same process
occurs in machines. For example, a particle can cause a stress riser on the inner race of a
rolling-element bearing. Over time and with constant flexing, the metal begins to fatigue.
This propagates into a spall of the material.

So as machines can lose their functionality in a variety of methods, it is the surface

degradation of the machine parts that causes the majority of these problems. By keeping
your machines properly sealed to restrict the ingress of particles and making sure the
lubricants you use meet the operating demands of the components, you can extend
machine life and see fewer total failures.

Q.4 What do you mean by Condition Monitoring? Elaborate various Steps Involved in
Condition Monitoring Program.

ANS:- Condition monitoring (or, colloquially, CM) is the process of monitoring a parameter
of condition in machinery (vibration, temperature etc.), in order to identify a significant
change which is indicative of a developing fault. It is a major component ofpredictive
maintenance. The use of condition monitoring allows maintenance to be scheduled, or other
actions to be taken to prevent failure and avoid its consequences. Condition monitoring has
a unique benefit in that conditions that would shorten normal lifespan can be addressed
before they develop into a major failure. Condition monitoring techniques are normally used
on rotating equipment and other machinery (pumps, electric motors, internal combustion
engines, presses), while periodic inspection using non-destructive testing techniques and fit
for service (FFS)[1] evaluation are used for stationary plant equipment such as steam
boilers, piping and heat exchangers.

But after a period of time, the task becomes more difficult. Machines fail unexpectedly.
Incorrect diagnoses are made. Certain people within the plant are skeptical about the
technology, and may not believe in the philosophy of predict maintenance, so they take
pleasure in seeing the failures.
Sadly, worse is yet to come. As the program matures, management forgets why the
investment in people and technology were made. If machines continue to fail unexpectedly,
people blame the technology, and the program may be scrapped. On the other hand, if
machine failures are reduced, management might not feel there is a need for such a
program, and it is scrapped to save money.

Condition based maintenance should provide great financial benefits to all organizations, in
the short and long term. Technologies such as vibration analysis do work. This paper
discusses ways that you can make sure that the program is run successfully, providing a
benefit to the company, and providing a stable and satisfying career path.

Getting Started

This paper will primarily focus on vibration analysis; however most of the ideas can be
equally applied to all of the condition monitoring technologies.

Condition monitoring programs are started for a variety of reasons. A manager might attend
a seminar and be convinced of the benefits. There may be a catastrophic machine failure
and it is suggested that a technology such as vibration analysis might have prevented the
failure. Whatever the reason, it is unfortunate that most programs start without sufficient
planning or training.

Once the system has been purchased the analyst has quite a challenge ahead. In fact, the
vibration analyst is surrounded by different types of challenges.

First they have to look at the machines in the plant. Each machine is a potential trouble
maker. Thankfully, through changes in vibration/sound, electrical properties, temperature,
and lubricant characteristics, the machines are trying to warn of impending problems. If you
read the signs correctly and deal with them appropriately, you can be a hero. Miss them, or
misinterpret them, and you can look like a chump...

Second there are typically people in the plant who don't understand what the vibration
monitoring equipment can do - so they fear it. Often there is an us and them environment.
The analyst makes a recommendation to make a repair, and "they" insist that the machine is
fine. And then there is a stand-off; one hoping the machine is fine, the other hoping the
bearing is shot... This is not a great work environment.
And third there is the manager. The manager means well, but maybe he or she does not
quite understand what the vibration program can achieve. Perhaps he or she expects that
downtime will immediately become a thing of the past. That puts unbelievable pressure on
the vibration monitoring team/person. So, what is the answer? The author believes it is quite
simple: you must understand the failure modes, you must have realistic expectations, you
must create and follow a plan, and you must have on-going training.

Setting Expectations

Everyone needs to have identical (and realistic) expectations.

If every person who maintains, lubricates, repairs, and operates the rotating machinery
understood what the vibration monitoring technology can achieve, and chooses to
help/cooperate rather than do nothing (or actually work against the program), then the
situation would be much improved. Imagine if these people actually told the vibration team
what they knew about the machine, and gave them a heads up when they noticed a change
in vibration (audible) or operating state.

And if the maintenance management, operators, production and planning folk understood
what can be achieved with vibration monitoring (the capabilities and limitations), then
realistic expectations would be set. When recommendations were made, they would have
greater confidence in the information, and would be able to put

Instead, what tends to happen is that everyone outside the immediate monitoring group has
little understanding of the capabilities of vibration analysis, and not only do they question
recommendations, but when a machine does fail, blame is quickly focused on the vibration
group. (All of this is true for most of the condition monitoring

The benefits of training

So how do we make it work? The first step is training - but not just for the vibration team -
for everyone. You only have to look at a few vibration spectra to realize that vibration
analysis is not easy to master. There is a lot to learn. You need to know how to operate the
analyzer and software, but you also have to know how to interpret the spectrum and
waveform patterns. Extracting the information out of the data is very tricky and interpreting
the information is even more difficult.
There is another issue to consider. One way to handle vibration analysis is to try to
remember the vibration patterns, perhaps with the aid of a wall chart. When you view the
spectrum you can look for the classic patterns. And if you are not sure, just glance up at the
wall chart and see if you can find a matching pattern. Sadly, in the author's opinion, this
method is flawed.

Vibration analysis, in reality, is not that simple. The patterns for a given fault condition are
not always the same. And when you consider that a machine may have multiple fault
conditions (with varying degrees of severity), and that machines come in all shapes and
sizes, the vibration patterns we actually see can be quite different to the simplistic patterns
shown on wall charts.

This author believes that it is far more important to understand the machine, the analyzer,
and the way vibration changes according to the forces present inside the machine. There is
a reason why we see peaks, harmonics, sidebands, raised areas of the noise floor, and so on.
If you understand, you can look at a spectrum and determine why the vibration has changed
the way it has, and therefore what is wrong with the machine. This is extremely important in
vibration analysis, and in other condition monitoring technologies.

These days there are two ways to learn. The traditional classroom training suits a lot of
people, and allows people to focus their time on learning the technology. However, without
the correct teaching aids; classroom training can be very ineffective. By the end of the
course, most people have forgotten what they were taught on the first day. And most people
are forced to try to remember concepts and theory because the instructor does not have the
time or the tools to ensure people understand. The use of interactive training aids,
simulators, 3D animations, and hands-on tools offer the best solution.

A slight variation on public classroom training is on-site classroom training. Travel costs are
greatly reduced, and the curriculum can be tailored to the customer's specific
industry. But, as always, the tools used in the course determine whether the concepts,
procedures and theory will be understood.

Web-based and computer-based (CBT CDs) offer a great alternative. While some people do
not learn as well in a self-paced environment, the ability to revisit the lessons again and
again ensures that the education can be most effectively applied.
A combination of traditional classroom training and Webbased/CBTs offers (in the authors
biased opinion) the best alternative: learn before the course so that you can get the most
out of the course; learn during the course with the most modern techniques; and continue
learning after the course so you never forget what you were taught.

But wait, so far we have only discussed training for the condition monitoring technical staff.
What about the rest of the maintenance staff?

I firmly believe that practically everyone needs training. No, the person who lubricates the
machine does not have to know how to analyze spectra, and the maintenance manager
does not have to know how to diagnose bearing wear, however:

1. Everyone should know why we perform condition monitoring. They need to know that if
the condition of the machine changes, the vibration level and/or pattern will also change.

2. Everyone should also have an idea of the limitations of the technology. Everyone should
know that vibration analysis and other technologies can be applied to certain types of
machines, and can detect certain types of faults. They need to know that some machines
can present real challenges (for example machines under varying speeds and loads), and
that some fault conditions can develop too quickly to be caught by vibration analysis.

3. And they also need to understand the concept of predictive maintenance versus
breakdown and scheduled maintenance. A good idea of reliability centered maintenance
would help too.

The goal is:

1. When they see the condition monitoring technicians collecting data, they know it benefits
them (and their company).

2. When they witness a change in operating and maintenance state, they may like to tell the
condition monitoring team. They should volunteer relevant information.

3. When the condition monitoring guys make a recommendation, whether it turns out to be
right or wrong, everyone should know that they did so with the best intentions; using
technology that gives a good, but not perfect, insight into the machine's condition.
4. When the budget becomes tight, management should still allow staff to receive training,
and continue the program, even though there may not have been a spectacular save (or
failure) recently. While the condition monitoring people need in-depth technical (and
practical) training, the remainder of the maintenance staff, both the field workers and
managers, need to have a training program suited to their needs. It may only require an
hour a week for a few weeks, or a one day awareness seminar'. The benefits are significant.

Starting a program

The following sections describe a number of factors that should be considered when starting
(or revitalizing) a condition monitoring program. The ideas are based on observations made
by the author over a 20 year involvement with condition monitoring, but also from a survey
conducted on users of our vibration analysis training product.

Use the right people

The selection of the people involved in the condition monitoring program is critically
important. It takes a special kind of person to be successful in condition monitoring;
regardless of the amount of training they receive. The condition monitoring technician (and
program manager) must want to do the job; they must enjoy a challenge; they must be
determined and have an inquisitive nature. Intelligence is also important; but that should not
be confused with being well educated. Even with limited education, an intelligent person can
master technology and perform investigative work in order to determine the condition of a

Q.5 Write short notes on the following:

a. Zero based budgeting b. Remote maintenance audit c. Codification of spare parts d.

Maintenance Benchmarking

ANS:- Zero based budgeting:- Zero-based budgeting in the 1970s was primarily
concerned with attributing a particular activity of a company to the decision packages,
which involves ranking and evaluating the packages for the benefits and costs, and making
sure the resources are distributed appropriately. ZBB is a process that can be repeated
numerously to review every single dollar in the budget annually, establish a cost
management culture, and also manage financial performance monthly. [1]ZBB is not a very
complex process. Many businesses will budget and plan out things to maintain financials. In
the past, businesses would only look at specific things and would assume that everything is
already in place and does not need to be double-checked. However, in zero-based
budgeting, everything that is to be budgeted needs to be approved. Since zero-based
budgeting requires an approval for budgeting, this means that budgets are started from a
zero-base and are completely started over every year.Zero-based budgeting can also be
used as a personal way to budget money. The point of a zero-based budget is to make
income minus the outgo equal zero spent. This means that money not only needs to be
budgeted, but also that one must not spend money that is not there to spend.

Remote maintenance audit:-Most Maintenance Operations are struggling with high

emergency (unplanned) to planned work order ratio, huge backlog, lack of sufficient
resources, constant work interruptions, not having parts when needed, recurring failures,
and much more. If this sounds familiar, then you can definitely benefit from our Audit
Program. Our philosophy is simple; we look at the basics first. Work Process Flow, Preventive
Maintenance Optimization, Planning and Scheduling, and Inventory Management. We
identify strengths and weaknesses and offer suggestions for improvement. We send a
Maintenance professional with over 25 years of process-improvement and CMMS/EAM
experience to your site for a 2-3 day evaluation. Our team then spends 2-3 days off-site
going over the data and producing our report. Moderately priced, the rate of return on your
investment is very high.

Codification of spare parts:- Maintenance spares are usually available in plenty. They are
repetitive in nature. The basic difficulty with the spare part management is that we do not
know when the need of the item arises. And the non-availability of the item may cause
severe or unpredictable loss also. Therefore, whether used or not, we keep the items in
stock.In course of time the items may become obsolete or may expire or the shelf life may
be completed. Some other times, we may forget where the spares are stored. In some other
occasions, the spare parts controller or stores clerk may be absent or transferred. In all such
cases if the spare parts are not maintained systematically, and recorded properly, there will
be huge loss that affects the organisation adversely. This problem can be overcome by
coding all the spare parts of the company and maintaining by adhering to the codes.
Further, the stocks can be reviewed easily if the data base is maintained in the computer
and updated regularly or as when used.
Maintenance Benchmarking:-works with various subject matter experts and a network of
over 50,000 maintenance & reliability professionals to uncover better practices that you can
use to establish your own goals and measure your progress.Use this form if you would like to
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Q. 6 Describe various types of preventive maintenance.

ANS:- What is maintenance and why is it performed? Past and current maintenance practices in
both the private and government sectors would imply that maintenance is the actions associated
with equipment repair after it is broken. The dictionary defines maintenance as follows: the
work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep. This would imply that maintenance
should be actions taken to prevent a device or component from failing or to repair normal
equipment degradation experienced with the operation of the device to keep it in proper working
order. Unfortunately, data obtained in many studies over the past decade indicates that most
private and government facilities do not expend the necessary resources to maintain equipment
in proper working order. Rather, they wait for equipment failure to occur and then take whatever
actions are necessary to repair or replace the equipment. Nothing lasts forever and all equipment
has associated with it some predefined life expectancy or operational life. For example,
equipment may be designed to operate at full design load for 5,000 hours and may be designed to
go through 15,000 start and stop cycles. The need for maintenance is predicated on actual or
impending failure ideally, maintenance is performed to keep equipment and systems running
efficiently for at least design life of the component(s). As such, the practical operation of a
component is time-based function. If one were to graph the failure rate a component population
versus time, it is likely the graph would take the bathtub shape shown in Figure 5.1.1. In the
figure the Y axis represents the failure rate and the X axis is time. From its shape, the curve can
be divided into three distinct: infant mortality, useful life, and wear-out periods. The initial infant
mortality period of bathtub curve is characterized by high failure rate followed by a period of
decreasing failure. Many of the failures associated with this region are linked to poor design,
poor installation, or misapplication. The infant mortality period is followed by a nearly constant
failure rate period known as useful life. There are many theories on why components fail in this
region, most acknowledge that poor O&M often plays significant role. It is also generally agreed.
Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance can be defined as follows: Actions performed
on a time- or machine-run-based schedule that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a
component or system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life through controlling
degradation to an acceptable level. The U.S. Navy pioneered preventive maintenance as a means
to increase the reliability of their vessels. By simply expending the necessary resources to
conduct maintenance activities intended by the equipment designer, equipment life is extended
and its reliability is increased. In addition to an increase in reliability, dollars are saved over that
of a program just using reactive maintenance. Studies indicate that this savings can amount to as
much as 12% to Advantages Cost effective in many capital-intensive processes. Flexibility
allows for the adjustment of maintenance periodicity. Increased component life cycle. Energy
savings. Reduced equipment or process failure. Estimated 12% to 18% cost savings over
reactive maintenance program. Disadvantages Catastrophic failures still likely to occur. Labor
intensive. Includes performance of unneeded maintenance. Potential for incidental damage to
components in conducting unneeded maintenance. 18% on the average. Depending on the
facilities current maintenance practices, present equipment reliability, and facility downtime,
there is little doubt that many facilities purely reliant on reactive maintenance could save much
more than 18% by instituting a proper preventive maintenance program. While preventive
maintenance is not the optimum maintenance program, it does have several advantages over that
of a purely reactive program. By performing the preventive maintenance as the equipment
designer envisioned, we will extend the life of the equipment closer to design. This translates
into dollar savings. Preventive maintenance (lubrication, filter change, etc.) will generally run the
equipment more efficiently resulting in dollar savings. While we will not prevent equipment
catastrophic failures, we will decrease the number of failures. Minimizing failures translate into
maintenance and capital cost savings. O&M Best Practices Guide, Release 3.0 5.3 Types of
Maintenance Programs 5.4 Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance can be defined as
follows: Measurements that detect the onset of system degradation (lower functional state),
thereby allowing causal stressors to be eliminated or controlled prior to any significant
deterioration in the component physical state. Results indicate current and future functional
capability. Basically, predictive maintenance differs from preventive maintenance by basing
maintenance need on the actual condition of the machine rather than on some preset schedule.
You will recall that preventive maintenance is time-based. Activities such as changing lubricant
are based on time, like calendar time or equipment run time. For example, most people change
the oil in their vehicles every 3,000 to 5,000 miles traveled. This is effectively basing the oil
change needs on equipment Advantages Increased component operational life/availability.
Allows for preemptive corrective actions. Decrease in equipment or process downtime.
Decrease in costs for parts and labor. Better product quality. Improved worker and
environmental safety. Improved worker morale. Energy savings. Estimated 8% to 12% cost
savings over preventive maintenance program. Disadvantages Increased investment in
diagnostic equipment. Increased investment in staff training. Savings potential not readily
seen by management. run time. No concern is given to the actual condition and performance
capability of the oil. It is changed because it is time. This methodology would be analogous to a
preventive maintenance task. If, on the other hand, the operator of the car discounted the vehicle
run time and had the oil analyzed at some periodicity to determine its actual condition and
lubrication properties, he/she may be able to extend the oil change until the vehicle had traveled
10,000 miles. This is the fundamental difference between predictive maintenance and preventive
maintenance, whereby predictive maintenance is used to define needed maintenance task based
on quantified material/equipment condition. The advantages of predictive maintenance are many.
A well-orchestrated predictive maintenance program will all but eliminate catastrophic
equipment failures. We will be able to schedule maintenance activities to minimize or delete
overtime cost. We will be able to minimize inventory and order parts, as required, well ahead of
time to support the downstream maintenance needs. We can optimize the operation of the
equipment, saving energy cost and increasing plant reliability. Past studies have estimated that a
properly functioning predictive maintenance program can provide a savings of 8% to 12% over a
program utilizing preventive maintenance alone. Depending on a facilitys reliance on reactive
maintenance and material condition, it could easily recognize savings opportunities exceeding
30% to 40%. In fact, independent surveys indicate the following industrial average savings
resultant from initiation of a functional predictive maintenance program: Return on investment:
10 times Reduction in maintenance costs: 25% to 30% Elimination of breakdowns: 70% to
75% Reduction in downtime: 35% to 45% Increase in production: 20% to 25%. 5.4 O&M
Best Practices Guide, Release 3.0 Types of Maintenance Programs On the down side, to initially
start into the predictive maintenance world is not inexpensive. Much of the equipment requires
cost in excess of $50,000. Training of in-plant personnel to effectively utilize predictive
maintenance technologies will require considerable funding. Program development will require
an understanding of predictive maintenance and a firm commitment to make the program work
by all facility organizations and management.

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