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TEST (Units 1 20)

Barem de corectare

1. Write the letter. 5x1=5

D (There are twenty circles.)
F (Im seven.)
C (Its ten oclock.)
A (Its on the desk.)
B (Its blue.)

2. Write the words. 5x1=5


3. Write sentences. 5x2=10

It is a bath.
They are lions.
It is an apple.
It is a barn.
They are feet.

4. Choose and write. 5x2=10

It is on the table.
It is under the chair.
It is in the box.
It is next to the teddy.
It is between the boy and the girl.

5. Write the numbers. 5x1=5

5 (living room)
3 (bedroom)
4 (hall)
6 (bathroom)
2 (kitchen)

6. Look and write. 5x2=10

father/living room
grandmother and grandfather/kitchen
7. Read and tick . 5x1=5
He is little.
We are sad.
He is ten.
They are big.
They have cats.

8. Choose and write. 5x2=10

cows and horses/farm
parrots and monkeys/forest

9. Write the answers. 5x2=10

Yes, she can.

No, he cant.
No, they cant.
Yes, they can.
Yes, it can.

10. Write the words. 5x2=10

It is Miss Flowers umbrella.

They are Mr Greens trousers.
It is Lulus dress.
It is Mrs Birds bike.
They are Bobs shorts.

11. Describe your favourite animal. 10

10 points are granted

Interpretarea testului

Tipul de test: Test de evaluare sumativa

Clasa: a III-a B (15 elevi)
Manual : Way Ahead 1, Editura MacMillan
Unitatile: 1-20
Profesor: Sibiceanu Aurelia

Obiectivele testului:
1. sa testeze asimilarea vocabularului din unitatile vizate
2. sa testeze cunostintele referitoare la insusirea si folosirea corecta a verbului to be
3. sa testeze capacitatea elevilor de a exprima posesiunea si abilitatea/inabilitatea
4. sa testeze capacitatea elevilor de a produce un mesaj scris, scurt

Testul contine un numar 11 de itemi:

itemi obiectivi de tip pereche (Ex.1)
itemi obiectivi cu alegere duala (Ex 7)
itemi semiobiectivi cu raspuns scurt/de completare (Ex. 2,3,4,5,6, 8,9,10)
itemi subiectivi (Ex.11)

Analiza rezultatelor testului de evaluare sumativa

Calificative I (3-4) S (5-6) B (7-8) FB (9-10) Total

Nr. elevi 2 1 5 7 15

Note 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-10 Medi

1,99 2,99 3,99 4,99 5,99 6,99 7,99 8,99 a
Nr. elevi - - 2 - 1 - 1 4 7 7,73
Rezultatele testului de evaluare sumativa

Nota 3
Nota 5
Nota 7
Nota 8
Nota 9
Nota 10

La sfarsitul clasei a III-a majoritatea elevilor si-au insusit elementele de vocabular si
structurile de limba conform programei. Rezultatele testului releva faptul ca elevii sunt
capabili sa foloseasca corect verbul to be si sa produca un mesaj scris, scurt (descrierea unui
animal preferat).
Avand in vedere varietatea itemilor, rezultatele testului sunt bune si arata ca elevii s-au
descurcat bine si ca obiectivele testului au fost atinse ceea ce arata ca elevii si-au insusit
cunostintele vizate de unitatile 1-20 si au facut fata tipurilor de itemi ceruti.

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