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HIST 405 Entire Course

HIST 405 week 1

The Cost of Expansion (graded)

Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies. Why couldnt colonists use
indentured servants as they had in the past? How would you describe the differences between
slaves and indentured servants

Colonial Identities (graded)

The colonies of New England, the Mid Atlantic and the Upper and Lower South developed
their own forms of culture, conduct and commerce. Given the choice, where would you have
preferred to live?

HIST 405 week 2

The American Revolution (graded)

How did the British colonists evolve from good citizens to revolutionaries who could compose
and back something as special as the Declaration of Independence? What were the causes of the
American Revolution?

Confederation and Constitution (graded)

What were the main problems with the Articles of Confederation that led to the Constitutional
Convention of 1787? How did the national government under the Constitution differ from the
Articles of Confederation?

HIST 405 week 3

The Market Revolution (graded)
Discuss Americas transportation revolution that took place during the first half of the 1800s,
including the development of roads, canals, railroads, and steamboats. How did they contribute
to the market revolution? Elaborate.

discussion 2

Manifest Destiny (graded)

Why did the Mexican War of 1846 take place? Was the war necessary? Was it a good thing?
What does this war tell us about this period of American history? Was it Gods plan that the U.S.
extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or were imperialists looking for a way to defend what
they planned to do anyway? Elaborate.

HIST 405week 4

In the beginning, each side in the Civil War believed the war would be brief and that their side
would win. What advantages did each side hold that made them feel this way? Elaborate.

Reconstruction (graded)
Lincoln had one plan for bringing the rebel states back into the Union; Andrew Johnson another;
and the Radical Republican Congress a third. Discuss the aims of each president, and explain
why and in what ways Congress took control of Reconstruction.

HIST 405 week 5

America and the Industrial Revolution (graded)

Describe the basic industries of Americas Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men
who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the
petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry robber barons, as some
suggested, or simply good businessmen
Imperialism and America (graded)
Discuss the events that drew the United States into World War I. To what extent did ethnicity
play a role in Americas neutrality from1914-1917? How significant was Americas contribution
to the war effort? Elaborate Explain your answer.

HIST 405 week 6

The Great Depression (graded)

What were the underlying causes of the depression? Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s
seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since? Can you see any modern parallels
to the Great Depression? Elaborate.

World War II (graded)

What were the underlying causes of World War II? Select one event that you think irrevocably
led the world (and the U.S.) to war more than any other event. Argue your selection with details
that support your answer.

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

HIST 405 week 5

America and the Industrial Revolution (graded)

Describe the basic industries of Americas Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men
who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the
petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry robber barons, as some
suggested, or simply good businessmen

Imperialism and America (graded)

Discuss the events that drew the United States into World War I. To what extent did ethnicity
play a role in Americas neutrality from1914-1917? How significant was Americas contribution
to the war effort? Elaborate Explain your answer.
HIST 405 week 6

The Great Depression (graded)

What were the underlying causes of the depression? Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s
seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since? Can you see any modern parallels
to the Great Depression? Elaborate.

World War II (graded)

What were the underlying causes of World War II? Select one event that you think irrevocably
led the world (and the U.S.) to war more than any other event. Argue your selection with details
that support your answer.

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

HIST 405 week 7

The Cold War and America (graded)

How did the Cold War affect the social and political climate in the United States during the
1950s? In particular, how do you explain McCarthyism and the Red Scare? Can you think of any
modern parallels to these events, when fear and paranoia threatened basic American liberties?

discussion 2

Discuss how you see the war on terrorism as of this date. Do you think the United States
should be engaged in such a war? Give reasons for or against this war and whether or not we are
giving up our own principles to wage it.


(TCO 4) Which of the following made up the largest segment of Spains colonial population by
the 1700s?
Mestizos (multiracial)
Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Profits from tobacco had what effect on Virginia?
Land in Virginia became very expensive.
Many colonists, including indentured servants, decided to move to Virginia.
Settlers persuaded Native Americans to vacate the colony.
The Jamestown colony rapidly declined and lost people.
Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) What made Rhode Island unique?
Religious dissenters founded the colony.
Colonists bought the land from Native Americans.
Suspected witches were tried and executed there.
Colonists agreed to separate church and state.
Question 4. Question : (TCO 4) Slave traders from the colonies
supported the kidnapping of Africans.
directly seized Africans for enslavement.
worked to remedy the poor conditions of the Middle Passage.
profited from the poor conditions of the Middle Passage.
Question 5. Question : (TCO 2) The Great Awakening led to
The Enlightenment.
the strengthening of evangelical sects, such as the Baptists.
declining interest in religion.
scientific discoveries.
Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) After Britain issued the Intolerable Acts, colonists punished
anyone supporting British policies or officials by
dunking them in water.
hanging them upside down.
putting them in the stocks.
covering them with tar and feathers.
Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson refers to the
natural rights due to every citizen as
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
independent liberty.
Paines freedoms.
radical power.
Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) The Patriots would not have won the Battle of Yorktown and the
American Revolution without help from
Spanish explorers.
the French.
Native Americans.
Question 9. Question : (TCO 9) Congress called a convention to revise the Articles of
Confederation because
states wanted the power to regulate commerce.
state governments called for a new constitution.
the federal government wanted states to collect taxes.
the federal government needed to be made stronger.
Question 10. Question : (TCO 1) The Three-Fifths Compromise benefited _____ states.
Question 11. Question : (TCOs 1 and 2) Identify and analyze major actions taken by the English
Parliament during the 1760s that angered the colonists, and discuss specifically at least one act
that dealt with what the colonists viewed as unfair taxation. Then discuss the significance to the
colonists of the Tea Act and the Coercive Acts and why these particularly galled the colonists.
Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.

HIST 405 week 4

(TCO 3) Who extolled the equality of conditions in his book Democracy in America?
Andrew Jackson.
de Tocqueville.
Thomas Jefferson.
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 3) In the early 19th century, the largest source of European immigration came from
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 1) Slavery expanded with the growth of
freight shipment.
public education.
cotton plantations.
northern industries.
Question 4. Question :
(TCO 3) How did emigrants traveling west gain security?
Federal troops traveled with them.
They traveled in groups to help each other.
They crossed the land in winter to avoid contact with Indians.
Missionaries went ahead of them to convert Indians.
Question 5. Question :
(TCO 3) Who led the Texans in drawing Santa Anna into a trap at the Battle of Jacinto?
Stephen F. Austin
Jim Bowie
Sam Houston
Davy Crockett
Question 6. Question :
(TCO 2) In the 1848 election, why were Whigs and Democrats forced to take a stand on slavery?
The Free-Soil Partys goal was to keep slavery out of the territories.
The Free-Soil Party wanted to abolish slavery in the South.
The Free-Soil Party supported popular sovereignty.
Popular sovereignty was no longer a viable option.
Question 7. Question :
(TCO 3) Immediately prior to Bleeding Kansas, what kind of government had been established
in the Kansas-Nebraska territory?
Kansas had an antislavery government, and Nebraska had a pro-slavery government.
Kansas had only an antislavery government.
a Kansas had only pro-slavery government.
Two opposing governments were established in Kansas.
Question 8. Question :
(TCO 2) What law was found to be unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision?
The personal liberties laws
The Wilmot Provision
The Missouri Compromise
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 8) Lees smaller army defeated McClellans larger force and kept Union troops out of
Richmond because
Lee was lucky.
McClellan surrendered.
Lee found McClellans battle plans.
McClellan was too cautious.
Question 10. Question :
(TCO 8) Why did President Lincoln want Grant commanding the Union army after the Battle of
He wanted to give Grant a chance to prove himself.
He knew victory required the destruction of the Confederate Army and its source of supplies.
He had heard that Grant had recruited more Union troops.
He thought the South would surrender.
Question 11. Question :
(TCO 2) Identify and analyze the Dred Scott Decision. Be sure to discuss the political reaction to
this decision. Then analyze the election of 1860 and how the controversy over slavery divided
the party into northern and southern branches. Analyze the ascendency of Abraham Lincoln to
the presidency. Be sure to use enough details to support your answer.

HIST 405 week 6

(TCO 10) Many immigrants came to the U.S. to avoid
inexpensive land.
political revolutions.
religious freedom.
plentiful employment.
Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) The primary reason that people moved to cities was to
learn English.
find a job.
open a store.
join a settlement house.
Question 3. Question : (TCO 6) The gold standard was
the replacement of gold coins with silver coins.
a measure of a politicians achievement while in office.
the ideal balance between tariffs and prices.
a political issue in the 1896 Presidential election.
Question 4. Question : (TCO 10) Which reformer led the effort to provide birth control for
Jane Addams
Margaret Sanger
Walter Rauschenbusch
Francis Ellen Watkins
Question 5. Question : (TCO 6) What surprise military action helped shorten the Spanish-
American War?
The defeat of Emilio Aguinaldo and Filipino nationalists
The arrival of Theodore Roosevelts rough riders
The capture of Guantanamo Bay
The attack by Dewey on the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay
Question 6. Question : (TCO 7) What nation informed American authorities about the
Zimmermann note?
Great Britain
Question 7. Question : (TCO 7) During World War I, which of these did the Germans use against
British ships?
Question 8. Question : (TCO 11) The popularity of the automobile in the 1920s led to a(n)
increase in commercial air travel.
decrease in the number of motels.
increase in bridge and tunnel construction to link cities to suburbs
decline in steel production in the U.S.
Question 9. Question : (TCO 11) What brought the Harding Administration to an end?
President Harding was impeached.
President Harding was defeated in the 1924 election.
President Harding died of a heart attack.
President Harding resigned in response to the Teapot Dome scandal.
Question 10. Question : (TCO 11) The Great Depression affected
only American farmers.
only the U.S. economy.
only the U.S. and European economies.
the global economy.
Question 11. Question : (TCOs 6 and 7) Identify and explain at least two major reasons for the
growing call
in the late 1800s for the United States to become a global empire. Then identify and describe one
of the first events that signaled the beginning of American imperialism. Make sure you use
enough details to support your answer.

HIST 405 assignments

Webliography #1 (due Week 2)

Search the Internet for scholarly articles on the debate surrounding the composition and
ratification of the Constitution. These can be primary or secondary sources but should come from
academic sources. Recommended sites include: state constitutions drafted after the American
Revolution; correspondence from significant colonial figures (e.g., John Dickinson, James
Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and others); the Virginia and/or New Jersey Plan; the Federalist
Papers, and so on. These entries will provide a valuable resource for your first historical essay.
See Doc Sharing for general instructions on Webliography entries.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this
TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section Due Dates for Assignments & Exams for due date information.

Historical Essay #1: Confederation and Constitution (due Week 4)

As depression struck the new nation in the mid-1780s, new questions arose about the nature of
American democracy. Many conservatives believed that the answer lay in a stronger national
government. Most radicals believed it was up to the states to relieve the financial burden of the
people. These sentiments fostered a movement for a new constitution. Political differences soon
stimulated the creation of political parties.
Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the new Constitution of 1787. What
were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles vis--vis the Constitution? Give specific
instances that demonstrate the weakness of the Articles (such as the Western problem).
Then analyze the drafting of the Constitution, using specific details to show how the various
states (slave vs. free, east vs. west) compromised in order to effectively draft a constitution. Pay
particular attention to Roger Shermans plan, the Great Compromise, which broke a stalemate
that could have been fatal to the development of the new Constitution.
Finally, compare and contrast the debate over ratification between the Federalists and the Anti-
Federalists. Make sure you cite specific examples from the Federalist Papers to support the
Federalist position and contrast it with leading proponents of the opposition (such as John
Hancock). Analyze how the debate over a bill of rights illustrates the differences between the two
parties. Evaluate the relative success of the Bill of Rights in achieving an effective balance
between national and states interests.
This paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including the References
page) and utilize no less than four academic quality sources. Margins should be no more than one
inch (right and left) and the essay should be composed in an appropriate font and size. Sources
must be documented and cited using APA format.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this
TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section Due Dates for Assignments & Exams for due date information.

Webliography #2 (due Week 6)

Students are to search the Internet for scholarly articles on the events and causes that led to
World War I. These can be primary or secondary sources but should come from academic
sources. Recommended sites include: essays and articles on the rise of nationalism and
imperialism in Germany and the other major powers involved in World War I; the rise of
militarism in the decade before World War I; Irish- and German-American reaction to World War
I; etc. These entries will provide a valuable resource for your second historical essay.
Please post your article in the Webliography by Week 6. See Doc Sharing for general instructions
on Webliography entries.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this
TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section Due Dates for Assignments & Exams for due date information.
Historical Essay #2: America and the Great War (due Week 7)
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. But the
events that led to the Great War go further back into the nineteenth century. As with the Boxer
Rebellion of 1900, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism all played a part.
Analyze how the forces of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War
I. Pay particular attention to the rise of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe and the corresponding rise
of nationalism in German-speaking states. Analyze how the alliance system contributed to the
ultimate outbreak of war.
Then analyze the events that drew the United States into World War I. Clearly discuss why
America first remained neutral between1914-1917. What role did ethnicity play in Americas
neutrality? Then identify and analyze the specific events that led to Americas entrance into the
war. Evaluate Americas contribution to the war effort and to what extent Americas entry
contributed to the end of the war. Finally, analyze the events that led to the defeat of the Treaty of
Versailles. What effect did this have on Americas role in the world during the 1920s and 1930s?
Pay particular attention to the role of President Woodrow Wilson both during and after the war,
in particular, his efforts to establish the League of Nations.
This paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including the References
page) and utilize no less than four academic quality sources. Margins should be no more than one
inch (right and left) and the essay should be composed in an appropriate font and size. Sources
must be documented and cited using APA format.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this
TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section Due Dates for Assignments & Exams for due date information.

HIST 405 Week 8 Final Exam

Question 1.1. (TCO 4) The Spanish who settled in Florida and New Mexico were
primarily (Points : 2)

plantation owners.

Type: MC

Question 2.2. (TCO 1) The Jamestown colony was established by (Points : 2)

a joint-stock company.
religious dissenters.
English missionaries.
an aristocratic explorer.

Type: MC

Question 3.3. (TCO 4) Why did English immigration to the colonies drop dramatically after
1660? (Points : 2)
The English were no longer sought after as indentured servants.
The political turmoil in England kept them close to home.
The English economy improved and political and religious conflict diminished.
The English were opposed to the growing slave trade in the colonies.

Type: MC

Question 4.4. (TCO 4) The Great Awakening led to (Points : 2)

the Enlightenment.
declining interest in religion.
strengthened evangelical sects, such as the Baptists.
scientific discoveries.

Type: MC

Question 5.5. (TCO 2) After Britain issued the Intolerable Acts, colonists punished anyone
supporting British policies or officials by (Points : 2)

dunking them in water.

hanging them upside down.
putting them in the stocks.
covering them with tar and feathers.

Type: MC

Question 6.6. (TCO 2) In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson refers to the natural rights
due to every citizen as (Points : 2)

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

independent liberty.
Paines freedoms.
radical power.
Type: MC

Question 7.7. (TCO 2) The Patriots would not have won the Battle of Yorktown and the
American Revolution without help from (Points : 2)

Spanish explorers.
the French.
Native Americans.

Type: MC

Question 8.8. (TCO 1) The Articles of Confederation created a national government

with (Points : 2)

three branches of government.

a president.
a bicameral parliament.
a congress of delegates.

Type: MC

Question 9.9. (TCO 1) The constitution divides government power (Points : 2)

among many different states.

among multiple branches of national government.
among representatives of the people.
between state and national government.

Type: MC

Question 10.10. (TCO 3) The assertion that states the right to disobey federal law was
called (Points : 2)


Type: MC

Question 11.11. (TCO 3) In the early 19th century, the largest source of European immigration
came from (Points : 2)


Type: MC

Question 12.12. (TCO 3) Slavery expanded with the growth of (Points : 2)

freight shipment.
public education.
cotton plantations.
northern industries.

Type: MC

Question 13.13. (TCO 3) James Polk (Points : 2)

opposed the annexation of Texas.

purchased Texas from Mexico.
favored the annexation of Texas.
was the only governor to serve two terms in Texas.
Type: MC

Question 14.14. (TCO 2) Congress tried to resolve the dispute between the North and the South
about slavery in the territories by (Points : 2)

repealing the Wilmot Proviso.

adopting the Wilmot Proviso.
adopting the Compromise of 1850.
repealing the Compromise of 1850.

Type: MC

Question 15.15. (TCO 2) In 1856, Border Ruffians attacked (Points : 2)

a New York abolitionist named John Brown.

a group of southern farmers.
Senator Charles Sumner.
the antislavery town of Lawrence, Kansas.

Type: MC

Question 16.16. (TCO 8) Lees smaller army defeated McClellans larger force and kept Union
troops out of Richmond because (Points : 2)

Lee was lucky.

McClellan surrendered.
Lee found McClellans battle plans.
McClellan was too cautious.

Type: MC

Question 17.17. (TCO 8) Why did President Lincoln want Grant commanding the Union army
after the Battle of Gettysburg? (Points : 2)

He wanted to give Grant a chance to prove himself.

He knew victory required the destruction of the Confederate Army and its source of supplies.
He had heard that Grant had recruited more Union troops.
He thought the South would surrender.

Type: MC

Question 18.18. (TCO 10) After the Civil War, a new immigrant was most likely to be
from (Points : 2)


Type: MC

Question 19.19. (TCO 10) Progressivism and populism largely differed in (Points : 2)

their goals.
their ideology.
that progressives built political coalitions that transcended party lines.
their organization.

Type: MC

Question 20.20. (TCO 7) The invasion of Belgium turned American opinion against Germany
because (Points : 2)

many Americans were immigrants from Belgium.

Americans depended on products imported from Belgium.
Belgium was an important U.S. ally.
Belgium was a neutral nation.
Type: MC

Question 21.21. (TCO 7) During World War I, which of these did the Germans use against
British ships? (Points : 2)


Type: MC

Question 22.22. (TCO 11) This trial became a symbol of the conflict within Protestantism
between modernists and fundamentalists. (Points : 2)

Scopes Monkey Trial

Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
Fatty Arbuckle Trial
None of the above

Type: MC

Question 23.23. (TCO 11) What brought the Harding administration to an end? (Points : 2)

President Harding was impeached.

President Harding was defeated in the 1924 election.
President Harding died of a heart attack.
President Harding resigned in response to the Teapot Dome scandal.

Type: MC

Question 24.24. (TCO 11) The Great Depression affected (Points : 2)

only American farmers.
only the U.S. economy.
only the U.S. and European economies.
the global economy.

Type: MC

Question 25.25. (TCO 7) What event marked the beginning of World War II? (Points : 2)

The Nazi-Soviet Pact

The German invasion of Poland
The Anschluss
Germanys annexation of the Sudetenland

Question 1.1. (TCOs 1 and 2) Identify and describe the main provisions of the Constitution of
1787. Make sure you analyze the compromises made at the convention to ensure the passage of
the new federal constitution. Then discuss the formation of Americas first two political parties,
the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists. What were the major differences and who were
the best-known members of each party? Make sure you use enough details to support your
answer. (Points : 50)

2. (TCO 2) Identify and analyze the Dred Scott decision. Be sure to discuss the political
reaction to this decision. Then analyze the election of 1860 and how the controversy over
slavery divided the party into northern and southern branches. Analyze the ascendency of
Abraham Lincoln to the presidency. Be sure to use enough details to support your answer.
(Points : 50)

3. (TCOs 6 and 7) Identify and explain at least two causes of World War II. Then analyze
Americas foreign policy before the war, and describe how that policy changed as the war
progressed. Be sure to include a discussion of how the Battle of Britain influenced
American opinion. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.(Points : 50)

4. (TCOs 7 and 9) Identify and analyze the main events of the Korean War and Cuban
Missile Crisis. Then assess how these events affected the relationship between the United
States and the Soviet Union. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.
(Points : 50)

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