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Creative Media Unit 34 - Flash 2D Animation

M1 M3 T3 T4 W2 W4 Th1 Th2
6/2/17 Intro to Unit 34 Task 3/4 Task 3/4 Task 3/4 Task 5 Finish Task 5
Develop Designs
Intro to Ass 2 Produce a Produce a Produce a and Ideas for Storyboards
Specification for Specification for Specification for Animation
Examples your Animation your Animation your Animation Dope Sheets
Sources Storyboards with timings
ILP Session Review Session Review: Start Task 5 Mood Board
In this session, I I did not come in Session Review: DEADLINE
finished my this lesson. I did not come in
Client Meeting Dope Sheets ASS 2
research this lesson;
with timings
document. I then however, I did
Task 3 Session Review:
began to complete work at home to
Initial Research on Session Review: In this lesson, I
my proposal, stay on track.
In this lesson I completed my
campaigns, format, writing about a
started my storyboards and
and software. campaign already
storyboards and dope sheets and
on the market and
dope sheets and scanned them onto
Session Review: about my
coloured them in. my computer to
In this lesson, we animation.
add to my proposal.
had an intro to
I then printed off
assignment 2. We
my work and
were shown some
handed it in to
examples and we
created a sources
and ILP document.
We then had a client
meeting. After this,
I started the initial
research document.

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