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H crochet hook
Red Heart Comfort 454g
worsted weight yarn

Ch 41.
Row 1. Sc in 2nd ch from hook & sc in rem 39 sc, ch 1(Ch 1 from here on out will be the turning ch)40 sc.
Row 2. Rep Row 1 two more times.
Row 3. Sl st in next 18 sc, ch 1, sc in next 4 sc, ch 1, turn.
Row 4. sc in next 4 sc, ch 1, turn.(4 sc)
Row 5-20. Rep Row 4.
Row 21. Ch 19, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in rem 17 ch sts, Sl st in next 4 sc, ch 19 sc.
Row 22. Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in rem 17 ch sts, sc in next 22 sc, ch 1, turn.(40 sc)
Row 23. Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in rem 39 sc, ch 1, turn. (40 sc)
Row 24. Rep Row 23. (40 sc)
Row 25. Pick up 4 sc on 1st strap & cont to next strap picking up 4 sc, ch 1, turn.(8 sc)
Row 26. Sc across, ch 1, turn.(8 sc)
Row 27. Sc dec, sc in next 4 sc, sc dec, ch 1, turn.(6 sc)
Row 28. Sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, ch 1, turn.(4 sc)
Row 29. Sc across, ch 1, turn.(4 sc)
Row 30. Sc dec, 2 times, ch 1, turn.(2 sc)
Row 31. Sc across, ch 1, turn.(2 sc)
Row 32. Rep Row 31 two more times. Leave a tail for sewing on metal ring.
Row 33. Rep Rows 25-32 on other side straps.
Note:You can adjust the size in the straps by Rep Row 26 & 29 two more times to adjust size.

The hooks I used were off my sons little Disney figure key chain toys that he had taking off them. Instead
of throwing them out I had keep them thinking I would find use for them for something & I did:)

Pattern By Luvs2knit

Abbreviations Used:
Ch-chain stitch
Sc-single crochet

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