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MACKINAW CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MACKINAW CITY, MICHIGAN 49701 JEFFREY S. CURTH PHONE: 231-436-8211 Superintendent FAX: 231-436-5434 May 15, 2014 To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure that | write this letter of recommendation for Rachel Kwiatkowski. Rachel and | have been teaching together in the English and social studies departments since she began employment with the Mackinaw City school district in 2009, and It was quick to see that Rachel was a master teacher. Throughout her years of teaching in our district, Rachel has made an impact with both students and teachers. Rachel maintains high expectations for her students, and they have responded well to her Instruction, She is a teacher who brings her lessons to life through creative projects and vivid lesson planning. Students often comment that Mrs. Kwiatkowski makes history memorable and fun to learn. Rachel truly loves to teach literature, and her knowledge base is vast duc to the many different classes she has taught. In addition to her academic background, Rachel implements the use of technology to capture her students’ interest and to help them develop their research and creative skills. Since she is both an English teacher and a social studies teacher, she has embraced the opportunity to help strengthen cross-curricular instruction in our high school classes. ‘When Rachel started working at MCPS, she immediately presented herself as a professional to students, parents, and staff. She has always been eager to involve herself with students both in the classroom and out. Rachel has been an admired coach, class advisor, and student council advisor. She often goes the extra mile to help fellow staff members with technological issues, and she volunteers to write, create, or present items of special interest for the school, such as our behavior plan that was recently implemented. Rachel is one of the most organized and creative people | have ever met. | would describe her classroom environment with one word: amazing! Her walls are inspirational, informative, and imaginative; they reveal the character that is Rachel Kwiatkowski. Rachel is @ person who was born to be in the classroom. She is passionate and dedicated to her work. Rachel completely immerses herself in the material she teaches, and her effectiveness is obvious when excited students share their experiences from her lessons, Any school would be luck to employ Rachel Kwiatkowski, | highly recommend her to fil your schoo!’s vacancy. Sincerely, Albi ade Natalie Postula

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