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Running head: CANIDAE FAMILY

Candida family




Canidae family is also known as the candid or canine family that belongs to the dog family

with about 14 living genera and 34 species. Their distribution is wide and the oldest group of the

carnivores the group was introduced by human beings. Their body shape is that of a slender and

long-legged animal with erect ears, bushy tails, and long muzzles. Canines are commonly known

as carnivores; however, a small number of these species exists as omnivores feeding on

vegetables. Canines are intelligent and easy to train. Canines can endure and it is the primary

reason they adapt. Their body structure is what helps them to hunt for prey. And after using their

speed to catch the prey canines use legs to hold the prey and their canine teeth to kill the prey.

Habitat and Habits

Canidae family have no specific location. They can be found in the mountains and forests, for

example, the Coyotes. Some candid can be found in the desert and grassland and some in the

savannas. Candid are social animals, they use scent in their tails marking their territories hence

the territorial nature. It also happens to domesticated dogs that use their scent to mark their

territories. However, the Jackals group of the candid is not as social as the other members. They

normally walk in pairs male and female and surprisingly the pair mate for life unlike other

candid and animals in general. Dogs often communicate to one another and the communication

is done by howling, barking, yelping or whines at one another. The sounds are associated with

the movement of the tail and the ears (Berglund, 2015)

Off springs

Canidae family has live births that happen upon the conclusion of 45-55days of the gestation

period. During birth, many babies are born in one span. For domestic dogs, the babies can be up

to 15 in number. Research states that there is a relationship between the reproductions of a

candid ant its weight. For the case of the Arctic fox about 20 offspring are born after the

gestation period. They normally give birth in dens that they create a tree that must be in a hollow

shape. It is during winter that canines normally bread. And in the late or mid-spring they give

birth. After birth, it takes two weeks for the eyes of the young ones to open. The mother nurses

her off springs for six weeks. When the offspring is one-year-old it can begin to breed. However

for wolfs it begins at three years (Hepper, 2015).


Wild canines have long muzzles or faces. With a tail that is long and bushy. A majority of

these species have the same color however the gray fox and the jackals have contrasting colors.

The species have erect ears that not only detect sound but also regulate heat for some of the

species. Species that use ears for this function are normally located in hot climates and the ears

help them to dissipate heat. Species like Artic foxes have smaller ears, since they are found in

cold seasons. The ears help them to conserve heat. Another characteristic is that of the canines

legs. The maned wolf found in South Africa is known to have the longest legs that they use for

running. Canines do not have a high speed. Canines in the cold regions have adaptations of

growing fur on their padded legs during winter that is done to help them move. Canines have

four toes that are well developed, two in the front and two hind toes. Most of the canines have

reduced hind toes but not the African dong. Their skull has 42 teeth, that comprise of canines

used to grasp and kill prey and incisors that are not specialized. They also have developed

carnassial and premolars that have a narrow and sharp shape. The last set is that of molars that

are used for grinding and crushing (Hepper, 2015).

Importance to humans

One of the greatest significance between canines and humans is the existence of the

domestic dog that has economic importance to the human. The domestic dog has been used as a

pet and its due to this reason that it was first domesticated by humans. The fur on some of the

canines has been used for trade. For example, humans sell the fur in exchange for money. A

good example of the sold fur is that of the red fox among other examples that have been used for

the same purpose. However, the use of these canines depends on their location since the same red

fox is used for another different purpose in Europe that is the sport. With the positive benefits

associated with the canines there is also a negative impact on the possibility of the spread of the

rabies virus. The virus has no cure but vaccinating the pet time after time helps to control the

spread of the virus. Another positive impact of the canine species is that fact that it can be used

as food by other communities (Hepper, 2015).

Classification and paleontology

Canines are group carnivores that have a close relation to weasels and bears than other

species like civets, mongooses, and hyenas. North America was the origin of the Canidae family

that was the first point of fossil location. Over a million years the candid decided to spread to

other regions over the years. This family has 12 genera and 36 species, the 12 species are found

in Africa, Europe, and Asia. And other species are found all over the world. And with the

different locations there are different species in the areas (Hepper, 2015).

Candid conservation

Majorities of the candid have gone extinct and are also endangered. Their lives are

threatened with the competition they have to face with humans. Ranchers often have a negative

thought of the candid they see them as competitors and due to this reason ranchers normally

work hard to ensure that the candid are exterminated. In the 1870s, there was the extinction of

the Fauklands wolf through the ranchers initiative. The other group that was targeted for

extermination is the Coyotes species. The species was a threat to livestock hence created

competition with the human. The state and federal control organized to exterminate the Coyotes

species, even though this was happening in the past years in the 48 lower states. The lives of the

Coyotes are still endangered. Not all species are endangered some have been conserved in

regions like Canada while others like the jackal, the Simien red wolf among others are

endangered. However, the international wolf center has been used to support humans who want

to conserve these species so that the extinction movement is put on hold (Hepper, 2015.

Evolutionary relationships

Morphological approaches have been used to study the evolutionary relationship among

candid. However, it has been discovered that several evolutionary lineages can undergo parallel

changes resulting to uncertainties in their inferences. Because to this reason, it was thought

important to incorporate biochemical and molecular techniques in studying evolutionary

relationships. The techniques can effectively be used to examine the resulting differences

associated with their genetic composition so as to develop true relationships. The use of the

techniques is associated with biases but it is important for researchers to use effective grouping

methods and different approaches to coming up with phylogenetic relationships that are genuine.

Molecular techniques have been used to develop information about the divergent levels of

candid. The technique has been used to identify the relationship between candid and other groups

of the carnivore family. The technique has also been used to determine existing relationships

between members of the same species in the candid family (Jakubczak, 2012.

It is vital first to understand the relationship between the candid and other carnivores. The

large carnivore family includes hyena, cat, bear, weasel the dog family among other groups just

to mention a few. They all have the same ancient origin and thats why it is important to study

the common relationship between them. The molecular technique has been used to study the

genetic sequence of the different organisms. It has been done by using genes of a single-copy

with similar sequence evolution. The divergence of two DNA sequences can be determined by

using melting temperatures to heat the two DNA strands. The obvious form of the DNA is the

double strand and heating is done to separate the two strands into two, after the heating two

single strands of DNA are formed. It is important to note if the two strands from different species

have the same melting point. The formed single strands are then hybridized upon completion it is

important to determine if there is a relationship between the different carnivores species heating

and hybridization temperatures. If there is a similarity and that the temperature is the same it is

important to note that the different species have a close relationship (Jakubczak, 2012).

After identifying the relationship of candid and other carnivores it is important to determine

the relationship of the different candid species. From more technique has to be used to determine

the exact relationship of these species. The chromosomes of the species are the best target of this

procedure. The chromosomes of different species are obtained and stain using G-band. After

which they are electrophoresed in protein electrophoreses. The procedure is important to help in

the identification of the variation among the allozyme of the different chromosomes of the

species being tested. After the formation of the G-band, it is important to calculate the resulting

genetic differences. There is a possible formation of different loci on the chromosome and

identifying the frequencies between the loci is important. Apart from using the molecular

techniques to come up with the relationship between candid species it is important to use the

morphological similarities. It is clear that different species have different lengths of

chromosomes (Kosowska, 2012).

Using the morphology aspect to determine the relationship between the species, for instance,

the chromosomes of the red fox are all autosomes with metacentric shapes and with the low

diploid numbers. If the red fox is compared to the gray wolf there is a clear distinction between

the two species. Unlike the red fox, the diploid number of chromosomes for the gray wolf is high

it has autosomes but with acrocentric shapes and not metacentric like those of red fox. Through

the already existing morphological differences between the two species it is clear that there is no

close relationship between the two. Analyzes done on the chromosomes and allozyme has played

a major role I bringing the evolutionary relationship that can exist among Candida species. It is,

therefore, important to use both morphological characteristics and molecular techniques in

determining relationships between the species. Banding is the most effective method that has

been used for all molecular techniques in identifying the presence of relationships among species

(Kosowska, 2012).

Current areas of research

Dogs are a group of the candid family and currently research has been done to confirm the

relationship between dogs and their owners. Research states that dogs have a friendly

relationship with their owners a relationship like that of owners and their children. Testing was

done on the dogs and d their owners to confirm the existing relationship. The research was done

on different types of owners: encouraging owners, absent owners, and silent owners. Interactive

toys were used to influence the dogs to play and then later food was given to the dogs as a

reward. The dog was given treats in the absence of the owner and still could not play but when

the owner was present the dog was seen to enjoy playing. Despite the owner being silent but

when the stranger was brought in to replace the owner the dog stopped playing (Baker, 2011).

It was then concluded that there was a solid relationship between the dog and the owner. It

was also called a secure base effect. This particular research is still being conducted by different

people and it has advanced and dogs have been trained to secure human beings. Dogs can be

trained to respond even though they cannot communicate more and more research is being done

to help improve the relationship between the dog and the owner. By so doing the dog will not

only be a pet to the owner but can bring more associated benefits. Research has stated that the

bond shared between dogs and owners is that of respect and trust. And that love and support is

the basis of the continued good relationship (Baker, 2011).


Understanding the candid family is essential considering the fact from these family human

beings can acquire pets and good friends like dogs. Who will protect the owner and offer long-

term security. It is also important to consider identifying the different features of the candid

family so as to help distinguish the family from other families. After distinguishing the family, it

is important to learn about the resulting differences among different species and these can be

done by studying the evolutionary relationship of the organism through morphological and

molecular techniques. Understanding the organism habits and habitats is also important. Another

important aspect is to understand how offsprings are born and how often its takes for an

offspring to mature and reproduce.


Kosowska, B., Strzala, T., Brzezinska, K., Grabowski, K., Moska, M., Dobosz, T., & Lebioda, A.

(2012). Phylogenetic analysis of steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) of the wolf and

selected breeds of dogs in connection with the role of this enzyme in the pathogenesis of

many diseases in the Canidae family. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 68(09).


Jakubczak, A., Gryzinska, M., Horecka, B., Dziadosz, K., & Jezewska-Witkowska, G. (2014).

SNP genetic diversity within a fragment of the gene MYO15A responsible for the

hearing process in a population of farmed and free-living animals of the Canidae family.

Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 64(3), 358-366.

Berglund, J., Quilez, J., Arndt, P. F., & Webster, M. T. (2015). Germline methylation patterns

determine the distribution of recombination events in the dog genome. Genome biology

and evolution, 7(2), 522-530.

Hepper, P., & Wells, D. (2015). Olfaction in the Order Carnivora: Family Canidae. Handbook of

Olfaction and Gustation, 591-604.

Stern, A. W., & Lamm, C. (2011). Utilization of Paw Prints for Species Identification in the

Canidae Family. Journal of forensic sciences, 56(4), 1041-1043.

Baker, J., Shivik, J., & Jordan, K. (2011). Tracking of food quantity by coyotes (Canis latrans).

Behavioural processes, 88(2), 72-75.

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