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The icy air whistled in the ears, causing the skin tingled and stung.

The branches of trees

bowed with heavy load they were carrying, bent towards the floor. Everything glistens, as if a
fairy had sprinkled her dust over the entire world. Colours are brighter against the pure white
blanket that spreads as far as the eye could see. All houses were covered with snowy roofs.
Aerials and chimneys were sculptured, to make new forms.

In the middle of Archduke, there were a couple of identical twins born in a luxurious
mansion. The fair and cute babies were very lucky because they were the progenitors of dignified
family. Their mum was Lady Diana, the Guardian of Archduke and their dad was Lord Williams,
the Knight of the Round Table. The boys were named Danial Williams and Larial Williams, the
sons of Lord Williams. As they grew older, Danny and Larry always depended on each other.
They always lent a hand to protect one another but it did not last for long, as a calamity fell upon

During their seventh birthday, Lady Diana and Lord Williams were invited to the castle to
celebrate the birthday of King Solomon, the Supreme Ruler. They promised their kids that they
would come back before 12 midnight to celebrate Danny and Larrys birthday. The kids were
taken care of by Lady Morgana, Lady Dianas sister. Unfortunately, until the next morning, Lady
Diana and Lord Williams did not come back. Lady Morgana ordered the butler of the mansion to
find Lady Diana and Lord Williams.

After a few hours, Danny and Larry were shocked with the news of the death of their
parents. Actually, it all started unexpectedly that late night. Rolls of thunder strikened over the
sky, the sounds of storms filled the atmosphere, with rage. After they returned from the balls, the
stallion was stopped by a group of skillful mercenaries. They grabbed Lord Williams tightly then
raped Lady Diana in front of his eyes. After that, they killed Lord Williams and Lady Diana
mercilessly. In a twinkling of an eye, their bodies were bloody and armless as if a chainsaw had
hacked it apart. That was the most horrified birthday present for seven years old kids.

To protect the kids as the inheritance of Lady Diana and Lord Williams legacy, Lady
Morgana separated Danny and Larry from each other. Danny was sent to Manchester and was
taken care of by an orphanage then adopted by a very poor family. Danny worked for the family
to survive and he always wished to meet his brother someday. A quite different thing happened to
Larry. He was sent to Berlin and was taken care of by Lady Morgana. Larry was raised in the
luxury because he always got whatever he wanted.

After 12 years longing for his brother, Danny was set forth to find his beloved twin. He
spent all his youth only to find Larry. He wanted to start a new life with Larry. After two years of
spending his time seeking information, finally he got Larrys location. Without further due,
Danny rushed to find his brother. Abruptly, Danny was shocked when he saw Larrys life in
indulgence. The feeling overwhelmed his heart and soul. He felt it was very unfair.

Danny wanted to supercede Larrys position in the mansion to take over all the treasures
of their parents. So, he decided to kidnap Larry. He set up an effective plan and waited until the
day came. The waited day came!! Danny executed his plan perfectly. Out of the blue, an
unwanted incident happened. Danny accidently stabbed Larry. When he looked Larrys body
were covered with blood, then he panicked. Without further thinking, he then buried Larry alive.
After the incident, he went back to the mansion and pretended as Larry.

On the next day, 30th December, in the middle of the winter, it was the anniversary for the
death of their parents and simultaneously with him and his ex-twins birthday. As in the
procedure, their parents lawyer will read the wills again. Unexpectedly, all treasures of Lord
Williams and Lady Diana were gone almost 14 years ago. All of the treasures were taken by
Lady Morgana. Actually, Lady Morgana was the mastermind behind the murder of his parents.
She was also the one who separated Danny and his twin. Lady Morgana was jealous about her
sister because Lady Diana was married with Lord Williams. She decided to ruin Lady Dianas
family. Then, Danny realized that he actually lost the very precious treasure that his parents left
for him which was his brother.

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