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In the scenario of Nepal USAID has helped reduce the adverse effects of climate change and

threats of biodiversity by building on a successful community forestry program that has engaged
35% of Nepals total population. (Environment and global climate, 2017)

Degradation in the river environment should be considered while implying export taxes for
riverbed materials as compensating. (khet raj dahal, 2012)

When in consideration contracts with any street designer helps drive them to utilize
neighborhood individuals to embrace the development work, this as a result has helped to bring
in a great population of employment. (UNEP, 2013)

Banning demarcation which have been implemented over at least two kilometers away from
forest 500 meters from highways and river banks have not been enforced to reduce the extraction
risk to climate. (pokharel, 2014)

The results in hand act as a solid evidence towards recent claims regarding global warming being
caused by greenhouse effects of anthropogenic halogenated gases. (pokharel, 2014)

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