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Target Audience

Age: 15-30

Gender: Unisex

Socio group: C1, C2, D, E

Ethnicity: Mixed

Why did we choose these?

We chose this target audience due to several factors. First we

put our age range 15 to 30 because as research shows that
most people watch films in their 20s which means that our age
range is a fair one because as we have ages that are lower than
20 which means that it isnt too restricted and will allow us to
work around this particular factor. We kept our target gender
suitable to both as we didnt want to be sexist. Another is that
keeping the target audience to both genders will potentially
allow people to watch our film and this makes it fair. Our film is
aimed at audiences that are of the social class of C1, C2, D and
E. This is because it creates balances out between the poor and
the rich. This will then maximises the likely chance of people
watching our film, not only that but potentially increase
revenue and good customer feedback from the audience of our
film. However we strongly advice people who inherit strong
religious beliefs to not watch our film as it may contain scenes
that might terrify them.

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