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Accepted Review Rhetorical Analysis

Accepted is a movie about students who get rejected from every college they
apply to, so they create their own to have a sense of belonging. In the movie review by
Geoffrey Macnab, he is very informal in his approach to discuss his thoughts on the
movie. His purpose is to show the flaws in the movie, but he then offsets those critiques
with statements of passive agreements. For example, he uses phrases and words such
as but at least, even if, though, and nonetheless to express his disapproval of one
aspect of the movie but approval of another part. The audience for this movie review,
due to its informality while still being informative with advanced vocabulary, is most
likely young adults and college students who wonder how this movie will live up to their
expectations. In a college comedy, young adults have the expectations that the movie
will have a substantial amount of humor, different parts of college life will be portrayed
both accurately and inaccurately (therefore intensifying the humor), and there will be
some kind of downfall either socially or academically (or both). With these conventions
of a comedy about college, the reviewer has to make sure that the review he creates
discusses each of these topics in order to appeal to the audience and become a reliable
review. In order to become credible, the reviewer also has to show that they have
watched and come to an understanding of the purpose of the movie, which Macnab
does by providing examples from Accepted and explaining their meaning and
significance in context to represent how the movie portrays the college system as
This movie review by Macnab is from Sight & Sound by the British Film Institute
in November 2006, and is found on page 46 in Volume 16 of Issue 11. The publishing
format (although shown on the literacy index as HTML text) is in a magazine article with
the text review with one, one-page color photograph to accompany and enhance the
review. The movie review itself includes the not only the critiques of the movie
Accepted, but also a summary/synopsis and credits of the movie with the directors,
producers, cast, and more.

Macnab, Geoffrey. "Accepted." Sight & Sound 16.11 (2006): 46. Film & Television
Literature Index. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

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