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Introduction to Practicum

Hi I am Arcelia Salguero a current senior at Poly High School I am 17 years old it is

February 4 of the year 2017 and it is 1:23 of the afternoon. The problem I have identified or my

working thesis is teen girls face insecurity and self harm when people make fun of them or their

body. Something I seek to learn from this journey is understand why teenage girls rely so much

on what people think of them. The things I have investigated is what kind of health problems can

be caused if teenage girls do not eat well, what effects does body image have on a teenage girl's

life, how to find healthy ways to eat well and what causes teen girls to think of themselves the

way they do. The first step I will take is to create flyer and pass it out during school after that I

will plan/run an event. I feel that it will be kind of hard for me to try and run an event because I

have never ever run an event before. Stay tune to find out if I was able to run the event or not

Arcelia out

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