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Characteristics/symptoms/problems associated

Social withdraw
Depersonalization (things are hazy, unreal, in a dreamlike state)
Intense anxiety
Loss of appetite
Loss of hygiene
Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that arent real)
The sense of being controlled by an outside source
Disorganized speech

Treatments/therapy/how to make patients life better

Individual therapy: sessions that focuses on thoughts, feelings, and

relationships. They will be able to understand the illness, themselves, and
can handle their everyday life situations. They can figure out what is real and
what is not.
Rehabilitation: may include job and vocational counselling, problem solving
support, social skills training, and education in money management.
Cognitive remediation: behavioral treatment using paper and pencil exercises
to manage problems with attention, memory, planning, and organization
Family education: involve the families so that the patient knows that people
Self-help groups: help avoid relapse, non-compliance, legal problems and
repeat hospitalizations.

Interesting facts (why chosen, famous people with it, current gene therapy)

5 subtypes: paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, catatonic

schizophrenia, undifferentiated schizophrenia, and residual schizophrenia
Famous people like albert Einsteins son Eduard Einstein, Lionel Aldridge a
super bowl-winning football player, Syd Barrett of the band Pink Floyd, and
Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln.

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