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Original transcript corrections

INT: Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?

J: Hi, Im Joe. Im the guitarist

JKB: Im Jakob Im the bassist and lead vocalist.

R: Im Richard and Im the drummer

INT: So long have you guys been making music together as Persoma?

JKB: Originals or just music?

INT: Well how long have you been writing your own songs?

J: Well the first song we learnt, well it was called thrill at the time but we wrote new lyrics for it and its now called licence
to hate, that wouldve been October I think?

R: Earlier than that because we started playing it before Jakob came.

J: Oh yeah, so that wouldve been September last year.

INT: So how long have, you guyts guys been playing music?

J: Well me and Richard started playing in September and then Jakob came like a month later, I thinkm think probably.

JKB: I cam came in October , October, yeah.

INT: So how did you all meet?

J: We were all in the same computing class-

JKB: Computer science

J: That was basically it [Laughter] It was pretty much wouldnt it be funny if we all started a band? oh Oh yeah, yeah it
would be yeah and here we are-

JKB: Here we are

INT: So has playing and making music something that youve all always wanted to do?

J: OH yeah definitely deffinatly.

JKB: Certainly, from a sort of dream aspect. Sot of thought like wouldnt wouldnt this be great if I could do this as a
career? and then even if as not as a career but as for something as something as I enjoy it so much you see.

INT: So, whats the story behind the bands name? Why Persoma?

JKB: Wed spent two months thinking of a name-

J: and it was around about a week before our first gig as well so we had to come up with something fairly quick.

JKB: I pitches them Persoma as a play on words of Persona and soma. Soma meaning a body without a soul and persona
obciously obviously meaning character. So I liked it because it has a subtle meaning behind it that you weouldnt wouldnt
get unless yopu you looked further into it which iI u thought was a nice iuda idea. And that it also represented the pont
point of the play on words to begin with.

INT: It is a very interesting name, as you dont see many unusual one word band names these days.

J: Yeah, basically evey every other name someone else had tasken taken it basicsally basically [laughter]

INT: Who would you all say are your biggest inspirations are as band?

J: Well wed probably have to take it in turns for that.

INT: Yeah, thats fine

J: We each come from vary different diverse backgrounds. Me, My origions origins are sort of Metal . Is pretty much
where I come from. Then on from thjat that expanding out into different forms of that, then into rock musdic music and
now I listen to all sorts. Black Sabbath are a big influence, we sort of take the riff approach fr4om that and Alternative
rock and we try to do things a bit different. We kind of place all different bands from all kind of genres and put them into
a melting pot and thats sort of where our sound comes from.

JKB: My influences are mainly from the same sport of area as Joes but sort of more pop-rock and things like that,

R: Well yeah. Mine come from more of a difference. Im from more of a Jazz background. I tend to listen to older bands
like Bernard purdie Purdie and other bands like that. Ive sort of gotten into things , things, Like like Ive always wanted to
play swing and that sort of stuff.

J: And you have got a grat great swing to your drumming as well, I think as a result of that.

INT: Like you guys mentioned earlier, Youve youve already played a gig, Is that the first o0ne youve done or have you
previously domne done others?

J: Well we have done two so far, wich which were both within thew the school. But we pretty much had to build a set-list
setl;ist from svcratch scratch because we were doing original songs., songs. which Which then takes a lot of time .

INT: How did they go, did they go well for you did you get a good reaction from the audience?

J: Supprisinglt Surprisingly, yeah [laughter]

JKB: I think people will alwayds always be polite., polite. generally Generally. But I thin think k we wrere were quite vwel
lwell recived received .

INT: Can you tell me about any upcoming projects?

J: Well were recording an album at the minete minute, so thats what rwhat were were spending all our time on. Just
recently, weve been tracking the drums for all of our songs. Well then layer up the guitar and then the base and the vocals
which we should be able to do in a couple weeks. Then we have to Create and learn a couple more songs

INT: Is there a name for it yet?

J: Its going to be self titiled self-titled most probab;ly probably

INT: Sounds good. So tell me, whats whats your opinion on how hard it is to crak crack the music industry nowadays?

J: In some ways its easier because you dont really have to go out of your way to be heard because you have the whole
internet but I suppose in somewys some way, with it being so easy. So many people have started doing that and that
means you also have to compete with everyone else.

JKB : Well that depends on what you define as makng making It oit in the music industy industry. Because then if that to
you is just making a living off music then I believe thats a very reachable and obtainable goal. But if your idea is to be a
superstar then youve perhaps set your sights a bit too far

INT: So whats your goal?

JKB: Id love to make a living from music, Just just to be able to play music and get by, then that for me would be enough.

INT: Whats your view on the availibillity availability of music online?

J: IU dont usualy usually torrent stuff unlesses unless its like resally really difficult to buy. But I know the internet has
opend opened me up to these different artists I never have even heard of or thought to listen to. And then obvouislt
obviously once you learn about one artyist artist yopu you can learn about the artists that influenced them and so on and
son on . on. Allowing you to branch out, and I think thats where most of my music taste has come from.

JKB: Whilst there is sorty sort of illeagal illegal downloading , downloading, it is damagaing damaging to the artist
however its still exposure as much as illeagal downloading is irritating, to a small band like us I dopnt dont thinn think it
would make much of a difference differce. Because thjen then at the end of the day at least someone is still listening to
your music.

INT: Do you see the band continuing after you have all frinished finished Sixth-form?
JKB: Id like to think so, yeah

J: Im not entirely sure, Its its just because of its so unkown unknown as to where we end up.

jkb: And also actually wjere were we live.

r: Because some of us are going to uni, and so then any of us may not be., We may end up across the country from each
other, or we may still just be down the road. You just never know.

int: True. What song have you enjoed enjoyed writing the most?

j: I like Oricale Oracle of doom the most . Its a very long song . song. Its got a very stronf strong Sabbeth Sabbath
influence . influence. And it goes quiteb quite queit quiet and then can be very loud, which I think builds up a great
atemospehere atmosphere and I really enjoy playing it beacsue because of that.

int: That links to my next question. What song do you all enjot enjoy playing the most?

jkb: Orcale Oracle of Doom is very fun to play.And play. And not just because of the rRiff [laughs]

r: It Gets really loud, I love it.

j: High hourse horse is just sort of a sonic assult assault really, Its got a charge to it. So I think its quite fun playing that.

int: Whats the inspartaion inspiration behind you songs?

j: [laughter]

jkb: It tends to be some sort of current political event. Normally we sit at this Piano, and we come up with a melody first
and then tend too to fit lyrics to it.

j: We decided on a topic, And well then sort of jam related words together to the melody eventually until some thing
something sticks. And then then we have something to go off and we evolve it from there.

jkb: Its either that or we tend to write stories, oracle of doom is a story really,.

j:So yeah basically he foresees the end of the world and then it turns out that he is insane and hasnt seen it basically.

Int: Would you say that your music has evolved since you first formed? Has your music changed?

jkb: Probably, we have certainly got more of a prog influence, if you look at the highway man

j: Certainly, its got lots of different sections so it changes. I dont like writing a song thats the same throughout. I like it
where it adds different things to keep it interesting

int: So whats whats the story behind licence to hate?

J: So fairly recently these religious fundamentalist groups in America have been basically pushing through these laws
called religious freedom laws and basically that gives you the right to discriminate against about being gay or anything
like that just because of your religion, and I think thats horrendous, thats really, really wrong, and it pissed me off so
much that I wrote a song about it. I wrote the lyrics quite quickly [laughter]

Int: So how can future fans gain access to your music? Do you have any mediums yet Soundcloud, You, You Tube Etc

J: We have a You Tube channel. Once we have finished this album we are thinking about starting a bandcamp band
camp and putting everything on it.

int: Do you have any advice for someone who is aspiring to start their own band?

j: Yeah

r: Do it!

jkb: Do it, yeah. You see so many people just like I wish I could start a band then like go to one rehersal rehearsal and
then never carry on with it, ever.
Int: So is commitment a big thing?

jkb: Commitment is a big thing, well it is certainly the thing, I remember-

j: As long as they enjoy it

jkb: When I started, wow I really like this, its fun. You get the lulls but you have to push through it and you start making
those fun things for yourself and then it wont wont become an effort

j: Hmmm Yeah. Even if you are not particularly not particularly technically advanced Id still say give it a go. If punk has
taught us anything its that. You know, just do it What are you going to lose? You are only going to get better by playing
with other people,

int: Good, is there anything else you would like to say?

J: Err, not really, no.

int; Well thank you guys for letting me interview you it was very interesting, hope you have a good rest of the afternoon.

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