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Subject: English Title: Readers Theatre comes to Life.

Class level: 3rd/4th class Duration: 1 hour

Strand: Oral Language Strand Units: Receptiveness to language,
Emotional and imaginative development
through language.

The child will be enabled to:
Tape a narrative so they can listen back to it.
Discuss the use of sound effects and music in an audio recording.
Develop an awareness of the importance of tone of voice and clarity of enunciation when
Experience and enjoy playful aspects of language through puppet theatre.
Recognise the importance and effects of expression when using language.
Work collaboratively in order to complete the task.

Puppet Pals app.

Prior knowledge: Before this lesson children will have become familiar with a Readers Theatre script
as the main focus of this lesson is develop expression and tone of voice when reading aloud. This lesson
will allow children to record their story in order to reflect on these aspects on language.

To begin the lesson, the children will gather into their previously assigned groups for readers
They will practice their roles in order to be fully competent and confident with their script. They
will be focusing on using expression and appropriate tone of voice, while reading.

The children will be introduced to the Puppet Pals app.
The teacher will use the visualizer to explain the app and its features, focusing on how they can
put stage directions into their production.
The teacher will also show an example of a completed Puppet Pals animation.
In each group the children will create their production using an iPad, based on their script.
The teacher will spend time with each group, offering support during this time.

We will do a think pair share between groups in order to give children a chance to show their
completed work.

Through observation: we will assess the competence and confidence of each child while reading
WALT and WILF: we will give each group a checklist highlighting what we want the children to
include in their production (for example, tone of voice) and the children can self-assess if they feel
they have included this criteria in their production.

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