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68% of TH owners have NO mortage!
55% of TH owners have more savingsaverage of $11k
78% of TH owners own their home compared to 65% of traditionals
Average cost of a TH is $23k
Average cost of a traditional home is $272kafter interest, $481k
Average TH is 186 sq/ftUS average is 2100 sq/ft (Thats 11 THs)
Approximately 2 out of 5 TH owners are over 50!
Under 30: 21% 30-40: 21% 40-50: 18% Over 50: 38%
Average salary of TH owners: $42k
55% of TH owners are women
89% of TH owners have less cc debt than the average American
65% of TH owners have zero credit card debt
TH owners are twice as likely to have a masters degree
What is a carbon footprint?
What are the advantages of living in a tiny house?
What are disadvantages of living in a tiny house?
What is the cost of a tiny house compared to the same space (sqft) in a
traditional home? Is it worth it?
Where are most tiny homes found? (region of the USA)
How did the tiny house movement start?
What other movements are related?
What is sustainability?
Why a tiny home and not an RV?
Square feet is determined by multiplying length x width of living space in a

1st: using AutoCAD, draw the given floor plan accurately.

2nd: using AutoCAD, draw the FRONT and a SIDE elevation in orthographic
format (the two views should line up)
3rd: using a maximum of 360sqft, design your own tiny home.
You must include your own floor plan, and elevation views. You CANNOT copy an
existing design. You must also provide sketches prior to starting your CAD work for
approval to begin.
4th: create a 3D model using cardboard or other materials
5th: create a power point to present your floor plan, elevations, and model

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