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Based on the core concepts that have helped millions of Tiny

Buddha readers transform their lives, this course will empower

you to be the person you want to be, regardless of who and where
you've been.

Angry with people who've wronged you...

Frustrated by opportunities you haven't received...

Limited by obstacles that prevent you from making


Discouraged by failures and setbacks...

Ashamed of yourself for mistakes you've made...

Disappointed in yourself for making the "wrong" choices...

Anxious about everything that isn't working in your life...

...then you're human. We all feel these things at times. A hero,

however, isn't controlled or limited by them.
A hero is proactive, empowered, and committed to growth and
forward momentumnot a passive audience member
watching life go by.

Whether you're looking to transform your professional life or your

personal life, no matter how old you are or what you've
experienced, we'll help youidentify the mental blocks that are
keeping you stuckand release them.

Our four-week self-study course includes access to a member's-

only forum for ongoing support, expert advice from leaders in self-
help and film, comprehensive workbooks for self-discovery, and
eight related bonus items from top personal development

"It was inspiring listening to individuals from all walks of

life going through the same issues. It made me feel normal and
human instead of abnormal and excluded. The solutions they have
found have filled me with hope of applying the positive principles to
suit my own life, and I am genuinely optimistic about my present and
future for the first time in many years." ~Sally Cosgriff (Member)

"It was very 'human' and very grounding. The workbooks in particular
contained questions that immediately put you into 'the zone' for self-
exploration, analyzing your own stories and patterns and how to
change them This course was 'gentle' and organically revealed to me
things I am interested in and can make steps

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