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SYDERUM SEGRETA, * OR AN : Sasteotocieay ; ASTROLOGICAL, METE OROLOGICAL DT A Ree 9). For the Year of our LORD, 1689. } BEING 5 ie ae The Firf after Biflextile or Leap-Year 5 And From the Creation 9638 years From Noahs Flood 3982 hey From the Building of London-29 95 : 3 Containing an Ephemeris of the Planets daily motion, their'| | mutual and Lunar Afpe&s, the ftate of the Year deduced [” from the Solar Ingrefles, Echpfes and other Configuracions of | the Planets 5 the Riting and Serting of the Sun and Moon, with the time of High Water at many principal Havens 5 Together with an Elected Table of Days, fit for the beginuin, any Enterprife : With divers other Rules and Tables, fuitable to fuch a work,very neceffary and ufefut for all forts of people By 70HN HARRISSON Studio Philo. aftera Med \ pre ai akan le And God faid, let there ve Lights in the Firmanent of Heavin 5 and | Set them be for figus ard fur feajous, and for days and drs. Licenfed, Fuly 28th. 1688. Kab, Midgley. ae jon for the Company of 168c. " LONDOW, Printed by Poh Ri STATIONE =i - > . ew'd) “tis my intent a et sf E (econd tinie (ren 2 ‘ Jo Se Pe 4 (houldft thy felf prefent | A Compendious Chronology of Mesnbr able Accidents cel ‘ = To pudlick omhies PE iook lo y i : : Gea Re tagesct ey fle Books } vig, wink the SY, Atha Congrats u i blige you dickinfert © | | w : Vaross mars 0 fake sore 4 | tne Oe ed ar Sy eatheee fappofed 5633" | and chs prefenc 1500 Yor Se ae ince Noahs Flood upon the Old World a cme osety Fee ese rece ee seat ae Aeicti ‘i | Since God by Fire Sodom caus’d deftroy’d \ 16 i a Seen ea dance gs | Since for Ifraels fake He Egypt plagu’d = i egos beat did Pe me enliee ase 1 Since Famous Troy was to defirnction broughz. . . ora That oe fave lf butt Tines phos "| Since Londons large Foundations firit were wrought eee f a i vi te tl ene nue did aes +) Since Alexanders Monarchy began 7 Se ait Hi f © Since Cefars Might the Britains overcame t “| Fmight not meddle with our Native place + hathere I look for’s pnt beyond the Seas, | muft others, my felf I may not pleafe: Yer Courtry-men I do preient you here i i | Since the Seventy Wife, Interpreted | The Bible, and it to Greek converted 2 | Since firft the Saxons ftept on Englifh grouna®- Since here the Danes the like advantage found Auieful Servant for chis prefent Year, uriee, St. Andrews, Lisbon, Silly, Maze, S. Lucas Gravefend, Downs, Romney, Tenet, Ram&ins ainborough, Southampton Portimouth, WelHus { Callis, Calthot, Rye, Winctieifea, Gorend Needles, Lux, Deep, Casket, Oxford, Layfto; Lenow -Kkaey-pool, Orwel, Flee, Hames, Embdon, S. Hellen . beterpott, Harkflew, Portlaid? Hague, Blanch | Milford, Bridgwater, Northcoatt, Exwater, Texel Since. Norman William Britain over power < | Since Maud the Englijh-Saxon blood refter’d : Since Guns (thofe mortal Enpines) firft were found Since Printing made the World with Books.abound Since London-Bridge with Stone was flrongly mate And fince her ftreets with Coackes firtt were plagu’d Since Lightning did confume Sr. Pauls high Spire “Since all the Heavens feem’d to be on fire. Since boafting Spain's Armado overthrown OW WIANAPWW HO + | Buftol, Lanion, Foalnels | ys Humb\ Weymouth, Plimouth, Antwerp, ‘oll Since th’ Ledian Weed was firft in Enzlind known Berwicks Oftend, Fount Flamborough, Fluthing To || Since Cales was from the Spaniards ftourly torn Frith. Dunbar, Laures Leith, Bloy, Fgmon, Month 1 ai Since Charles the firft to grief and forraw born 2 14 Since Kate reveal’d the pony Powder-Plor ‘anfey, Flamouth, Severn Mouth, Fou, Waterford Ta find the time of High Water at any of the places here named +: Firf}, os a caper fors ow reget ince Second Charles by Clotha here was ot) dt the Kalendar the day you defire, then fee at what’ is Hi London-Bridge, then for the places in this Table oe te ees ie > * . ae sy - of High Water; fee what hours and quarters of pod east cea oe Since Charles the Firtt did lofe u ; cancely Head am we reed to or fubjiraé from the time of High Water at London- Br Since Worcefters laft fatal bloody Bight 3 6 TR fies, ea es Apr 5. It is High Water at Loadnn-Brit Sttice Charles the fecond was flight 3 4 outs to be taben from the 3 Fira Rs spunea: pournerntoes Since back again he hither fafe Rerurn’d EY . ‘ Sy i i " ;: + ; 7 cae en ee Be Water at thofe places + But ee Ga Since London by devouring tlan es was burn’d : > vlan ae pager ours x quarter, which makes 5 hours 334 Since the Jatt Dutch and Englib Wass have beca 5 igh Water at thofe places, s Sace the laft great Comet first was feen Since with usa long and tedious Froft Since Afaxmouth canted many mens tives loft A.2 Commo Common Notes and Moveable Feafts. ," eae YA Table wing the Longitude aad Ladue ak = ™ . Ci. ro % that did live afar, HisStar: Him they did bring. we Din h/=|3/ 212) MD. Mt off [p? Tor t74} 5} 11/23 34] 5} 5| 9/26) 4 12} §Ml2q] 5 way) TH 5 W529 4S) 5 1611 fF 22} 6 rq 3 §2] 6 18) OVP4I Iolo 4° 217 -4t 6) 7 oK 49} 6 T4 165] 6 Ts] 0} 6 2g 131 6| 9/20]16)27 7= 42! ) EM 251 61220 | 5i19)7 21/0917 * On Epiphany Chrig/! was Guanifefted to rit entilesby his ftar which: drew the 3 Sages to woy,|) fhip him;alfo on thefarye|_ day of the Month 30 ye) after the HolyGhoft ap. pear’d like a Dove ay) HisBaprifm. ooo sy Sun | D | Moon Vy Ri.& fetag.JRi-& fe or To 7A Q 8 4d (}f0° ay It 4y i IM 1g 4) l 4 a $1 35 4, a 44 100 DOI QAnrUAWD 44) 6. F 48 124 14) 41 2 aq! 23}; 26 ° = ee HDD O o2 ANnBw sy = 28). 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22! 23) 25 26 © 2 29 3° 31 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 | Lunar we QD 24: 1° 49d 41/22) JANUARY 1685, Li Erk Mn a RR Laft quarter 3 day att afternoon. New Moon 14 day at ro morning, Firft quarter 18 day at 8 morning. Full Mocn 25 day at 10 morning. os Mutual A(peds and Obfervations. - \% a& 19 i} x 17 If on New years day int the morning the, | Sky look red and fiery it portends D) UP great Tempeits and War, §>k|l b & Windy troubled Air. ott WY Cauda Leonis fou. at 3 morn. | | Apogzon Orions Girdle rifeth > acronically. \>k| |Aot meats and fpiced drinks are good, 18)-4\Tochear the Heart and warmtbe Blood, | Lucida Corona fers Vefpesrine. 7 Nb Q Cold Cloudy air. a Afellusrifeth Cofmically preefepe,with North Exft Winds, bringing | OO } fnow; fereth Cofmically. 7 ftars fov. at 7 ac night. DH * 1O¥ : ; This month no Phyfick take nor Bleeds Except the Skilful fay there's need, ‘ D Perigzon. 2114) ° [Shun taking cold that lov’ st thy felf, And fasting long, its nanght for health. A| lOcilus Taurifouth at 7 at mght FO hy Snow with 2 ne Oo 2 A > ox * 10) oO 13 Ist ne) wo bu O ae a 6A fo 4 @ & I x) 7 -¢ X% YWinds& unpleafant weathers Os! (Os & Sirius ritech acronically. 7 $2 A} 2) 2A) VF Aquila rifech cofmically, caw- 261A} 18 | 1s} fing wet and tempeft. ra gi O19} | D Apogxon, 4c 2q I as. nl << = February hath xxviii days. ] - F EBRUARY. 4 a SSNS .—$_____t ao , veh Feaft o'the Virgins Purification a = F ‘eftified Chrift’s real Incarnation 5 \ Pave & | When He inthe Temple was prefeated, " : eee at 11 before Noon, : } | He the true Mefliah was prociauned. IE Firft Quare 9 Gay at ta ae Nigh, cate é Matthizs * they in Fud-s place did'choote, * The Apofiles, 17 avuasee ve at 5 Afternoon See at 2 Morning, . ft ) Was ftoned then beheaded by the Jews: Inthis month An.Chisi if Dax[dinm hi 2/Sp¥j9 [sy Sun D| Moone oo: : me f 0.M.|D. M see] ¥ Ri, (elap Ri. See L 2 Bee MeO ACE SMa L Reiabirbeva aleve tay Helbo. Brio; hi 2\d) 2:4 |_ Metal Afpetts and Ostervations. ij d 3 -geltg 10 1817 15 5 21112M 99) Jl eo Old 1 Glenda Rte ak. . Se M24 goles (6 1817.14.51 @{ 1 Serres \<, [OG Cloudy, threatning Snow oF Rai ij xageli. [25 gc} 77 ai 187 12 slag} 2 ap8 382313 AIH ee or Rain. Lg} G Veronica [25 41/19 16] 6 18711 slog] 3 84 Jol o 2at | [PR] tS (Caml major South 9 at ni fist Agatha a7 42) 146 18}7' 10 shas 4. eae 22PK]: [P| | sb Reels fers Colmical a Acti Half \Dorochy [28 42/14 38 alslo- 8 ¥ 3H | gtr, 815 PK SG} Ing to Prolume, . foo Zachary [29 42)27 51251 $ i | gre of Woy | ¥ 8 “The keen Ni as Hela Salome | ¢ sal tsxga v7 $5216. § Vl Asa (O} | PR MSOR 6 keen North wind doth blow Po esha eager eg 41 ea 4 a 4 ah | gl 48 ral $1120. | jt oringing Rain or Snow, ; Shrove Bed ‘mek ox aol G1tqeo a5 Ee is 4. |ol 2 4uc\ 475) Ij \Variable, : Hi] ¥/€uphrod | 3 44/24 12) 6s 713) 9107/5 6 BF, AS Ney. 87 32)E ETS Ho} aps hd. Dale teanf sai er cobche.cid dese cs tal Samemete 2 I) | |koo. i ia fil ty \Cinerum the a ate ms oer $5 O53) 8 ay tol g 13 K 200 this ee oblerved that if 4] dé Mek De ae 534 2 hls spc 10} an [KBQDH in i peer ; 20 Breet Me one pe 2 A| ik1A ses Ferree |S dae adds ae eas ye? Mecaiameines -| F]Quadrage. ele p OTD 175 46 6) 9 30h a js : ‘a. | lesions thee) Sen 2e| doo ve eh 2 484 ONS aa Be et ee lajSimapp |r 4619. 5 7/2406). 91 16 Wy Al |@l a Wow fetal | . ae pol h ew 12 oooh ‘ 19716 38 6 102A 19) Pie a 14\ sia A sa nl bushes whereon finit dees grow, ile Beco hs a 3; #76 35 6Lt) ¥ 24 is at 41 5} | ae eas, F cafe, Oats, and Seeds for Salads | 2) 0] Sith Pet. fig 4625 ef ne 34 ga 2 29 io 36) {rile i 9pPKO 6 ‘(a4 3) C jSere t ? (2-3? S138 ae six} 6 lay. [I I ; 3 il » Matrhi 2 Teeotun 1210) 3008 14) 4 30 Fr ae 2) 5 A Rempcpates Spika ny 11 night, Beer estat) Bata hts 28 dao te 3 grayr® JA} | | To Bleed be nit-yet to free, ; aiNettor leg ae 4 918 te 317)5 26 6x5, 7 al) Ip : pi je And in Phyfice {paring be. “a Mh |Fortuna fio 4527 4 igi 4fr6is 24 617) 8 33 a pe! Ag Pad h : =i re ¢ {Macarius {20 ete eee 5.22 tS! 9 aah eas | | DUS Cobronts, Milk, aed flimy FID j 45 934 3} altels) 20 dlisito ail Mala ealalr 4 26} Now but bad for Dietiss MM \ q a8} s 93,1610 >} 8, D Apogxon. | | | hf | For aF cold and flimy food | | Pet “East Clogs the Liver andthe Blood, March hath xxxi days. ballin tlcepanee— This is thar Month in which our Heavenly King, That did Salvation to us Mortals bring ; Defcended Jow to take the form of Man, Him to reftore (when loft) to Life again. All Praife to God that did by Chrift Redeem Poor Mortals from the Power and Curfe of fin. Laft Quarter New Moon MARCH. 16Bo, 4 day at 5 Morning. { 11 day at 9 Morning. Firft Quarter 18 day at 1 Morning, Full Moon 25 day at 6 Afternoon, $$$ $$$ ___ |" >) ) 00 6} |Ciriacus 19) @|Jolepa 20| fi Rupert jar} € [Benedi& 22/0 /Paulinus 23, £ |Gorftidus 26] & Caftulus 91 B IGood Frid, 39} £ |Guideo Me USiEaer Su, ‘ DjLongimus es ha oo: i 24] fAPalm ‘Sunr4 25} o21 5) SiAnnun. Mjtg 27/12 1% yD ba yD a ey WW a4 DD €3 30/18 wn 3/28 13it3f¢ 37 00 Fat sis 36 giro GISI5' 30 7 Si 5\3 28 9116 Sitsls 23.5 Slsle 22 m12 SAU WwWrh HO » cow OWA We AD AOA es Da Dat Db aa Se i 8 ae ~ n b pea oP>w Oo Gr 20) Arcturus rifeth chronically , fing} SRY Look for Rain about this time}, | . 5 South-Weft winds and Rain,or Hail, atthe Vefpertine Rifing of thisss Temperate Ar@urus Sou, at 2 morning D QJ. Swallows are feen, and Spring cometh. a ZiHi. wat| Lunar Afpecs. eho. Bri | >) bz a9 | Matual Atpeds and Obfervations.. | a] 6M 321} ok 7 Stars South at 4 at night. 29 24) 1 A 9)8 12\0) | I 9 KK] 8} A j 9 $3 |16 2210) Ay ld 8 8l23} | oO} J} |acltg Ala ¥ *] RIE 3 a D Perigzon, OR? Great Dog South at 6 at night. ~ Spica Virgo fetceth cotimically. Qh? Stormy and . J OQ Tempeftuous DV Eclipfed vib. Spica ny tile at at night. " a *PL ) Apogeon, Wind and Cloudy, — a 4 ere = J Saint Mark a His Refurre Firft Bifhop was Preached there ¢ whom he there was of Altxai he Gofpel ro convert f burne ia Trajaas ume pril hat a who pen’d our Saviours Lit ction be his mighty Facts 5 h, xxx_days- nar ia, j heir. way 5 s Life aad A&s, — CCC ] | | In this My Caen falfe Worfhip:[t was made his crime. * An. Chr % Mtl y Ofsy. Sun |) Mob tanh 2g sats |O VD Saale g ae fy ai &ferlag Riga 3 Biotep days. PMD | 2 Nes | a{ip|Pheodorec|22 25) 6. o 4/25/41] 3 433 = 7 A, M; ‘ a ry, Egy/23 13/18 25 4]25)! 2) 5 65 17 Gq I 39 piChriftian |24 17) 12> 9 gj25]13/£° oj 55 14 3} 295 clAmbrofe .|25 1514 16) 4]25)f4 89 61S 12.7124 25g plVincent [25 1428 59) 4i25}t 4th) 64s ma 7 2 5) 30 ae e\Sixtus 27 Yair 51). 3}24|15120 [1415 | 3 1 ig ow Sund,|28 bi2d (20) 3}26]16 13, 614s 5° 7127; 4, ®\Dionys (29 9r1V 12 3)25]16 14, 6j1415 2 28, 4 @jAlbinus, jt 826 2of 3/2017 15, 6145. 1 Ne 4 Py yo| fr Ezekiel [1 61134 3i2s}18 19) 724/32 7| 15 fr1}-C |Leo,Pap | 2.426 45} 3)25)19 17) iat 5382 5 WJ pH2 D Julius 3 31140} 5° a 3 6 24 413} Cjfattinius | 4 126 13° 3) 19 + 54 814 9 1 14)3* 2 paltEust. 4 591015 20] 3! pad 28 52 1 5{§jOlimpia~ | 55724 1] 3/27/2124 79 IgHt 52.8) 9 9 ay é{ajCarifus | 6 55 75l16| 3 Sbezroltyla 48 3D 10 24 een of 3)27/232374 144 46 8) Six | Apollon | 8 52) 2%yal 328242342144 44 8) 9 LAY Timochy | 9 $o'rs 3} 3/28l2q2a13t4'4 43 S10 220g) Sulpicins’ [1 *°4227 23) 3'28i252514 1444 Qtr aya! gpalbbait 11 45) 9-2 2] 3/28/2626 stat 39 Bra 64 ay p/2mmannel.12 quia 8) 2/68)252916 1414 37 81g 5 a Ss. George|13 42) 3m of 228 27/2717 13} gira 6 af Mbertus. 14 gcjtg $3) 2} 28/2812 13) 35 Je 7 4 P1St. Mark 1§ 37125. got 2j28)28292013/4 33 16 B\ gd Cetus | SL gay-2 293021 13/4 31 Str! 9 5g | ‘ 3¢| £ 3 9-818 to 5 g 43 So. 7 w Ya Aun > eS AIAWUMAWH cs) APRI Laft Quarter 2 da New Moon 9 da Firft Quarter 16 day at Noon: Full Moon 24 day at Noon, »| Lunar Afpetts. 21g y 4| 0 { g S. 20 A\ 6 Now cover your Tree Roots again, ©. If you in Winter opened them, > Windy bur fair, 8S*KOR . Nor graft when Wind from Southward s $ Scorpions Heart Rif, aty1 at night, 15) $b F |. Perigaon, | a7 @ é Oi Luctda Lauci fers cofmically, cattfing Spica ny South at 11 at night ' cd & Q Exped Rain. > ae se} | \ SDV ent ee AIA Al13 ‘ : | Iqjiclt1) {D Apogzon. | la %y Cor Leonis South 9 ar night.” Oyo S&S Turbulence Air. : . 3] 3 Ufe meats of goed dizetions ard, forbear V3 Hl¥ le [A Things (alt ard forrer which fagsaters ave} 20 Smeet things ave good, t's meet 1 Jap\4 —_— 1689, Yy at 10 at Night; at 7 at Night, een : Mutual Afpeéts and Odfervations, at Gien a will your Trees the better grow, ° Oh Cold Rain and Wind Wet winds often provoking thowers. j “This Month Phyfitians hold it goad To purge bad humours fromtlit bloud,. : 4 me yon drink cach day. VI r Saviour all h ies a 3 his “eg aa fought the The Holy Ghoft, like fiery cone fe Upon’s Difciples, when with one confent They were Affembled at Jersfalem, ‘ Great Power there was given tothem then. Za Sans Ome) in =/h[E S18 | days. |D. M.D. M BY ; fifPhil & Jacj2r 2410 17 | of¢|Athanafius}22 21/23 20 | 3) Diliave. Crucil23 19) 6 € 44 Florian j24 1720 35 pil Ealt|2g 15 4 ¥ 52 j26 1219 33 aijuvenal j27 101 4 & 38 b raniflans |28 = yi19~ 52 ClAlcen.domj2z9 5! 5 ic D)Pancrat 220 16 riftaa }o $9 §S 4 $719 22 3 PAT 324 32 §029 25) 47|tt MR 55 Pea Naas 42) 6 =4 Ic “3578 ig 3625. 56) hitTuefjr0 3411 7 46) fiEmber wejs1 3223 3¢ lag}¢ Defider jrz 29] 5 F 36 2giDiEMher = fig DAMM ww 8 ~Paj60, SND Mm CO KOM bp pw o.oo °O 291 fh K.Ch.2. Ndr8 z ojciWigand to 8 2x ; [23! ‘2 {31} D/Term beg. ‘20 Bul C1261 113 =? | his Works had wrought, £2.00 00 © 60 PwWW KDW wm oe OOM AWM BWR He OD OY Qu x NO 10 \O 15 'O 30.80 09 90 90 00 60 €0 60 0 60 00 D0 80 80 ae NS BERETS =-= 6 = 9 +s 50-510 300 Wizy 3214) (16 4 Laft quarter, 2day, at to Mo ni ning. New OoN, gday, atx Sertaa™ wit quarter, 16 day at Midnight, ull Moon, 24 day, at 2 Morning, Laft quarter, 21 day, ar 6 ar Night, Lunar Afpetts, ‘ : [hy Zs 19 3B |_Matual Alpedts and Obfervations, | Sytius (ets Velp. North E and b a 33a) (HD. Bulls Bye sari ifterno M411 Birgit BHD. Winds, perbaps jome {bowers +. and Tenpefts now, ae oO} agg. mt SiXG G. &H4) 4 | ¥SS. = (dace) Now each fiild and garden do pro- lo@y, (vate af ‘Phyfick and food for each mans pri Pleafant. i Ar@urus, South at 10 at Night. } ‘Procyon. fetteth Heliacally. QUNY ») Eat and drink ietime é D28 the Morning, but abf Cl4L 5 Sfiom meats bot im Nat, and jalt in quality, D Apo, ) Exped much wind. ‘The Eagle vifeth chronéealiy: (Soma vain towards the later end ofthe M.) All fruits are in danger to be bunt SQ >) with worms and Caterpel. Good now in Morns to walk on th’ North jite LOD, Cor (corp. §. at at at NG 's.| Of running fireams whith geet rt" the Bak do glide. & ee 1689.) eres Lup nhs ——————— Ne Moony day, «five ayal ; Firft quarter, qday, ar afternoon.” A. Chrifti, 30, _ PF OI Moony! 22sday, ior nt ant. Paul, Laft quarter, 3 day, at peter (who? Martyts both at Rome did fall. The Glor WwW. Lunar Afpedtsy ss infin - fry 41d, 2 ue it UH ; ye lil oli ‘ |p B.@yh Us ate ie Apis ‘id Obrien 24/10 28 230 M38 ; yO : not on th'ground nor’ 2519 [30 A 14110 24¥ 16; BCia nl te, Gat #43 55 ee Hs 11 20,14) 8 | rv % ea cat either aa 27 4 | t or, D. oftiare he 278 a £1 ’ PRR Ss Woivedying Clauaeyeay " 287 i 146 | Canis min, fets Hefp.r: (fame de 297. 1133 48 913 125.6 4210113 47 94 | | | a sheer ‘your flcep ith »toons ner R\29 6 I14}3 47 9 : | |And.they'll bear the better est ja ed sointFh42.30} I 3415 } n I On. aul 8 Sc.Barnab: op 4085 430) 1 TH ‘ is 47 98 } ! “Os. — dia” fy 318 Milne a7 ae 5 See aaaited ‘ cjcvrillus [2 2820 333° 23 st 347 310 3 | " vege ent od mag Fy Vaterius 3 125j2 er4e 39} 7 = 1113 48 aly 4 | pes corps Hart, Sosth at 19} Views |g 221g 46,30, 2) 3 1113 48 it hits ° | nae ite (at Night aft Tri 1s 19°26 39)30, 1) 4.1 | : 4 j-ere | d © Gory us fits! cofintoally, ‘oleman 6 168 m26/30) 1 re > aay, jo; Ale Apogzon. ajHomer «|, 13/20 18)39) Af ee 5 P ae Hiferm ends }8. 29,2 524330) 3) NF Lic 40 9ibm ‘ ; bea i Repind<'g -714.. 15/30 1 ue oe a | nee you print v ettrasfe DIAlbanus Ir 4'26 27130; 1) 7/28 o3 49 Apes te Joughts. Achatins }11 4/8 -v84g130, 1). 7|28 1el3 soit nd. alfofety that you be ftthy 1 1 1 1| I I 1} I sO ON Aww aS win So 1 { I I t I 1 x SSeo = = 2 See f pat Tri. {it 58. 21! 33 Dj 8)27} 7\10,3 51 9/8 ON from all immodeft thougitt. 9}27| 8|x0)3 51 9a. By 9|27 10) 52 9]9. Batt Lo|26}1a 10 3 53.9)10 4619 |Lo|26 12/10)3 54 9119 91,20 c %$.Jo/Bape}12 56-4 406/30) 25/7 Elogius Ing $3| {26 © $9139 b |feremias 150 4130) 27) €/7 Sleepers 15 47.13 18}30 ag) DiLeoB j1644j26. 45]3e! 1]Muj25|x3|1013 55 gaan, 291 ¢9.P.& Paul yp 4v toP 24/30) |{2]e5|alrols 55 Sikmae § 3 08F § pail’ Tri [183824 18/39) | a 15 ¢ ABB, Plealant weathers ao) | CW OT OHM pw PH =f Gs Spica ny fets at 11 at Night. { 30] a|Abdon \\7 173 oa — t {Se uly path KEXt a S Zibedee’sSony free ine fam brother t9 ar abn, MSS om *: a Sain i i wi not ne theta Pre An, Chnifli 45, jtlris was his gain, € odid’s crown brain. pm SiR E A ant a ‘ai 293 ae eopald, 19 of oft4l2sit7 Se ie. 23)8R a o,14}4|t8.1¢13 58 glo ; 97° IL o) 93419153 929 o|t;|24 20 1014 SV Sun rif, & fers ‘| ne 16;3 63 0°39 ahr 331 Zo|mw 16 Dax rel4 185 a4 9)30}30,16 24 2211014 15|19 39/3¢(30)67 [2422 9 123 NR 7)30,39\! 7\25,23) i soit sf gai el ) \29 '28 42130130, 19| 523 7; i lads Ie pee $5008) 19,25 23 ee: Twe2e; 57, 30129, 20) ns 3 aie palt.Tit. 584. m42: Ret ; 6 38, 020 “pei | igee 351 gig 21126124 i ate 03 334 50 10,36] © ol29 22la7 BR 472233 | 025222724 454 v5.9} 020'23 27 23 y2i722]\02 23.28.23 300 RETO: 0126 1428 27) 47830 33 136]: 14.28 22 3428 28! netlas ee 3 29 55) 478)2: OD Baan 31) 1128]-6 x20] 8 os 27)7. 05] 128)a7 Ce See i Sea se | oP its als o i) ihe MY 2) 19 EA te t|Gcatrice , i16 19\19 vita sera 33 ry'17. 37! 127/29! 4|16) il19 814 3089 ath | 18) 8143289 @)** ig rgiae 8) rla8}a7 a7 8 al 39 Bugis ci < hs 6 Bjio 30124/9 HPA 39 Ale xe | 16] 8lg 33 But pl 25t10 4 lg 8i4 798i uly, New Moon, 6 day Firft quarter, 14d 1689, + at at Nighr, ay, acy Morning. Full Moon, 5 22 dav, at 4 Morning. Laft quar-er, 29 day, ato Morning," Lunar Alpedés. cin hivigiai gt Mutual” Alpedts, and Objevvations. { 0 tletades tijes at Midnight 12 % 14°) Perigaon, Good meathey, % Orion's Girdle vifeth Heliacally SLA S18 It as often obfire'd thar Ff itrain on 1213 Og 60) ta 6ir4! 1A ie} 819 KS 17/17) 914 le & 16 18 Ae 14 the 2d. day of this Month,that in| Es wet'and bad weather moft part Ahky. (of the ane Oculus Tauri, rifith at 1 in to Morning. DOk cold bebe DIYs : Tis needleG for me hereto fay, Go mow your meads and ta ve DApogzxon, Ar&urus South 6 at Night. - Pleafant and Paiv. : og & Pollux fers advonically. Itis faid that if the three Sunday | © fore Sr, ‘famges?s day, bé fair and reer, rhe corn will profper and | good, bat if rainy it will wiiher ai Is 1g }A jag.’ IWS |e oc} 20 ga{Lir6s 1g Fong 42 1 |G ard | ees HRA bs Laks, | = Now ferely eats suuch dria uw bi fe i 0 sw oe folves in, » Perig. ) Labour in Summer,ta SOS pains Liky the ant. Or in the Winter, liv, B3 * cold and in want. Se Barinoisibeia loops i aod Was rami Rimes “yec thus aM Firtt beat tis said, . iyrimades) (A An. Obrifti, Fy with cudgelsynext, day Crucified, | Whiltt fattaed to. the Crofs, was flea*d. alives q “pf all before lils ‘bredth was [penty 1°|27.39 pags 27°30 734 8 4 428)2 BL t7 454 4 /F 7 3 5 vies 3 W127 (2457/23 § 9,427 35,5516 223p,1 26 MLadiflaus [26 53/18, 45) Pieaeence 27°$119 TL stl 26) 4 pa, Tk. 28.49/12 4g 2/26 29 47/24/0342? 45/6 a a vs: 2 sate v3 4 P7125 25 3913 haz ; 116-33 far ogo 20a 3 sf ea lan fy) ashantafens|8 #29; 1D 057 loa} ¢ [Symphor'9 2713 pic Zactiaus \)8O 2541 7° 24] ° Bt.Bartho. jut agit ty 4a) | 3 Rae Se. aah 15 53} 3 Se a i320 T13 70. davene peta re ah Ynoultin® W¥'5 ¥7/18' 22 tor |B. a 129 Lig Pe “|17 1426 : t ZEfamvansiBen id HEI: 3 pons cen fuid ner ADELE 5 raat 44, 0/77 24) #0 sh Ry eos 1823383)? 615}8 |§ 408} a digseelp PSN at oN ewan hw ev ~ OF nae LOVED 7 5121420 7 élz2!ail7 74.247 obbety 6/2 262817 7127 29h7 “28 R9 9 1628 7/00) | 7s 7 §FO7/1O. } bass 5317/18 12924 apt 2 7 1933.7] Me rs 1 oie es 7b ARE LS NERS RE Crm OS te eee 1685," ° 25 ee at 3 Morning, o12 day art at Ni sehr. Bah day, arg ‘Atasioad. 27 7 day,at, Noon, ! Cry enoympiies: TE Dred » leaft ex; eck a ' My as Apogeon. Se F sens Az Starstife atg at od KOQHS The great Dog vifeb edliys which Limit ib Digi theGrecian year's If then ir b eqs clondy and d buscke Fickly conbsgions fesfe 3 (bur af | 8 fis iy dad clear the"contvayyy, | fe 23 Fields o’ér fpread with doeat Now by thé Husbandman am ea 3 Windy and moift end. Who'carefalty lays up in’ fi bings needjul! both fut rich.and ) Perigeon. Soon after meat ferbear ta fleep From furfeits now eae *PKR S, South balance, rifeat 8 aici ee B4 hr Ale, and a ‘f= by birch, 4 aie he ith Hebrew tongue fet forth, Ard Preact’d the Word, “hea Hyrt sews did reigny swhofeconmandhe with a am 4 hg paft Trejo pa Sace rslahs pati Tr. Se, Michaeljt$ 43 Septem Sword was flain- biel Atch-Angel, our Saviours © pe5 Ra es nad tr 2 ‘September, “1689, ' NG Sup pofed at “ban i eee eee |Highw. Lon.Br & Norch bal 15] tt rain not on tl = 2 PES \A! 2 Moon Eclipftd, , Winds, troubling 1 73 the Sea nith min- (22 IS Agoint the Devil, for his Church did fight. : — dia UI LIS |S (12 May [ZIY | Saints days. \Omel a i: WEIS [lies ti ol? | 41j23. 7) 423 7| 3|7)| |27!t 20 9.6 Mig 423, 7) 4,12) ‘ 3282 lan 8119 17 423) 7) sty | 3102 22.62 & of 423) 7 616 a 1B 23.514 50 $23, 7 7,18) sl 34 lag 426 43 423) 7 8 20) 6, 1.6) 315, 2g 218 Mis] 423! 7) 9 22) i 7| 415 26 1{20 43] 423 fro 24 Jol se ty lz £33] 423 7)1126 oA | 9} $7 a7 solt4 25) 422, Fe 23, i 10 78 2858\26 19) 422! 7/83 30 fu PB 2957/8 VS2a] 522 7/15 4 |p| 99 ns $6/20 41] $22, 7/16 3 fugit ¥ 54/3 S17 322) 7't7 5 oy get 2 53506 15] 522718 7 Jol} 3 52/29 38 g2 7 19 a) 16130 4 $2113 K 24) $22, 7 29 10) 4 1734: S47. 34 g22) 72112) 4 18)1 5/2 6 5cj42¥ 3 g 22; 72214 | 92 7 5927 45) 5 22] 62315 4h (polt7'3 48/6030 622, 62417 p24 ff 47/26 45| €122| 626 19, # Oh95 1047/10IE49' €[22) 62720, 23/2016 1y146[25 9:6) 22! 6128 22 4 feglet 14519 BZ 6l22) 5924. 5623610 He IC j13.45 22. $9 6 22) slr 25 p5h33) 1444)6 30; 622, 5] 1.27! W p7l2q10 1544/99 45, 622, 4] 2/28) 4 8/25 2 M47, 6/22) 4 3h30° § fj 17.43/45, 35} 7 )24! Phobia ; ' | Peat | 28 ©|2 60 A 17 ChsAdce? 3 day, at 4 afternoon, — Fir > Inday, at Fuli Moon, 19 Has 2 inerae Lafi quarter, 25day, at7 at night, 2 TE Onan estekeweineieaensec d [3 iMutual Afetts and Objervations | —OWQ Cold vain-and cloady. lance, fets at 9 at night be 1 day ofthe Mo,) | D 23. it partends 4 avy “Autumn, (20% 2. Retno furfeitin you harbour ‘Lett it keep its winter quarter 5 Buttake great care yout bodiesbe, 3 |82# from Corruption deamand free Oj 3 6'6@ 3, Windy and molt, Bulls Eye (ers at 9 at night. A ' Arcturus, r1/eth cofmicalhyaboutirbia time Swallows fly day and be net a gain feen till jpring when aryrus te ot rfes ackronically, Lucida Corona, rifyb efuicatlys ac. Ve cording “20 Proll. products change terly teeather, 18 ho Stormy. Perigzon. ‘y ‘IANS. Cl More temperate. _ F 4 Cap. Androm.South at vt at aig \ is fai fo many days of mas day, fo many wit! be that winter. the Moon is ow. Michae eee Jar €;Woltgang j18 451 o ober hat hxxxi. Bays. 1639. - | Sho Ee Sy Faas eivecial Friend, . a aes 3 Day, aes 3 on Bee honiti Pago sae were tray Fenn P je. Chrifti, 74, Bh ‘ Bd at a ‘Day, at ani, 4 He had the honour, here in,t¢ ‘ ye” 00n; 38 Ba | y 5 nd {mavortality- rift < Yo. at 1 after | the cee Maciek” Man pe _a2kaft qianrer, 25 Dafa etn . | Fee ne sama FSS Sr |Sun i {om ua Breer Luray Aipeghi. ¥ : Bint ir ie poe i POD) SLT ENS at aap and 6 Ph Fay sak 10] 71H] 3) 6 3) 5)°33 6 ag [uo Bs a tt Uga foms6 7) 3 a8 eso cegh ab sles PR Bes ; be 113, doyaz22 537) | ‘Is 2 6hy, Phe Ped ta ye unpleafane eds 7 at{gi}s mC 7/28 > H7 "644 Slat i uf HSS Ou. ‘Lal iff 22 /43|t7 xf 7/28). 9 ae Sta 4 ay eB 155 Foon flag relink mee as ds tr. 128.. 66 7124, 1 51° 45,° Sea fe 1al9: pod ? Jey 16: pall Vrj2343,2°) 5 7 51548 Olay | + Bs >. From cold to prevent meee Hdl 31650 6lo.4 UT ial ae hs » Ne buttery clofein aagnil, Wg lalPelagia 125 42.2% 43 7/2 zt iso lee a pail ‘ 9 | 3 Dionylius (26 404 VSq9 8 654 6a. A) [ofa Cot Seonpii fast idee, tof Gideon |27 49116 43! 465660 an 324% 2 3. relB Burchard. |28.4928 57 § thats stoi pfs fa € temperate yet windy... ) |p iwalfride 29 4ojttey28 8 4Pi52 o1@ 4 7S} The TROD. 1 rsigi2o palt THm 4024 19.8 40 S 8 ago re nae rnc": BLY «86 ei i Cafixtas.. [1,409,226 3° § Ye 2 NS 4 imi Cat Ai 19 Gy s. ath egfaHedwigs 2 gor. 2108 47 M5 ger a pia MUR pat a “Cada draconis . fits Pipenaae| } (64) Gallus peg any 34 8 ay see a6 23) 2 Deep it | 24 (2:8 sanctus firs at 6 at Nighh) a Bldrene -- /g'°40,20. 12 $122) 47 SSRN iy LR S37) 1k : | i} 5 sy Sep Luke\ 5. $08 O11, 9/22, 45] 1° Sata a js a dso 8p} ne 20) - |%# to by J cll dnd trees thelr leaves de lao .* Bde a2palt Trit4 43}12 m7) ol2e 25) a8 4)7 26 Gly 11 1O}24 te BARB 44\Rain ¥ 81 19,8i+8 fading 44/25 O122)> 5p 8 9 2 6% y a8i2g\14 6 SO} 4 \Great Dog. (2 vat a4 at Nigbt.. | z a Nirciffos: | [26447 27 1022 /24h gic 37 20 S13 2H agl.6}0 35 | % [Cloudy Like to, Vziy or [noe Fa Abfolon fp ¥5/19 4210.%2/84lrolnt] 37 34 Spacelab ipalag it. ¢ ct AF) 314 : ¢ hk Ig 510 23] eq!nU't2| 319 3255 | eatin kit 58h lx 8 eo hh 3% November hath but Supream Power _—— E 5 s, Saints days- | gato 23/24 afus _34)18/23/23/20 3 | to! pait Tr: 57113. V 50 ialeg go|28 35412 24/23! 121L 56] 12 24423) 5 fro 5fP2Q 46] 13 hrs 8 9 19y25}1 3/25 '23)40,29| (22 6 Stiz/asl2qi 129) 40,33)'3 25,2472) 16 45[t3 20)/24)'3 28] 13216(24)! 5/28|-2 8 13|26}24|!6)D ae Tt iCat arine 't410 Conradus 3511 | 651 a7/ ft unther (1 erm enile) 17 12]'OM ee XXX- Day. , Zi fraytors fought, interned, 20/14 23/27) 1! 23/284 'p | aw res 23} yen 8 4 8 8 ® 2.427) a, 28 4233 14/6 2s *¥a| 3 8 946 vg State FO TOURHE 5 4m, chal >) e /ou\Sun thy yp 419 \Ro lle 13/12 3(7 34 516 Mo 14)13) 3/7 36517 3235, 15113] 3/7385)8. | 8 2350112314 Bid app sour | 18 14) 3|7-40 Sto ne ET 3l7 42 slay Ww au N _ iw oo “ 23/6, 2) 2/8 o4)8 v7 138 4 23) g in| 28 24 \a Al iwole LA |r] 6 Frofly. mi Noverfiber.. 16853 i 2 — + New Moons 2 Day, at: Morni Firft Quarter, 10 Day, at6 Full Moon, 16 10 ar Night. Lafi Quarter, 23 Day,at 6 at Night. Lunar Afpeéts. O\n u dl\g \ ie} iy and cloudy, if not frew. oid 1110 © X. Cor ny fets vefpertine . | More warm and wefterly wind. - 7 Stars South at Midnight. o 18! | | | av Apogzon. HL 18| % 648 9-10 a 1g|it o \* 65+ 2 A$} 14 \O)S4 g. \17| dQ. los US have leafure, go bunt gii7tsle Bid idlene{s adieny 220} |o| > \Bat for thofe that bave not time hq &\ Labour as well will do, A\* iH S@Y. Exped cold rain, 15\4| | Perigzon; Fomahant, féts o| \0)2 | 9 at Night. Alt7 i15\IAI 9 (2116) 19 ox 8 6\5 ° ean is Oia bei ae }'§|Q} jeu \° \33 D Apogton, : Moming. | Mutnal Afpets and Obfervations, eee HU S. Temp. with Pletades fet cofmicall; ~ *, 12) D 23. Pleiades (tt at 7 ix the Mor: 4,5 $i} | ov elfe vow area danger to det > A aS “ | \r8lig5 (Be careful now to go dry of your feat with Koesmand coldy See, | | | December + This was indeed | In a A ‘ Ane tiglaizb To him fet allt Give Honour, Glorys | or Mnepherds did the 5 arbara. 23 18/22 ge renee’ i¢ CiSabina '2479) 4 53114 27/6 ; 6 DI Nicolaus “!2521/'7 v5;44:27 46 : —fg)e |Agathom Beare acai al saints: (2723| 12 95/7477) t rs Radar Ieee aS. 3904 47a o} i Milciades |2920 oN os eatS 1} Damafiss jVS27 42 97/t5 2838 2; (Valerius jt 28 7OuzEs 2 8 Fi Bicue. wings |2: 99/24 55 asp8) 4ie Nicafius (13 34] OTLs2)15\28)2: ‘ayent 4) 32> pot §}28/29) 5 mas: 5-34], 7202411 5)2-9)39 Fiz} a ikazarus © |6 35/2% 26 15|29)3419, $ (Obriftop 47. 36 7 6115 2915 ¢ jLoth 8 .g7)2t a8iidj2git | J /Amon 7-39 7K ate zo 1040/18. 261308 : SO 4 Os 59/16 x |2 23 Ti igobert 24193 25/16) al2 24| @ Ad. & Eve 1345175 356 ip ost fa foprittmas [2+ 4° 7m35\ 6 ap 26; C fse.Srephem |2547 19/28) 6) 31] jaz. 1. John 1648} 1 C20) <] 113 }{28| © finnocents.|27 99) ©3) «4 2]1°) 714 Nooi-ge'fonathan’ 1851124 13) 26].2/4 # buvidK. 1ose| mVSISiTS] 214 | 1a Silvefter 2054/19 27/16) 215 I 1 I 1 I 1 en ia 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 §L\San ri. yr \& fer. 28.9 281048 28114'9 28 12 4/10 28124 2 18134 18134 1,8:134 434 8134 8134 8134/9 8134 81341! i 8.53 4/2 833433 8334/4 8 334,6 8524.7 2” ° New Moon, t Day, at 8 ac ODay, at GaoNight. = G30 On anew 8 12419 81240 ight. Ys at-ao Morning, Laft Quarter, 23 Day, at 11 beforenoon, New Moon, 31 Day, ar | Afternoon 7 4 AAs ehs4 Anutical Afpects and Obfirvations (7 Stars South at 10 at Night, Fay pets New look welt ae 4 Catile, bleed hopfess and if i ; het e@arbi fire er Age? bath, a well furnifped kitchin thy AV) Lotbecari-s “Shep, and bo meits’ ant brotks ry Phyfick 5 and ehh Hh? LOC dily t0 accom lifh thy years } 6 “Y, Gootbfecpprable reebend | i * © Uf Canis Maj. South at i Alorn D O1sThat thy boufe may be mode catdy, agrecable to the dignity Mat ap-| Prosching times aud. Jet e ms enterrain ibe” fociety ~ of an” bone Cloudy with foow. merry beart, Canje “1819 Per, Naw draws nigh that bleffed\ 12) WS mbeveia we celebrate To voyage. - plant, fow, begin aWoyage, days fit for amo-\_ rous Sports, to marry,compote Verfe that require} le Invention, fend Children to School, ufe Exs} fe, and enterprife Ware Church-men, and kawyers, hire Servants, buy 3 Difpote of all things for War, converfe with No} | i bles, Cattel, Navigate not. Converfe 3-V telgvoy Secrees. ; fees. Feb.6, Mar35.24. Je not with old men, invoke not Princes ney. ‘F4i9.5. Nov. 4, 18. phe Chara@ers of the Seven Planets, and their Names. ljon6y7.15. Fuly30. no hy Satara, © The Sua, D The Moon, Y Fupiter, | 2 Vinuss és, and their Names: The Characters of che five Alpe i Bers Se 13, 28. Sept. 6, Dragon's pe ; fig at. Ne 28, r CAT Dragon's Tail. bldg. 19. Decit3 514. ree hfe SON x Hite. 16. Arr. 5. fam, 1.5.13. Fobo4.11,3.18,05.27, Mar. 1.3. 10, 21, 29: withold men, entérprife War, build, buy Cat- age.but feck not the love of Women,nor marry. teke no Phyfick, defer thy defire, Journey} not, oc, You may take Phyfick, but avoid contention > mikey League, nor join Friendfhip, 3 Take in handno Enterprife, unlefi in War. You may take Phyfick, but ill to marry or lend. Aug. 1.23.29. Sep. 17. 14, S Conjanttion, | 8 Oppoprion, | A Trinty apa, 7 30. 19-39% Mey >. 4018 TER Fave 3, TTD eee % Sextile, OO Square. © Wpuly 3. 14. 15. 13th, thea making her Coujanction with the Sun, becones Oriental, 4 lour bright Morning Star, to the Years end. ; May 19, Funet7, Fuly 16. A iept. 13, Otto, 4.3, Nov, 14, 1 * . Dee. 6, 14, ; ; * i 3 debi 14. Nov. 4.7.19. Dee The {plendid Planet Yenus is.Occidental, and our Evening Star, till Fi i; WAT, Feb, 1 ge Mar, 2104p. 19, ae ‘ “we abe have hidden or fertet. Cc Harriffin. 1689- 7 Alarriffon. “1620. ———aof erds / “A Table ot Houlestor the aU Oe oF Houles for the Lat Latitude of rd. - 32m. A Lable ot Houtes tor the Latitude of Londin, 510. 32m. 4 : A Table tS se _| Time) Solin Gemini. sae | Sol in Leo. Timer ai Sarak im Solin Se lfeo' : : __ Solio iba, ————5 | |from jrojit al rae be 43 | Noon) |ny}a: ola 12)Alcen, R| | |D.|D. [Dsla- mb. tess) 3 ‘D1 Jim. D.|D.|D. a Db, 2 5 7} alanis! qigol 3/20 12°15! 4]29]17h 6 alu sla! 22) of m 18h 7 2, | afas| 29} 8] 2lig 8 45) lanl agito 3|21|\10 rajiilgo, 4412) s)aalrr glial SUT4) 624112 golrgls 5916 aiS4it4 26\15 2 r Sie 88 9|25\15. 54 Ig9\10 18 2 14/20) 11]28 1723 ala Yn pw ionaye 29 14'12) 511613) 23 1715) 4 $26 §51919 7\28 27.2419 22 3 18.30 02291 c 2311 Sol in Cancer. Sol in Virgo. 18 213 8 -gs28 19) Zorgitdl 9 53,29 2° 22) 6f6j1t 12/22) 24) 81712 32) 223, 261019! 13 52, 42 25! 28.12 20,15 34) 8 30.14.2216 at 62 3 ania 13129) 18. §4|23}16) 7)19 29 24\E4] P |20 26)aghigy 7 g\2a 35.26 16| 2122 aa ae 13 44 28}18) 3123 37 2 *% 3 5 ag0'y sl2s 515] 329 aia Sohin Scorpio. Taurus. f h Solin ee ; Fay, 121Alcen.| 2 Time ,1olr1|12|Ajcen.| | 2 3 ofaley a MW dernol >See) eNo,}aeies| =] vt 99) fr. No. mn} mt] 4) tL 36 \© © © 10 ‘9 10 10 00100 b0 GO HD Oo KRAARKKKAKRE EE EP REE DO 9 falt6 23117 31| | 4)18. 25/19 12) ri g| 6{20.26|20 321 i Bj22 28)21 64,22 ‘i yol2q'z9]23 16/13) 7 12/26 S24 3815] 8 8 \14}28 2\26 0/16] '16|29| 4/27 ag talt2 118|%5| $128 47 19] 83 10/20} 3} aie 13 21/15) 18/22 3| 8) 1 3722/17 26}24' alo 3 2a4|18 35/26] 9{t1| 4 29.25/29 43/28/1913) 5 5527 24 giigolr2'14] 7 2 28124) @) 21110 ¢ 14 49/10/18) 113 55 ala 3 re re = a 41310) 3 j . , 7116 | LETS! a7, 4122 3128 = | 26. 6,15 13 3 +7. 28/13)24 14 Ig blag. sl¥P alan 35 17 4 4 18 48|14124 I 22: Slastril-2 cd 4 10.18 16 13 tolm|20 6]1§126| l14 20 10) 32 12'2017 1 2\21 25117128 114 3812 27 121 4 6} T7\tI ‘ 139 1416 fs 14) 1\t4'22,19|10 , | 1 giao 43/1939) ‘4g 46 14 718] 8 olaq glt6.24 21)12 g 24 4}20)% | $4 151-242 7\10 s\27}ac 18|18,26 22113 45 & 6/25 23/24] a) irg 218) 4inpi\r2 14 P33 27}20,27 24)15 : a6. 48 Tesh Sr hsea cay |2014 ee $\26 35|222g125|16 4 EL 31/22)20| 9/28 1/25) 8] its 18.22] ee 45) glo iy 2Aitej27|18 24)21|10129 20)27|10} I15 26 241 9l24iag 19}13)% o 24 Z29;19 42.1314 t 30j28 i 4} irs 3326) ro]adi2r 43lta| 4 028 sl fe 1 10 14|1 3}28]24/13| 2 2/30} 15] \rg 4328) 12 28\24 24l2a} olgol | 2l22 38 16/18) ig0!26!ay) 2 acl Wlro} cre. et g0lng Slob jetted eee ATS A Table Sou Sa TI IY NADA DD) STOW ST i pp o.2 NN rs nN eres) » o 00 Dw = 0 et et © AK WO PN ee mo | | SSP BEY BY =i" 8/3)3} aS Sw o UI | SEESREUUESSERESE Seem | | DPN HN YH uP Nv oe “Sol in Capricorn. 150% WN NNN 5 ae a na ate poi ee Ww Wom Ww un mt OO Oy wh WW WWW WW ww bP b 30 i On = aoe Inno D % 0 OAR bP 0 tooak hn | NN bh Quo Own w rennet ay og Cc We WO po Wem XO © roar no bwnppny bs x ie Woe yw 19 44/24 12}21|23 33 19 $2[26|1s 26/26 47\2 20 ( 0j28|18) V}29 53}29 uw nO wn Ow ww Oo rs} CAE xe » Oo OnW - — ™ 2 — A Plain anit caffe Table , foewing the true Ih mm neo to fend ti { Spon “any Sum of “Money , 7: five "Sbiddinge aan ry (iirc ofibe might| | bundeed Pownds, at fix Pownds per Cent, is iby the Moons (bin : OT [4 Table rewing (ingan «Sahat. | eres Manhi 3 Momh. K Months.) A Year. | (Boa ts A PL plies a ag. hep, ug 4 4. Se ° BROKE 3\2 3, aa 1 | 4 ee 9-23) 0 ale 2g” agp é 4 3S] Oo -O Sabo Seas s Ver 2 2b he Heat, of og alto” > ea 3} ; i bt LM) BO ak 2 an 3} 8 oof lap 312 B18] 8 20° a WS eS By Fo bg eT at 4 °° Oy Se a) cela 49 tl : 4 2| S}° 6. hit. 860; To 3. 9836 9 {rai Sa (Ob S907 yee ase kal go at etc ae dirai). ay aa oat og 1°96 g|rs|_!2? 201 9} 078013) 2 8 Sag a aioe g}6] | 0 48) IPL sh BP. she DBr Sh, lB Sha Bir) | 2 34) Jrolo sr abo 3 slo. 6 we 18) | 2241) 31 20] 0: a soho Gin Ol os ee 3 32/19) 30] © 3. gh 0 9 (Ao 18 [4 00, 13) 4ol.o. -c2 0) Sts colanne 14 48 [50] O25 “Ol OF as Ore ae 3°35) fe Golo 6 elo 4B ele 16 64471 belay oo) Sele on; hehe 4 134 5: 80} 0. 8 of ag: of 2) Be OST TE! 901 Ong.) Olt os ag oy | 8 74] [+o] Qo 12 of r49 al 3 $ 2 3 To find the hour of the night by the Moons fhiningon a Sur dial: Firft, feek the Moon’s Age inthe Kalendar , then in thel Table look what Hours and Minutes ftand apainft ic, which you! Imuftadd to, or fubftract from the hour that the Shade falls ou the Dial: Example, January 31, obferving’the Shade upon thi Dial to fall at Eleven a Clock, I feck in the Kalendar. for the} ‘Moon’s Age, I find itto be 9 days, which I feckin this Table, andj) againft it I find 7 hours 12 minutes to be added tothe eleventh hour thar the Shade was upon the Dial, as the Table dired which maketh 18 hours 12 minutes, from which dedu& ra, the: - 6 hours 12 minutes the hour of the night. Nore, whet our Nambersadded together exceed 12, you muftdedu& 12,} the Remainder is the hour. of the night. irrifon. 1689» ur Quarters of the Year, and fy duration of time in which the Re Capricorn, Aquarics and Pifces, ape t Afrrological account of the fo y Quarters oF that b the three Signs, A hor p the Winte paffeth throng ich took its beginning Decem. 1688. ar what ume the Sun J { ) ven atthe furtheft point from our. Zenith, caufing | ly ae days and longer nights, eepoinewc 2 a tl 0 earthly, cold vapours 5. at what time eh © Poti j tion of the Heavens SU alcends, and Y- culminates, an the Pia, | nets are all pofited in Southern Signs, from whence 1 conjeéiure the inclination of the Air in this Quarter rather dry then wet “with fioreof rimy Frofts.— ae of fe ageopen Colds, ‘Hefti ughs, Scurvy, Confumptions, inth Sn oe d Oo— Roy men will be ftriviga { Back, corruption of humcurs, E H for tn and may probably find Friends in their perf, { oT) bur beft to feek to old men, efpecially of Martial Orders, ee Bur before I pafsover this Winter Quarter U think it neceffary i to lock a little back, andobferve that conjunction cf th and { & which happened on the 7th of Offober, in the firft degreeog ait, a fixe nocturnal cold phlegmatick feminine and vortherq Conftellation of the watry triplicity, and a fign of treachery, deceit and firife, and is alfo intercepred in the fixth hou |} where this cf is celebrared, which is a cadent and unfortunate Jace.of the Heavens, fignifying troubles, difeafes, ficknefles,eng, & being alfodepofitor of the conjunation, it being celebrated in hishoufe ; alfo he lord of the triplicicy, and was allo depo. - 10. 7h. 28 m. after noon, s in his grearefl South qe. eeear “pened within 5 min. 28 fec. of the place of this ¢, h being i -Almuten or lord of the figure of that eclipfe which promifed ~ but licele tranquilliry to the inbabitants of this Globe, the ef 1 feéts whereof are not yet fully manifeft, with which the inf. ence of this 4 will confer to augment the confequences there. of; alfo fora or the lot falls in ‘V (nigh the cufp of the twelfth | Coyntries under his government muft expect to participate of the effe@s of this two conjunctions, viz. of © and }) in Of ber and } and 4 in November, 1683. In the figure of which we have 8 degrees 11 min. of 31 alcends, and 4 deg. so min of Be neither do they mutually receiy fitor of che eclipfe of the Sun in Oézober preceding, which hap. 7 g h BO t — ee Harriffon, 168 9: of 222 Culminates the Planets all pofited j of Heaven, and without cieiseaemad is dignified by houfes, and tri ss cote parts a8 3 (exe garth according to a thef, fave % feparate from > of toni one ano- ro « With ©, but fhe in her detriment can be a applying vantageous 5 Mercury feperate from conjunéion ut little ad- and applying to conjunétion of the Sun, Mercur va Venus, accidencally dignified in the figure and almuten a cing moft . neither in afpeé nor reception with his depofirer a ut is nign Planets that can augment his verte, nor bimfel be- ally dignified 5 therefore wemay expe an unpleat | i effenti- Winter, darkfome cold Air, much Snow, rim ae eafon in ee. affli&ting mans health with cold Phin eh ee Mifts, fome mens minds difturbed with jealoufies and fears Oe 3 wich fraud, treachery, ec, carried on with privac oe foe aid eflentially ftrong in his own houfe the Souldiers mi at Mars profper : Here I might freely enlarge bur—cnexe 'Y €Xped to & Of the Spring Quarter. N which all vegitive things begin to Spring out of th V els of the Earth, adorning the {wperficies thereof wil pr a4 mire varieties defireable to all Creatures, and welnne ee their thankful receiving and chearfal enjoyment of mee “y each according to their feveral degrees of capacit fo scala Sung Rays begin to warm both the Earth and Wace Gee them fit for production ; atime wherein animate cres os ag erate ; now the pleafant heams of the Sun ex ae “ and rarifying the Air render it delectable to all oes ; = oS ‘Spring Quarter takes its beginning when the Sun snes ana int of the equinogial fign Aries, which this year Ae ; (according to Rodulphus’s Fables) on March 9. at 6 ho. Ha after noon,at which time the Heavens are pofited ‘as in the fol lawing Figure, honfeof the figufe) whofe depofiter is §- 3 therefore thole | wherein J, wy in his exaltation, and accidentally dignified in Imo Celis Wy alfo being depofiter of © in , and lord of the Saas: > ‘ 3 : alfo for his being lord’and depofirer of the fubfequent lu- with whom Taccept’S for co-fj nificator 5 i Bimentally flrong in the figure locatedik chee eee : din the feventl in pare i ted with 435 alfo ny his houfe and exaltation is co-fignifts . nt of the houie the Sun is pofited in, and himfelf co-fignifi- Foor of the fame 5 as alfo that he is a Ruler of the afcendants i ficitys alfo for his being Lord of the afcendant, and h; 7 ijential dignity in medio Celi in the fubfequent lunation’; al “Vor his being depofiter of the Moon f in the Preceding oppofition. and ), Mars being Ruler of the tenth inte an by, allowed Lord of th ndants triplicity ‘therefore [ ace © 4 i them Lords of the revolution; now Mars é pofited in rm 7 or the loweft part of the Heavens in’ Sou: + {Cals f t i In South Latitude i f the houfe of Saturn, and in reception with his,depofiter, he F |yeing fetrograde in Scorpio, a malignant fign, and invia com- i whey alfo héfting to a hateful (quare of Saturn his depofirer, ; jeftroying the tranquillity and good of things hoped for. | formes allo faith, if fhall be in Vp it makes a deftroyer of {nen anda delighter in fhedding blood, ‘and alfo thar his influ : ‘ace is never abated, uulefs by the interpofure of a benev jon Planer, which hereis wanting aphor 43 and 48, from the! ofiters 1 gather that Mars is not a fortunate Ruler, neither Be him can many Countries beyond the Sea expeét a_profpe=’ 2 3 year 5 the Moon feparates from an afpe& of Saturn, which \ according to B: ifies troubleand difcord ; next'l thall offets the four grand angle, jaccordi ; ‘ St a ah aheieae 1 an the four moveable, figns ns f the afcendent, and@/14ccording to’ tion give you his natural inclination, with ‘e mfele d, 2g m. upon the cul Pe ated inthe fixth hougs|aword or two of their pretences, he being fee ce wiz. Libra 5 a: ¢ ting; and the Sun is loc he Moon iit id located in th » the houfé of oy > : t jon iy gf, and to , ody, d, 2m, culminarng weak in the figure, the MOommg gs @ ep er beheld eft, nor dig- depreft below the o> ane and hafting under the Su jhe ee ous z Hee = all fornhet by his dene 4 Pilcis perigrin decrea ne Te fecondin 3d, 20 m. of Scum’ Noh #8 located inthe angle af conten quarrels 4 beams; Saturn eae ee retrograde, and in via combyig) frets. alfo he ts loca Rg ce. notbeheld by any beite- j jal digni he figure in 20d. 2x tiifcontroverfies, publick $3 CC. NSU DENCia DY any : tof alfhis eflent le of the figure in 20d. 27m i 2 eee : : ei iter located in the fifth Sigh a no effential dignities, fave yolent afpect, but applies to reropea tiem a ae. ‘of Faquarius fign, wherein eteaes ‘by whom he is Ruler of der the Sun-beams 5 mcr he cine os ceibke in re, aterm of 34. sorording ich Ido nor willingly adhere, butted wil fymparhize Mi a ain ice ee sis Bt Ween be Gov fe terest, © a ' ne Ya Se asalb React cate of evety Angle § efore, by fome= ct Mars to , vernours of the eo boot a elias S at Bie Shy aes of thefe to be Lords or Governo (ein 29d, 30 mens Opinion, judgment fhould be his figure, “bat ee tall accept oftifars pofited in lie fourth Houfe a. ; for * but fhall acce * 4 s houfein FE het he is entertain- veable fign aftend- » — -fadden Death, cc.” Frenzies, > therefore but fmall a(aftance can st Burriffon. 1689+" : ing Quarter; but I take this for the ficteft time | ee he Spring is mild, feafonable, 1 for rate and peaceable, friendly and pleafant year, w hand, when the Spring 16 unt mens minds poflefled with jealoufies, 1 ec. publick of private, then we cannot expe a fruitful Ha’ _ -veit, a rranquile peaceable year, fo that movable figns porteng _ the more expeditious 4aions of the things fignifted by them. the like doth 9 from thefe pofitions, expec in the Spring cold Summer great Heat. Thun, Winds, much Rain and Hail; e {adden Tempefts, much prejudicial’ to der, Lightening, ; Fruits of the Earth; from the co-fignificators is portended inthe World Wars, Tumults, Diflentions, Violence, Tmprifonmenp, ies. Madnefs, burning Feavers, ey Andif yw and 2 be fignificaters of mens fubftance, as the are allowed to be, and being both focated in the 8ch honfe, y put juft feparate from a & of Saturn, impoms a detremen therein : Alfo if the firft houfe fignifiés bodies, lives, difpog tions, ge. Aries and Saturn co-fignificators thereof, 8 they are granted tobe, then VY being located in the angle of quae. “yels and ftrife, and Saturn pofited in the fecond, unfortunate: be expected from them, and Gf Q and + be fignificaters of publick enemies, as they arerg ceived to be, then Y located in the houfe of death, juft fe parate from a & of Sattrn and =, poficed in the atcendany which is made unfortunate i note that the rage of mens 7 when t) we always expe! {eafonable, jmmoderate, ec, ang envy will couch one anothers lives. y & aplemiful, healthfy Sonat Planet for Ruler whi ; en, and take ; his s mid-h hich very feldom fails on the other | ja the figure of this Econ sn . dignices cin, ¥ found ta be contentions, treachery q F Harriffn, 368. prequent angle muft be Ruler of the . es thesplace defeGted afcendent sed = Eclipfe, Oricine ox é mo ‘herein, which Tjepofiter of the eclipfed Moon, Y the bei her terms being upon th and Ruler of the a(cen ving his exaltation in’ the ae the mid heaven, Th a “gat sriplicity, refpect ought to be had to abs aad 0. Lords of pis Be ip! ‘4 now being chief Ruler i Ae judgment of rien eg —_ producing kind and fo ea yes : gankind, wit much joy, .profoerity, feisty oe ae : > - but her ‘| icing unfortunately located in the eighth houfe, impairs } > impairs her Venevolency 5 and in regard : 7 pt in the twelfth Moufe a oh einige located 5 fy in the fixth houfe retrograde, 4nd in’ ue $ and gan, fo that the fcheme of this figure ts but wes dite to that of the revolution 5 infomuch that a a) oe pevolency will be annihilated : Now atc die rvebeent | ees of Eclipfes do pasticularly operate ita coke ~~ “Aghich are under the government of thofe Co fe hae cal J hich the Eclipfes happen, this happening in hy cllacions iat “of 2; therefore by this Rule the Countries of SH a Be Livia, &e. fhould chietly be affeted herewith ae Ae ing to, Marinus, the effects a& univerfaily throughout th Sa ofthe whole Earch, _but-are particularly a@ive accandiaae ¥ the feveral pofiters of the Eclipfe, and whole Henvess des by the pofition of @; thereitrde, time thereof, in re(pe& of the divers places of the Barth Ps te Barth; i we may rationally j “however we may rationally judge thar they more manifettly o= and tharin thofe Conncries, whofe co fignifi | 1 c = caters are and. perate in thofe places whofe afcenda are j ; Y¥ t vn b nts are in or to the 5 and hofe Regal owe who have | figuif. di feted P w this ecii i . i P S ve Saturn for their fe! ace ; now this ecupie being cele orared in the 22th caters, he being in the could fufpend my judgment on ‘A famous Eclipfe of the ) drawing tion, which happeneth March 25. 6 ho. 42 min. after nog, being the middle time thereof, and is celebrated in 15 d.46m dangers at Sea animofities amongtt met In the figure for that inflant you will find 18 d, of 2 | flies, locu(ts; Se beilies As "8 mea, ! crerpillers, &e. hr of =: upon the cufp of the a(céndant, and 24d, of 95 in medio Cali feparating from 4 ¢’ of 5 Planet whach hath moft digtinics in the defeated place and noon) with chat I end fy th from ‘VV port i c we: 8 5 portends detriment, [J houle, a place fignifying privaté enemies, prif a3 thefe configurations, but-—~ | treafons, villany, ‘and all the iniferies oftaaeeiate’ nitrbeee n ght i ny em sad a 2 ear claims my obferva | fages in the World great troubles 3 a3 inthe Air as a : rms, tem- pefts, great winds, thunder, lightning, peftilential, difeates, death of great cate, ¢ fruits of the earth; e cited, Tmight en~ | manifeftly operating in thofe places t Saturn i od ith o3 1 fc Saturn in the firft houfein [ with os in the fourth the Df large further hereon bur—awanting Page toom Tthall now according to Ptolomey, thatf clude the Spring quart sr (which ends : ‘ he: June 1d. 9 hegg m. after : d my laft years Almanack with, which with aan ya - es . . > : .of mY uponthe F ©. extream hor, with thunder, lightning-and tempeft 5 heats ang J firft.d. of 1 up cufpof the a a. |. Hai i, ‘ F rati a reflection to the ¢f opr}. : Same are. thofe other configuration® me 4 *y P> Of Autumn or. the Harve quarter. wich thot and é in tl. "And now that no unquiet Spirits may Mich is the laft Aftroniomical quarter, cording to our Exglifh account 3 Itis but the third ac. ¥ iRurb on jon, or ony peace annoy + . by nature cold a: : Pe hacen may invade ad “a fp en aatiers be seo. the Seana wen ps kind will {pares je earth. a t ing at the Suns in rele j a Which of no Age, no Sex, 10) ou hich 1s on Sept. 12. nh. Yo. my afte Brels Into ses ux own ambition firftlet us delfroy, git anes ] . t noon, at whar time the i oH Ged 2 lore — his wrath away. ays and nights are of equal length, the Sun niles and fets atéa. xs Thea Goa imph ; dock, and hath neither amplitude nor declivation from the Si ator, tempering the air with Moderation, abating the heat, & : Of the Summer Quarters | may be called our fecond Spring, it being a fit time to take Phy- “| fick, ce 4 One iar ns carth pnts forth he mo . hen the Sunis artived to che highep wrees jot forth tender branchesstill the fin arive: Hich ee al altinide, or his greateft deah ime the air ismade more cold and moift, oft times producing : oer wih fide of the Equator, which is always when airy and mifty weathets till he comesinrg 7, ar what time a. nation on oh ote int of the tropical figa >, and making | giin the air is oft (ubtilized and made ferene, byreafon 7 is a he rouchet h-fi ae the Equator the longeft dayes and thoryes | fgn of the fiery criplicice, accompanied with {everal ars of a on ae . os this year on June 10. at gho. 39 mi, afe | warm Nature, oft producing morning ole a Clear days.tnthis nigh ot, Poaues whilft the Sun pafleth through 3 9 ang the sin on Dec. 19. happens an eclipte of the Moon, at +7 m. be~ noon, ai ee are the ardent beams of the Sun do concottay )) fore 3 in the morn. 5 it is cele Srated in 6d. 28m. of ¥ the D:in ay, in wi - “of the earth, maturating them to perfeciong) @.t0 0 .and hy and ¢ oppofing cach other, but for want of f h ae fea + About the time of this ingrefs the Air yj ea hm oe Ne Bie. yee the pofituréof the hea: or the w 2A in, fometimes cool and anoy } ens for the time of this Eclipfe,bue tt that fee it, will find the be troubled, and weather uncertain, fom dan ir and 20 d. of & in the é ates C Fd. N, ow according to Origanus ¢ is Lordief the eclipg ata taken 5 beware of furfeits, difcafesgf{ mid-heaven, now a “and: 4 ote weys e od Vlomarh “weak digeftion; With infirmities of the) by being depofitee of tie place defetted, and aes colignificator si oy ees witndinels and corruption of the bload, byreafon fhe is Ruler of ‘the mid-heaven, alfo of the a(cendants idneys, rbs afrefh, and ny antient people wil! dye, which will be the produg of thy | miplicity, the D alfo being in her terms the © and S will alte. t : ion of the Heavens at the time be concerned herein 5 now this eclipic happening in Y, and fo- Summer an. ee tain aad the 58 of Cnt fated in the houfe of death, and ending in the angle of quarrels eae ene ae feparace from (J, and applics to a ej the defected place not being beheld by its depofiter, nor any ; A of © and h atthe time of the ingrefs a 11 of the @ | fiendly A(peé of fortunate Planets, b bya § of © intimates th, a Aof © an 1 od ofthe®, and 9 of oan death to'common people, and animofities in the World ; this and g 5 A of are %; fh and 8 > nd’a Tide of p and | Eclipfe being celebrated in a fign of the fiery triplicity, and g Qa a lace ae fs i bh ¥ a @ being retroprads depofiter hereof, it naturally figuifies dro’ el » Be. but by reafon” Boar which various configurations we may expect various ee . s Caedeone wk a o - vie ee We v , Ses is {ufet S ng Van aery figa we may feats, according to their feveral fignifications, Let cis ‘ul ‘tionally expect great Winds, &e, herein f being loc for the Spring quarter: eighth from the place defeéted, which confirms my I Harriffon, “168g. ne ——. Sin mM satwhar | ow

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