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Current marketing situation

Burger King was founded in__ by __. It is famously known by its _____.
Then, It was expanded its store in Indonesia, the first retail store was open
in 1980, but during that, the market of Burger King itself was still low.
Thus, the company was closed their retail store in Indonesia. Not as
permanently closed, Burger King re-opened their store again in April 2007
within the biggest branch in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, Burger King try
to _____. In most recent years, Burger King has grown its business and
open ____ branches. Among from those all branches, Burger King still has
a numerous store that located in Jakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia.
Although it has a lot of store in Indonesia, but actually Burger King still
develop its market only in JABODETABEK, Bandung, Bali, and Lombok.

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