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SURAH BAQARAH (2:21-22) Main Theme

These verses of Surah Baqarah are about

Allah, the creator and cherisher of all
mankind, the earth and the heavens and
hence exclusively worthy of worship and
adoration. Exclusive worship of Allah is
mandatory because He alone is the Creator
and cherisher of all and that is the reason why
Quran speaks particularly of His attribute of
Rabb i.e., the cherisher. Surah Fatihah speaks
of His majesty by declaring Praise be to Allah
the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
These verses speak of four basic favors of
Allah: The creation of man himself, the
creation of earth and heavens, the sending of
rain and the growth of fruits. The word used
for earth is farsh and this term used in the
Quran implies that the earth is most suited
sustain life so that human beings can pass a
comfortable physical, intellectual and spiritual
life here. The earth has been covered with the
canopy of heavens known as the sky
providing a roof for human beings to live
beneath it on earth. Our whole life, both
physical and spiritual depends upon Allah. The
physical life is symbolized by the earth while
the spiritual is symbolized by the canopy of
heaven. As it is reported in The Quran Who
has made the earth a resting place for you":
i.e. worship your Lord Who created you and
created the earth for you leveled and
smoothed just like a bed to make living upon
it easy for Importance of the theme These
beautiful verses are instigating the Muslims to
ponder over the endless favors bestowed by
Allah Almighty. The idea underlying the
mentioning of all these favors is that when
human beings themselves admit and
acknowledge that all this has been granted by
Allah alone then they must realize that only
He deserves our worship, obedience and
servitude. To set up others equal in rank with
Allah means to hold others besides Allah
worthy of service and worship. The false gods
may be idols, superstitions, pride of race,
birth, wealth or position, power or learning. In
fact solely a believer should strive to attain
Taqwa (Fear of Allah) by completely
submitting himself before Allah, as it is the
foundation of all virtue in Muslims life and
certain way to attain success in both the

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