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Victoria Holt

Statistical Review
Below show the results of the questionnaire that I created for my animation. I got 10 people
in the class to fill them out.
1. The first question asked is the animation about 30
seconds with the credits. 80% of people said that Is the animation about 30
my animation was equal to 30 seconds. The other seconds with credits?
20% said that my animation was less than, however
this is not true as my animation lasts around 32
seconds. This means no one thought my animation
was more than 30 seconds in length. I am happy
with the result of this question as it means everyone
was happy with the length and it meets the criteria. Less than More than Equal to 30 seconds

2. Question 2 was about whether or not the plot is easy to understand and why. From the
results, it seems that 100% of people answered yes, to whether the plot made sense. One
person said that it was very clear and simple; three people said the narration helps tell
the story. These are good comments as it means younger children will easily understand
what is happening in my animation, especially because of the voiceovers.

3. When I asked the 10 people whether the voiceovers and music is suitable, all 10 of them
said that they were whilst. This is a good thing as it means that the volume and clarity is
very good and does not need any amendments.

4. Question 4 was where I asked if my animation is targeted correctly to the 5 - 11 year olds
age group. When looking at my results I found 10 out of 10 people thought that it did.
When I asked why, these are some of the responses I got:
Its suitable for boys and girls
The characters look friendly
Its simple but effective
Its got suitable characters
Its easy to understand
Children often dance at a young age

5. For question 5 I asked if my animation is professional for use in the BBC and the response
was that 100% of people said that it was. This means that it is likely that the animation
will be shown on the BBC, according to my peers.
Victoria Holt

6. For this question, I asked my peers on my

questionnaire if my animation runs smoothly Does my animation run
throughout. They could choose from three smoothly throughout?
answers, yes, no or sometimes. 2/10 people said
that the animation only runs smoothly
sometimes and the other 80% said that my
animation runs smoothly for the whole thing. I
think a couple of people put sometimes because
of the way my characters legs and arms were
Yes Sometimes No

7. Question 7 is where I asked people to rate my

animation as a whole on a scale of 1-10, 1 being What would you rate my
bad. 30% of the 10 people I asked rated my animation on a scale of 1-10?
animation a 7, 20% rated it an 8, another 30% 1 = bad
rated it a 9 and the other 20% rated it a 10. As a
whole, I think these ratings are good for my
animation as there all above 5. Overall, I think
this gives my animation a positive rating and
everyone clearly liked it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. The last question is where I asked if there was

anything, I could change about my animation. I Is there anything I can
got a few mixed responses from this question but
change about my animation?
overall most people said that my animation didnt
need any changes or improvements. A couple of
people suggested that I make the movements and
whole animation smoother and another person
said to make it more clear what its about. 70% of
people said nothing so I they must of liked my
animation. Overall, I think most people liked the
Nothing Movements Make it clear
idea in general. If I get a chance to upgrade my
work, I might take some of the improvement advice on board.

In conclusion, I am happy with the results I gathered from my questionnaire as I got a high rating
for my animation and there were not many comments for improvement. I am also happy as
everyone thought that the animation meets the assignment criteria well. Everyone thinks that
my animation is suitable for the correct target audience. I am pleased with my product and from
the results, it is clear that my peers think so too.

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