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In response to the jury's question: You ar error insofar as the State dismissed Counts 5, 6, Instructed that Jury Instruction 69 was in ,, and 10, whereas Instruction 69 references dismissal of Counts 4, 5, 8, 10. Thus, Count 4 was not dismissed, but Count 6 (originally described as Money Laundering) was the trial only in relation to the remai of Money Laundering admitted in this tri any evidence you might have thought was addu deliberate as to the charges that remain. If evid that may have been related to Count 6, you are: ordered stricken by this Court and may not be You may therefore consider the evidence from in your deliberations. There was no evidence jou may not consider that original charge, or din relation to that charge, when you snce was elicited or admitted during the instructed that all such evidence has been since sidered in any way during your di

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