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The classroom rules were created by the students. We had a class discussion, and
established the rules for the classroom. The students then created a poster with the
rules on it. The poster is displayed in our classroom.
1. You can only have food and drinks when permitted by the teacher.
This rule was created to ensure cleanliness and safety in the classroom. If
something is spilled, someone can slip. The spill and crumbs can cause pest
in the classroom.
2. Use proper voice. Examples are six inch, loud and proud, yelling.
Students are respectful if they are not trying to speak over each other. This
rules allows everyone to her instructions. We discussed where and when
certain voices are okay to use.
3. Listen when someone else is talking.
Students are respectful if they are not trying to speak over each other. This
rules allows everyone to her instructions
4. Always use walking feet.
This allows the students to get to their destination safely.
5. Always bring your supplies to class.
This rule avoids interruptions from student asking to get something.

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